Kombucha Tea


There are so many drink options it’s hard to know what to drink for health. Personally, you can’t go wrong with plain water! But, what about when you want something else. Have you heard about “kombucha tea”
Here are some details:
This fermented drink with ancient roots has been touted as a complete cure-all. It has the properties of the fountain of youth, and an energy elixir. Many believe that this tea prevents cancer, relieves arthritis pain, enhances immunity, detoxifies your liver, improves your digestion, clear up acne, slows hair loss, and fight everyday fatigue.
However, there is little scientific evidence to support these claims. In fact, most store bought kombucha tea are not that different than a can of cola. Some of the store bought teas are sweetened with cane juice, fruit juice or fruit purees. And some plain drinks taste like apple cider vinegar. But, everyone has their own tastes. It is possible that one justs enjoys the way it tastes and believes in it’s magic (we call this believing in the placebo effect- that it has special curative powers). So, do I think you should go grab a bottle of kombucha tea? If you enjoy it, why not. My advice is to just watch the sugar, especially if you're drinking kombucha on a regular basis. And at this point, I wouldn’t expect any health miracles from drinking kombucha tea, just enjoy it for what it is- just a drink. Not a magic drink!