I know it’s almost summer when I see the ice cream trucks on the corner of the parks and the children forming lines to pick out their favorite good humor bar. I can’t help but smile at the memory of my own kids with dripping ice cream goop down their faces and all over their hands and clothes as they enjoyed their cool treat.
I rarely see an adult on line at the ice cream truck, but, I know first hand that ice cream sales are on the rise as adults enjoy an ice cream too. Just look at the overwhelming variety in the freezer section at the local supermarket. But what is a healthy ice cream? I always say if the label has 5 ingredients that you can pronounce and know what they are, you are in good shape. However, if you have to struggle to pronounce the ingredients and even use your dictionary, forget it! And, if the advertisements say it’s too good to be true, it probably is!
If you click on the link here there is a good summary of healthy (or not) ice cream choices. What’s my overall opinion on eating ice cream? I went to college in “America’s Dairy Land” where the ice cream was heaven and the freshman 15 was all about the ice cream. Lucky for my waist, many years later, my days in Wisconsin are limited to once a year visit!