Healthy Sandwiches


I like to cook. I love to make dinners. It allows me the time to be creative and it’s my therapeutic down-time. I am going to be honest, making lunch has always been my least favorite meal to prepare. There are always so many things to do in the day and making lunch just takes more time than I want to spend in the kitchen in the middle of the day. I have a few easy go-to meals for myself that are easy and take little time. But, when it’s lunch time at the beach where we make our summer home, I go into a full-on fun activity (albeit at lightning speed) frenzy to make a healthy picnic lunch to bring to the beach. And sandwich making is the easiest and still I can be creative in the kitchen.  
Here are some ideas that are easy healthy sandwich options:
I love my eggs and I love my avocado! And the combo is fantastic! Click here for a great sandwich!
What about tuna? A great combo is red onion and kalamata olive with tuna stuffed into a pita. Click here for the recipe.
I love hummus and you can take it anywhere! Click here for a great way to add it to your sandwich!
For the meat eater why not try a roast beef sandwich. Click here for an easy recipe.
And a good turkey sandwich. Click on the link for inspiration.
For more ideas check out my Pintrest!





Unless you are living under a rock (and no judgement from me if that’s where you chose to reside), you have heard of “zoodles”. Whether it’s zucchini, squash or beets, I think that being able to turn your ordinary vegetables into a pasta like dish is utterly fantastic! You can either take a short-cut and buy already made zoodles in the supermarket (I admit to this) or do it yourself with a small machine that’s called a “veggetti” (I love saying the name! It just rolls off my tongue and makes me smile!).
But, no matter how you make it, zoodles are a great fun way to eat your veggies. For those of you who like to cook, here’s a simple recipe for a basic tomato and zoodle salad. And if you click on here you will find another great recipe for butternut squash zoodles.
So, cut your pasta carbs (unless you are traveling to Italy and then by all means have pasta at every meal!) and try using zoodles instead!


Carbs can be Healthy


Many people wonder how to lose weight. Should they cut carbs or cut fat? When everyone was crazed with cutting out carbs, those who did lost a lot of weight. Similarly, when those who cut out fat from their diet, like the butter they stopped putting on their potato, the pounds melted off. It has been found that cutting either carbs or fats shaves off excess weight in about the same proportion. So, what’s the trick? The best way to go about successful weight loss? Sticking to a plan is the best way!

When I work with clients to help them lose weight, what I have found is helping clients to stay on track is the key. If for example a client is a carb-lover, choosing a diet that includes your favorite carbs is a better strategy than banishing them altogether, feeling deprived, and then giving up.

Here’s how to keep your favorite carbs as part of your healthy eating plan:

Potatoes are often considered a diet no-no because of how we eat them—as high-calorie french fries, potato chips and mashed with butter and sometimes with gravy. However, if you want to have a potato, think about having it baked, broiled or roasted and without the high-cal toppers.

For those who love pasta, you can have it too! Americans tend to over eat pasta by adding lots of heavy sauces, meats and butter. So, try my 50/50 rule. First, mix traditional pasta with either whole wheat or spinach or chickpea pasta so that grains and fiber are boosted. Then add plenty of tomatoes, roasted veggies and dark leafy green (spinach or kale work great!).

Many people feel that bread is their ultimate diet “don’t” – but not all breads are created equal when it comes to weight gain. I can tell you that the smell and taste of fresh bread out of the oven feels like the ultimate indulgence! Don’t try to banish bread from your diet, just choose the healthier whole-grain options. Also, enjoy bread with other foods—especially those with protein and fiber–to slow down the digestion of the carbs in bread. Look for whole-grain breads that have at least 2 grams and 3-4 grams protein per serving or “light” store-bought breads that are sliced thinner. (Generally they have about 50-60 calories per serving.)

So, if you love a good potato or pasta or bread, don’t deprive yourself- just eat in moderation and make it healthy!


Healthy Digestion


Who likes to feel bloated? I can honestly say it is not something I ever hear. Healthy digestive practices are so important that I am going to outline a few basic ayurvedic (a form of alternative medicine that is the traditional system of medicine of India and seeks to treat and integrate body, mind, and spirit using a comprehensive holistic approach especially by emphasizing diet, herbal remedies, exercise, meditation, breathing, and physical therapy) tips for eating for better digestion and more satisfaction during and after your meals.
SLOW DOWN- When you are rushing around it’s hard to be present and what ends up happening is you make not so great choices about what you are going to eat. Simply paying attention to your mind and body allows you to plan around meal time and make healthy choices.
SIT DOWN- Sitting down while eating is as important for the digestive organs as it is for the mind. The organs relax and prepare to do their jobs when you sit. Take a few deep breaths and enjoy your mealtime.
EAT MORE PROTEIN AND HEALTHY FAT AT LUNCH AND DINNER- Taking the time to focus on solid nutrition at midday ensures that your body is properly fueled and food is fully digested throughout the afternoon.
EAT WHEN YOU ARE HUNGRY- Snacks can be very beneficial during the day but only needed when you are hungry. How many times have you found your hand in your kids chip bag or eating the last bit of mac n cheese when you were giving them a snack after school? And you weren’t even hungry- you just “wanted” it! In order to preserve a strong digestive tract, pausing before a snack to tune in to your stomach is good practice. Check in with yourself and wait 10 minutes before snacking. It is likely the compulsion to eat will subside. It is common for this desire to come in the evening as well, when the mind is still hyperactive from the day. So, eat when you are hungry to fuel body.
HAVE CONSISTENT MEALTIMES- The whole system, mind and body, responds well to routine. Consistent mealtimes helps to train your digestive system.
EAT SEASONAL AND LOCAL- Enjoy eating fresh foods that have had minimal processing and help to balance the environment.


July 4th 2018


July 4th is almost here! For many people, the best way to celebrate the Fourth of July is with friends, barbecue, and a few cold drinks. But have you ever looked at the calorie counts and sugar levels for most popular and commercial drinks? Or beers? You can ask yourself if a day of indulging is worth waking up the next morning feeling bloated, puffy, and achey?
Instead of reaching for sugary mixers and too-sweet wine this holiday, why not try these non-alcoholic drink recipes. They’ll give you a chance to relax without ruining your diet!
Kombucha ice tea- kombucha has a well earned reputation as a probiotic powerhouse. This fermented tea can help you boost your health by improving your body’s efficiency at absorbing nutrients, improving your mood, and helping you lose weight. I would suggest you buy a low sugar tea (click here for a good one that’s easy to find). You can add some lemons and a bit more sweetness (I like honey) if you need to.
Fruit smoothie- In a large blender add all these and blend:
mixed berries (raspberries, strawberries or blackberries are great)
1 whole pineapple—remove skin and cut up in smaller pieces (you can also used canned but without the sugar water)
½ cup of lime juice
Stevia, or raw honey, to desired sweetness
2½ cups of sparkling or seltzer water
3 cups of ice.
Blend and serve chilled!
Flavored water- Love adding fresh fruit (berries and lime or citrus and berries) and lots of ice to drink all day.
Living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy the things you love- being with friends and family without the headache the next day!




I love blueberries! I can eat them straight out of the crate or mixed into my cereal. Back in the early 90’s when muffins were all the rage and touted as a healthy part of your breakfast, my ultimate favorite was a oat bran blueberry muffin! How healthy was the one muffin a day that I was having? Probably loaded with sugar and butter and white cake flour and very little healthful ingredients. But, it tasted so good! I fooled myself into thinking that I was eating something healthy. After all, blueberries are loaded with antioxidants. They are low in fat and high in fiber and naturally sweet. Blueberries have been shown to improve memory, delay cognitive aging and Alzheimer's disease and protect against age-related macular degeneration. So, when they are in season why wouldn’t you want to eat them! Here’s a great healthy recipe to try for gluten-free blueberry oat bran muffins- the healthy kind! Click here for the recipe!




It is often common practice for people to add honey to their drinks or foods rather than white table sugar as they believe it’s a healthier choice. But is it? Honey is a nutritious, natural sweetener, a concentrated energy source, and an ancient folk remedy for health and healing. Honey is also an active ingredient in beauty and skin-care products.
Nutritionally speaking, raw honey contains very small amounts of a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and disease-fighting antioxidants that, theoretically, make it more healthful than granulated white sugar. But, don’t be fooled. Honey is mostly a combination of glucose and fructose — some of the same sugary substances that make up white sugar (though in varying proportions) — as well as other liquid sweeteners from natural sources, such as agave and maple syrup. Compared with granulated sugar, honey is sweeter, higher in calories, and higher in carbs and total sugars. But, honey is good for you in small doses! It has natural healing properties and can be used in a variety of ways.

Here are some ways to use honey to sweeten your day:

  • Add a few drops to vinaigrette dressing to sweeten green salad and side dish vegetables.
  • Combine with equal parts mustard and just a dab of mayo to make your own honey-mustard sauce for dipping chicken fingers and spreading on sandwiches.
  • Whisk honey into whipped cream cheese or ricotta; add grated lemon, orange, grapefruit, or lime zest (peel), or try ground cinnamon or ginger. Spread it on muffins or quick breads, or use as cupcake frosting.
  • Drizzle over an open-faced nut butter sandwich.
  • Combine with yogurt and fruit in a bowl or blend into smoothies



Strawberries are in peak season now! They are such a versatile fruit that it is no wonder they are the most popular berry in the world!
Ever wonder what’s the best way to select strawberries? Well, if you are lucky enough to go and pick your own local berries, look for firm, plump, mold-free berries that have a shiny, deep red color and intact green stems. Steer clear of berries that are dull in color with green or yellow patches—once picked, strawberries do not continue to ripen. When you are in the market, make sure that prepackaged strawberries are not packed too tightly, as this can cause damage. Strawberries are the ideal snack or dessert in the summer time.  And the best news is that despite how sweet strawberries taste, they are actually low in sugar.
Here are some ideas of how to increase strawberries into your day:

  • Add a portion to breakfast – a great way to add natural sweetness to cereal in the morning or even to pancakes if you have having a treat.
  • Add a portion to a mid morning smoothie – when made with natural yogurt, a smoothie can be a great addition to your day. Click here for an easy smoothie recipe.
  • Add to salads such as a chicken and strawberry salad with spinach leaves – a very colourful and nutritious mid day meal. Click here for an easy salad recipe.

Enjoy this amazing fruit while it’s in the peak of its season!


Ice Cream


I know it’s almost summer when I see the ice cream trucks on the corner of the parks and the children forming lines to pick out their favorite good humor bar. I can’t help but smile at the memory of my own kids with dripping ice cream goop down their faces and all over their hands and clothes as they enjoyed their cool treat.
I rarely see an adult on line at the ice cream truck, but, I know first hand that ice cream sales are on the rise as adults enjoy an ice cream too. Just look at the overwhelming variety in the freezer section at the local supermarket. But what is a healthy ice cream? I always say if the label has 5 ingredients that you can pronounce and know what they are, you are in good shape. However, if you have to struggle to pronounce the ingredients and even use your dictionary, forget it! And, if the advertisements say it’s too good to be true, it probably is!
If you click on the link here there is a good summary of healthy (or not) ice cream choices. What’s my overall opinion on eating ice cream? I went to college in “America’s Dairy Land” where the ice cream was heaven and the freshman 15 was all about the ice cream. Lucky for my waist, many years later, my days in Wisconsin are limited to once a year visit!

Healthy Start to Summer

Warm weather is finally here! Here are a few tips to get you started for a healthy summer:

  • Make time for yourself- carve out time for you alone because you are important!
  • Make time for your workout- make working out a habit that you stick to!
  • Stay hydrated- water is the best form of hydration. Stay energized and refreshed throughout the day!
  • Focus on healthy eating- incorporate healthy foods into your everyday meals by stocking up on the essentials. Load up on fresh fruits and produce!

Make this summer the best healthiest summer ever!


Here we are!


I believe in “kismet”. It’s the moment you meet someone and there is an instant attraction.  
The days turn into weeks, the weeks months, and you know how it goes- you can’t even remember how long you have known each other because you feel like you’ve been friends forever!  And so my friendship with Kelly began. We first met in the elevator in the building where we both lived in the east 50’s. She describes me as having a “giraffe like fit body,  an over styled hippie chick look with a tiny tiny baby bump. Natural, sweet and confident you could go out in public with your hair back in a ponytail,  throw on a t-shirt, ripped jeans and cowboy boots and plenty of bracelets and rings”.
I didn’t care that my boots were from Billy Martin circa 1988 or that I wore too much jewelry. I could make it all work! She will tell you that she was a “fat cow”.  She wasn’t!  She was 6 months pregnant ahead of me, she had been on bed rest and was spending her days watching talk shows, making her own necklaces in bed with beads and wire, inspired by Reinstein Ross and eating pints of ice cream (haagen daz, not the low cal Halo brand). In her words, she says “getting heavy seemed like the only easy thing for me at that time. I was so stressed, worried about my pregnancy”.  She had suffered a late miscarriage the year before and was on high alert.
 Kelly will tell you that she wore her husbands' shirts and black maternity pants. “There was no wardrobe for me. I did buy 2 shirts in the maternity shop, one white, one blue. A go to uniform that no matter what your size one can always pull off”.
She had great style, no matter her size,  that she owns!
All these years later, her baby girl and my two kids, almost 20 years past, we have remained close friends. We are like 2 peas in a pod, knowing what each other are thinking even before it comes out of our mouths!
Kelly is rarely without looking pulled together- she and her classic blazers, white, black or blue silk blouse, jeans, fancy heels or boots (or cool sneakers for the days she walks all over town), never frizzy locks of blonde paired classically with her gold and diamond jewels- classic and stylish. People are always asking her if she would shop for them,  chose their jewelry and basically  say “Tell me what to wear”   She knows her stuff as a jewelry designer and stylist. She travels from coast to coast, NY to LA and some times in Florida . While she has a free spirit she is also grounded and practical but above all, her love for life, family and friends is contagious!
I am a formally trained and licensed clinical therapist and nutritionist, and for many years my focus has been helping individuals achieve their optimal health. I don’t believe in a “one size fits all” nutrition plan. Instead, I work with clients one-on-one, supporting them as they make positive changes based on lifestyle and food preferences. I use a personalized, holistic approach that is unique to each client. I am a native New Yorker, a true city girl but in my next life I will be a cowgirl on a ranch in the mountains where I can wear my cowboy boots and no one thinks twice! While I do exercise often, on a rare occasion I will indulge in a really good piece of chocolate cake!
I believe in nutrition, wellness and balance.  
Together, Kelly & I are offering our clients a 3, 5 or 6 week package deal!  
We will start by shopping with you in your own wardrobe & home.  
What to wear (Kelly)
What to eat (Rachel).
With you we will go through your closets, jewelry, your pantry and fridge and suggest repurposing some of it, edits & trashing others.  A purge with purpose!
For a brand new view of a more comfortable, healthy & stylish you! Contact us to find out more!
Rachel’s website is and my contact is
Kelly’s website is and her contact is
After all summer is around the corner.




What I Eat


I believe in consistency. My family says that I am boring. Where is my sense of adventure they ask. I am always up for an adventure (I really would love to go race car driving and sky diving) but when it comes to my meals I eat what I know makes me feel good and I stay on a straight path. I eat 3 meals a day and only when I am hungry will I grab a healthy snack. You won’t see me eating chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast or milkshakes at lunch. Nor will I eat fettuccine alfredo for dinner or eggplant parmigiana.
I always eat breakfast and usually before I start my workout around 8am. But, before I do I have a bottle (16.9 oz) as I take my multivitamins and other nutritional supplements. This is like watering a plant, it helps to revive me. I then will have a cup off coffee with a touch of soy milk (it froths great in the mini frother from nespresso) and it makes me happy! My breakfast is either 2 hard boiled egg whites and a few gg bran crackers. Now I know that this is not a glamorous breakfast but it is easy and I don’t have to take a lot of time making it and it and it starts my day off strong.
Lunch is around 1pm ish and if I am home I will make a salad with italian tuna or leftover salmon (from dinner the nite before) and add a bunch of spinach and some garbanzo beans and hearts of palm and of course avocado! I will also add any leftover veggies from the nite before (it’s an easy way to add to my lunch!). Many times when my kids and their friends are over they will ask me for my salad and I will go crazy and add more veggies, including black olives, edamame, goat cheese, dried dates, nuts and seeds, corn, beets and asparagus. I call it the kitchen sink salad! I use fresh lemon and balsamic vinegar for the dressing. Now, If I am feeling ultra lazy and home alone for lunch I will have a serving of greek non-fat plain yogurt with some berries and my homemade granola.
Since I eat a hearty lunch if I feel a bit hungry for a snack it is typically a cut apple or banana and a few raw almonds or cashews. I also like an occasional protein bar (I am loving RX bars) or my homemade energy bites (click here for a recipe)  as I find that this keeps me feeling satisfied til dinner time.
I love to prepare dinner for myself and my family. My easy go-to is salmon teriyaki with a one pan-roasted vegetable dish. I usually make a side of quinoa and the meal is complete. Click here for the easiest salmon recipe and click here for the one pan veggie dish. When you cook the quinoa make as directed and it’s easy!
Sweets are fruits- I love a juicy orange or fresh mango for dessert after dinner.
I believe in eating real food and practicing what I preach. But, on few occasions, the frozen chocolate chip cookie or brownie that I keep in my freezer (for emergencies only) pops into my mouth!



I have so much admiration for the men and women who run the marathon. It takes months of dedication and hard work that allow a runner to run the run. I often say to myself in another life I would like to run a marathon. What stops me I ask myself? It’s not the hard work or dedication that I couldn’t handle. And I know I would find many friends along the training route that I would enjoy being with. What stops me is that it is hard on your body. It is physically brutal. But, for those of you who want to step up their exercise program in order to feel better about yourself and to lose weight, then running is part of the answer (the other part is healthy eating and the right amount of rest).
I am not going to lie, if your body can handle it (especially your feet and knees) running is a great way to slim down and shed some pounds. I would suggest that you start with a run/walk program (where you run for a given amount of time, then walk, then run again). This type of program keeps you moving for a longer period of time. You may work out for 30 to 40 minutes or even an hour with a run/walk program, whereas with a run-only program, you might not be able to go a full 20 minutes. If your goal with running is weight loss, then you are—at least in the beginning—better served with longer workouts at lower intensities. Running intensely can often lead to injuries. But don’t forget to incorporate strength training as it’s equally important for weight loss and health. Bottom line is that running is a great way to lose weight. All you need to do is be patient, knowing this is a journey and may take a few weeks and maybe even months. But, if you're patient, you'll see good results from your running efforts.





Kombucha Tea


There are so many drink options it’s hard to know what to drink for health. Personally, you can’t go wrong with plain water! But, what about when you want something else. Have you heard about “kombucha tea”
Here are some details:
This fermented drink with ancient roots has been touted as a complete cure-all. It has the properties of the fountain of youth, and an energy elixir. Many believe that this tea prevents cancer, relieves arthritis pain, enhances immunity, detoxifies your liver, improves your digestion, clear up acne, slows hair loss, and fight everyday fatigue.
However, there is little scientific evidence to support these claims. In fact, most store bought kombucha tea are not that different than a can of cola. Some of the store bought teas are sweetened with cane juice, fruit juice or fruit purees. And some plain drinks taste like apple cider vinegar. But, everyone has their own tastes. It is possible that one justs enjoys the way it tastes and believes in it’s magic (we call this believing in the placebo effect- that it has special curative powers). So, do I think you should go grab a bottle of kombucha tea? If you enjoy it, why not. My advice is to just watch the sugar, especially if you're drinking kombucha on a regular basis. And at this point, I wouldn’t expect any health miracles from drinking kombucha tea, just enjoy it for what it is- just a drink. Not a magic drink!


Healthy Breakfast Ideas


Out of the blue, everyone started to eat avocado toast. You couldn’t go to a restaurant without it being offered on the menu front and center! This idea of smearing mashed avocado on a piece of bread wasn’t very original. And yet, this fad hasn’t seemed to dissipate. And why should it? It’s totally healthy and delicious! And there are so many ways to serve it: from adding anytype of egg on top or smoked salmon on whole wheat bread or a high fiber cracker. But, for those of you who are sick to death and need some more breakfast options I started to think of some other ideas that are equally delicious and readily available on a menu or at DIY at home.

What do I think of “pancakes”? Well, my foodie daughter can eat them with chocolate chips and whip cream and still fit into her jeans. But, she’s also starved an hour later. Why? Because basic pancakes are simple stacks of sugar. How about a healthy version? Searching the web, I found a great recipe for pancakes with greek yogurt and gluten-free oats. This not only satisfies your sweet tooth, but also is a great source of protein. Click here for the recipe.

Remember eating PB&J as a kid? We ate so much of it growing up that I boycotted it as a young adult. But as I have “matured”, peanut butter has taken on a new twist. I love PB and sliced banana on whole grain toast or raisin whole grain bread or fiber crackers and sprinkle chia seeds on top!

Want more of a grab and go? How about making a smoothie the nite before and putting it in the freezer. Take it out in the morning and it will thaw easily as you go about your morning. What do you put in your smoothie? I like frozen fruit (berries and either banana or mango are great), add some Greek yogurt and a liquid of your choice (milk, juice, coconut water—whatever you like). Another great idea for a smoothie is blend frozen bananas, peanut butter, soy milk, Greek yogurt, honey, and a few ice cubes. And you can add a scoop of your favorite chocolate or vanilla protein for an extra protein boost.

I love eggs for breakfast but taking the time to make a nice batch of fluffy eggs with all of my veggies takes too much time for a weekday morning. Ever heard of “overnite eggs”? Neither had I. But, cooking eggs the nite before in a slow cooker is a great idea. Layer veggies, breakfast meat (maybe your craving turkey sausage?), low fat cheese and add egg and milk mixture. Click here for a how-to recipe for a breakfast casserole.

I love oatmeal. It’s warm and hearty and easy to make. But I have found a few other ways to enjoy it. Overnite oats is easy to make the nite before as well as making a batch of baked oatmeal. Click here for a recipe for overnite oats. Click here for a recipe for baked oatmeal.

These are just a few healthy breakfast ideas. The ideas are never ending!




Spring is the Perfect Time to Lose Weight


We have all heard that timing is everything. Well, now is your time to get healthy and shed those few extra pounds that came along over the long winter season. I believe it to be true that longer days and sunnier skies prompt changes to our brain and body that can make losing weight—and keeping it off—easier than usual. I am going to share a few of the seasonal changes that are working in our favor this spring season.

  • As the temperatures heat up, we are less hungry. It makes sense that your appetite decreases in the summer because your body is trying to keep cool.
  • For many people, there's a direct correlation between mood and weather. Warmer weather means a happier self and you probably don’t crave heavier fattier foods like you do in colder temps. Plus, when you are feeling positive you are more likely to take yourself out for a walk or go to the gym for an intense training session.
  • It’s easier to find and enjoy healthier food options. Spring and summer outings are more likely to feature cold salads, shrimp and chicken skewers, and lots of stone fruit, berries, and watermelon. And people tend to want more plant-based foods and less meat in warm weather. I love the cool refreshing taste of green juice, fruit smoothies or cold veggie soups during the warm weather. I also love to add chickpeas, lentils and other beans to my salad for extra protein and fiber.
  • Just as food gets lighter in warmer temps, so do drinks. Our bodies are less likely to crave a mocha hot chocolate and are more thirsting for cool drinks. Iced green tea is a great choice as the compound in green tea, EGCG, has been associated with increased fat burning, appetite control, and weight loss. Just make sure you don’t overdo the added sugar! You can use mint for natural sweetness.

Take the time to listen to your body and enjoy the season of sunshine and warmth! For more information and guidance contact me at

A Keto Diet

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Everyday I hear about a new diet that people are on, I find it hard to know what is the best one for weight loss. Actually, that’s not true- I know better! The best one to follow is to have a regular exercise program that you like to do daily, eat a balanced diet that consists of real whole foods that aren’t processed and to stay hydrated by drinking water and to get a good amount of rest (those zzz’s are very important).
But, let me tell you about the latest fad that people are on- actually, it’s been around for a long time (from body builders to treating patients who have epilepsy).  But, somehow what’s old is new again. It’s called the “Keto” diet.
The keto diet is an eating plan that consists of 80 percent fat and little to no carbohydrates. Staples of the keto diet are fish, meat, eggs, dairy, oils, and green vegetables. Pasta, rice and other grains, potatoes, and fruits are strictly prohibited. Not so bad, right? I mean who wouldn’t want to eat whipped cream, mayonnaise, butter, and cheese? Keto works by changing the way the body turns food into energy. Typically, during digestion, we break down carbohydrates into molecules of fructose, galactose, and glucose which serves as the body’s primary source of energy. When the body can’t draw it from carbohydrates it looks for other forms of energy. The keto diet deliberately places the body in a state of ketosis, where fat is released from cells and turned into ketones, the body’s plan B for energy production.
Should you try this type of eating? Will you lose weight if you go on this type of diet? At first, yes. In the early weeks of the diet, you’ll drop a noticeable number of pounds while eating a satisfying amount of food (the fat that you eat will leave you feeling full).  But, really, this type of weight loss is not sustainable. It’s mainly water weight. And, I believe that if you really want to try the keto diet, it’s important to talk to your doctor first about your body’s nutrient needs, your cholesterol levels, and your risk of heart disease. For a diet that has this dramatic an effect on the inner workings of your body, best to equip yourself with advice of a medical professional. Personally, it’s not my thing. For anyone with a history of disordered eating it’s so restrictive that it interferes with daily interactions with food and a person’s relationship with food. It’s counterintuitive to mindful eating.
For information as to how to eat healthy, contact me at



Eat Your Vitamins

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Since I was a little girl, I can still remember the sweet taste of the liquid multivitamin drop that my mom use to give me every morning. Good habits are hard to break and to this day I continue to take a multivitamin and a quite a few more vitamins (B-12, D, Omega, glucosamine, probiotic). Does it make me feel healthier, stronger and more energetic? Taking vitamins certainly doesn’t hurt. But, I know it’s not a “magic pill” and I know that I have to eat well, exercise daily and sleep regularly in order to enhance the efficacy of the supplements I take. But, truthfully a person doesn’t necessarily have to take vitamins. You could EAT your vitamins.
Here are some great ways to EAT YOUR VITAMINS:

Vitamin C: Citrus fruits, bell peppers, guavas, dark and leafy green vegetables, kiwi, broccoli, and strawberries
Vitamin B12: Meat, fish, shellfish, poultry, eggs, and dairy products
Vitamin B9 (folate/folic acid): Beans, lentils, spinach, asparagus, lettuce, and avocado, broccoli, tropical fruits, and oranges
Vitamin B3 (niacin): Lean meats, poultry, fish, organ meats (ie: liver), peanuts and peanut butter
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): poultry, fish, soybeans, nuts, peas and bananas
And here are some ideas:
Scrambled eggs
Baked sweet potato
Roasted veggies
Apricots and raw almonds
Saute broccoli

You are what you eat!
For more information and guidance, contact me at

Giving it 100% !

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The other nite I was at a dinner party and I overheard a friend speaking to his wife. He said he was so impressed with my willpower to order a kale salad with grilled fish rather than have the ribs and cornbread. It struck me that it wasn’t willpower. I actually prefer and really like kale salad and grilled fish. I wasn’t compromising by eating the way I like. I am 100% committed to eating healthy. There isn’t a choice. That’s what makes it easy. The ability to commit.

When my clients come to see me to get healthy (whether to lose a few pounds or to gain a few pounds) they are not on the fence about it- they are not 99% sure. They are 100%! They are ready to begin their healthy journey. They are motivated. This level of motivation leads to commitment and to healthy behavioral change. Intention becomes a habit and goal is set and met. I think this is why I am against fad diets like the 80-20 diet where there is a built in “cheat” day. Unless you are committed to yourself you won’t succeed as you want to.

The ability to be successful is to be completely committed to your goal. To be completely successful and feel great, contact me for a consult!

Chickpeas- not little fart balls


I love love love chickpeas. Like other legumes, such as beans, peas, and lentils, chickpeas are high in fiber and protein, and contain several key vitamins and minerals. But, I often get asked “will eating chickpeas make me fat”? Where did this crazy notion come from? This makes me think. Well, too much of anything is not a good thing. But for the fact that eating an entire can of chickpeas will certainly leave you bloated (not to mention very gasy!), there is nothing bad about eating foods that are high in fiber and protein.
Chickpeas are a type of legume that offer a range of health benefits. Chickpeas help to increase satiety, boost digestion, keep blood sugar levels stable, increase protection against disease, fight inflamation and more.
So, while I am all about your health and living a healthy lifestyle, I bet you didn’t know is that eating chickpeas are good for your face! Eating chickpeas can actually help to eliminate wrinkles! This can be attributed to the manganese in garbanzo beans, which offers energy to cells and is known to fight free radicals that can cause wrinkles. And the B vitamins work as fuel for the cells. And another use for this veg is that you can also use chickpeas to cleanse your face. Simply mix chickpea paste with turmeric and apply the mixture to your face in the morning. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then wash off with cold water. This remedy also helps reduce age spots and brighten your face.
And for those of you who are worried about eating a gluten-free diet, you are in luck! Chickpeas are gluten-free!
There are so many great recipes for using chickpeas as part of your healthy meal. Click here for a great quinoa and chickpea salad! And it’s gluten-free as well!
So, what are you waiting for? Give these tiny but mighty superfood a try! I promise you won’t be disappointed!