We have all heard that timing is everything. Well, now is your time to get healthy and shed those few extra pounds that came along over the long winter season. I believe it to be true that longer days and sunnier skies prompt changes to our brain and body that can make losing weight—and keeping it off—easier than usual. I am going to share a few of the seasonal changes that are working in our favor this spring season.
- As the temperatures heat up, we are less hungry. It makes sense that your appetite decreases in the summer because your body is trying to keep cool.
- For many people, there's a direct correlation between mood and weather. Warmer weather means a happier self and you probably don’t crave heavier fattier foods like you do in colder temps. Plus, when you are feeling positive you are more likely to take yourself out for a walk or go to the gym for an intense training session.
- It’s easier to find and enjoy healthier food options. Spring and summer outings are more likely to feature cold salads, shrimp and chicken skewers, and lots of stone fruit, berries, and watermelon. And people tend to want more plant-based foods and less meat in warm weather. I love the cool refreshing taste of green juice, fruit smoothies or cold veggie soups during the warm weather. I also love to add chickpeas, lentils and other beans to my salad for extra protein and fiber.
- Just as food gets lighter in warmer temps, so do drinks. Our bodies are less likely to crave a mocha hot chocolate and are more thirsting for cool drinks. Iced green tea is a great choice as the compound in green tea, EGCG, has been associated with increased fat burning, appetite control, and weight loss. Just make sure you don’t overdo the added sugar! You can use mint for natural sweetness.
Take the time to listen to your body and enjoy the season of sunshine and warmth! For more information and guidance contact me at rachel@livehealthynyc.com