Who likes to feel bloated? I can honestly say it is not something I ever hear. Healthy digestive practices are so important that I am going to outline a few basic ayurvedic (a form of alternative medicine that is the traditional system of medicine of India and seeks to treat and integrate body, mind, and spirit using a comprehensive holistic approach especially by emphasizing diet, herbal remedies, exercise, meditation, breathing, and physical therapy) tips for eating for better digestion and more satisfaction during and after your meals.
SLOW DOWN- When you are rushing around it’s hard to be present and what ends up happening is you make not so great choices about what you are going to eat. Simply paying attention to your mind and body allows you to plan around meal time and make healthy choices.
SIT DOWN- Sitting down while eating is as important for the digestive organs as it is for the mind. The organs relax and prepare to do their jobs when you sit. Take a few deep breaths and enjoy your mealtime.
EAT MORE PROTEIN AND HEALTHY FAT AT LUNCH AND DINNER- Taking the time to focus on solid nutrition at midday ensures that your body is properly fueled and food is fully digested throughout the afternoon.
EAT WHEN YOU ARE HUNGRY- Snacks can be very beneficial during the day but only needed when you are hungry. How many times have you found your hand in your kids chip bag or eating the last bit of mac n cheese when you were giving them a snack after school? And you weren’t even hungry- you just “wanted” it! In order to preserve a strong digestive tract, pausing before a snack to tune in to your stomach is good practice. Check in with yourself and wait 10 minutes before snacking. It is likely the compulsion to eat will subside. It is common for this desire to come in the evening as well, when the mind is still hyperactive from the day. So, eat when you are hungry to fuel body.
HAVE CONSISTENT MEALTIMES- The whole system, mind and body, responds well to routine. Consistent mealtimes helps to train your digestive system.
EAT SEASONAL AND LOCAL- Enjoy eating fresh foods that have had minimal processing and help to balance the environment.