Healthy July 4th Cocktails

Everyone loves a reason to have a party and July 4th is no exception. For many people, the best way to celebrate the Fourth of July is with friends, barbecue, and a few cold drinks. But have you ever thought about the calorie counts and sugar levels for most drinks? And what about beer? I like to have a good time but it’s not worth waking up the next morning feeling bloated, puffy, and achey.
You don’t have to forgo good food or drinks in your effort to stay healthy. There are plenty of healthy drinks that you can have without feeling guilty.

Here are a few to keep you cool and refreshed and enjoying the party:

  • Tequila-Watermelon Refresco- Easy and refreshing. Watermelon is about 92 percent water, but this refreshing fruit is soaked with nutrients. There are significant levels of vitamins A, B6 and C, lots of lycopene, antioxidants and amino acids. There's even a modest amount of potassium.
  • Red White and Blue Sangria- Loaded with berries which are filled with antioxidants. You can feel good about this drink!
  • Pinya- Baya Slushie- This is a non-alcoholic drink that feels like both a dessert and a beverage at the same time! In a large blender add all these and blend: 1 pound of mixed berries, 1 whole pineapple—remove skin and cut up in smaller pieces (you can also used canned but without the sugar water), ½ cup of lime juice, stevia, or raw honey, to desired sweetness, 2½ cups of sparkling or seltzer water, 3 cups of ice.Blend and serve chilled!

Happy Holiday!


Snack Time

Snack time is not just for kids. We adults need snacks too! Good snacks satiate hunger between meals which prevent overeating and help to lose weight. Snacks can also be a way to get valuable nutrients you're missing from meals alone.
But, not all snacks are created equal. And timing is everything. So what do I suggest?
Timing: maybe you are someone who likes to eat lunch at 12pm sharp. Then you probably don’t need a mid-morning snack. But if you eat a later lunch, then a small snack before your late lunch is needed. If you eat an early dinner you probably don’t need a snack. Later dinners call for an afternoon snack. You have to find a schedule that works for you. Remember, feeling a little hunger isn’t a bad thing as snacking can prevent that famished feeling that makes people overeat. And eating late at night won't cause weight gain, but overdoing it on your daily calorie intake will.
Include FAT, CARB, FIBER, PROTEIN in every snack. For example, an apple is great, but not by itself. Have a few almonds and you will be set!
Here are a few snack ideas:
Avocado Toast- Take half a slice of whole wheat bread, smear with either some mashed avocado or a few slices and you can top with sliced or mashed hard-boiled egg, some slices of tomato or cucumber and then a sprinkling of chia seeds or sunflower seeds.
Greek Yogurt With Apple and Walnuts- for a snack you don’t need a whole container. You can have a quarter-cup plain nonfat Greek yogurt with half an apple, a few chopped walnuts and a dash of cinnamon.
Banana and Peanut Butter- go easy on the peanut butter (or almond butter or cashew or sunflower butter). One teaspoon is all you need.
Remember, a snack is just that — a snack. It's not a mini-meal. Be mindful that prepackaged snacks like granola bars, protein bars, smoothies, or bags of crackers aren’t always the best option. Think ahead before you have a snack attack!


New Ways to Use Protein Powder

Protein helps build muscle and keeps you satiated, and eating various forms of protein (meat, poultry, fish, soy, dairy) can help you do this. But, eating or drinking protein powder is an easy and convenient way to get more of this vital nutrient into your diet. If you are like most people, you think of protein powder as something you shake up with water and chug down after a workout. And while they’re great for that, there are so many other ways to use protein powder.
Here are some easy ways:
Protein Shake- A traditional shake that I blend one serving of flavored whey protein (I prefer the vanilla flavor) powder with either cow’s milk, almond, coconut or soy milk and any fruit of choice (banana, berries, melon).
Cookies- I know, how healthy can this be? Well, I wouldn’t go an eat the whole tray, but these protein based cookies are a great energy boost! Click on this link for the recipe.
Protein Pancakes- I have never been a fan of pancakes, too sweet and leaves me feeling hungrier than I started out feeling. But these pancakes are a great source of energy and taste delicious! Click here for the recipe!


It's ok to Play!

There have been times, as silly as this sounds, that I am walking to my garden in my backyard or taking a beach walk that I have an urge to do a cartwheel (and let me tell you, I do!). Really, haven’t you had a similar urge? We, as adults, are quite serious- we are workers, thinkers, problem solvers. We strive for focus and efficiency, trying to stay on task. Being an adult is hard work! When my friend told me that her office had ping-pong tables in the middle of the workspace, for a second I thought this was insane! I thought isn’t she too old to be playing pingpong and maybe she should find a new job. I soon realized that having fun at work is just as productive as working. I am not saying to slack off, but rather we all need to laugh a bit more and indulge in playfulness. Free, open-ended, pointless play is important to all of us at all ages. As adults we can enjoy some of the same benefits that children get from play, like enjoyment, release from stress, or enhancement of memory and imagination. Being creative, spontaneous, fun loving and lighthearted allows one to better cope with stress and have an active and healthy lifestyle. In a recent survey, researchers noted that young adults who had played more as children were more likely to be healthy, to eat nutritious diets, and to get regular exercise. We should all let ourselves play more - or at least be more playful.


What to Eat at Nite After a Workout

My husband works late and comes home and often goes to the gym to “unwind” from the day. He returns home and has a late dinner. This can’t possibly be healthy so I have tried to make dinners that are on the healthier side for those late nites.
During your weight training workout you typically break down your muscles and you need the right kind of food for recovery. You need to eat something to replenish nutrients, and help your body recover from physical wear and tear. That means protein and healthy fat (to support your workout and not undo it) within 30 minutes to an hour after your workout. So, what should you eat for a late nite dinner without feeling bloated right before bed. Some great ideas are: tuna salad (hold the mayo), grilled or poached salmon, lentils, eggs, grilled chicken, hummus, and a yogurt smoothie are some options.
Here are some easy meals that don’t require much doing:
    1.    Quinoa bowl- combine 1 cup cooked quinoa with 1 cup roasted sweet potato, 1 cup of your preferred roasted veggies (I like roasted eggplant, zucchini and asparagus),  1/3 cup avocado, and 3 ounces grilled chicken.
    2.    Almond butter quesadilla
    3.    Caribbean chicken salad
    4.    Roasted butternut squash with lentils and walnuts
    5.    Strawberry oatmeal smoothie
What do you like to eat at nite after your workout? Make it healthy!


The Sunshine Vitamin

Happy Memorial Day! The “official/unofficial” start to our summer season! Oh how I love summer! It’s easy to motivate when I feel the warmth of the sun. It’s like instant happiness! That’s why it’s important to get your dose of Vitamin D. Did you know that it’s produced in your skin in response to the sunlight (many call Vitamin D the sunshine vitamin!). Naturally, your body produces vitamin D when it’s directly exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D has several important functions. Perhaps the most vital are regulating the absorption of calcium and phosphorous, and facilitating normal immune system function. Getting a sufficient amount of vitamin D is important for normal growth and development of bones and teeth, as well as improved resistance against certain diseases.
Besides getting vitamin D through sunlight, you can also get it through certain foods and supplements to ensure adequate levels of the vitamin in your blood. And, it’s easy to eat fresh fruits and vegetables in the summer time mainly because they just taste better when the sun is out! Some sources of Vitamin D are salmon, sardines, egg (the yolk), shrimp, milk (almond if you don’t do cows milk), yogurt, green leafy veggies, orange juice, whole grain oats (including oatmeal) and nuts.
So now that summer is here- get your dose of sunshine and eat right too! Get happy- it’s easy!


Will Eating Dairy Make Me Fat?

Will eating dairy make me fat? I get asked this question quite often as my clients try to lose weight. There are so many mixed messages as I look through the books at Barnes and Noble and read online. How can one possibly know the answer.
So I try to make it simple. I ask my clients if they like dairy. If the answer is “no”, it upsets their stomach or they don’t like the way cheese smells or the texture of either yogurt or cottage cheese just doesn’t do it for them, then I tell them simply- don’t eat it. There are plenty of other foods to eat that will yield the same benefits as dairy. For example, dark green vegetables such as broccoli can contain high concentrations of calcium.
If my clients say that they like dairy, then I tell them to eat it in moderation. I have to admit, that when I am abroad in a European country, there is nothing better than a fine cheese (not a wedge of kraft) paired with some fruit, crackers and a nice glass of port wine to wind down a meal. But this is not for everyday- it is a simple pleasure. What about gelato? Ok, well, in Italy that’s ok to have, just so long as you aren’t in Italy every month! What about yogurt. Only a non-fat plain (no fruity sugar added) yogurt (I love greek yogurt) and I add my own fruit (or I add it to a smoothie that I make with fruit). I enjoy this for either breakfast or lunch. There is so much protein and tons of vitamins and minerals that it is an easy meal. And, an important note is that yogurt is good for your bones! As we age it is even more important to have strong healthy bones. A good short article found in the NY Times is worth a quick read. And I Iove a bowl of 1% or 2% cottage cheese with either the sweet tropical fruits or berries or as a savory with tomatoes, cukes, and avocado and a slice of whole grain bread as an easy meal or snack.
So, what’s the answer- no dairy won’t make you fat. Eat in moderation and enjoy what is good for you!


Meatless Monday

My family loves meat (steak, chicken, pork). But every week, I make a meatless dinner. I don’t want my family to give up meats, just eat less of it. Fatty red meats and many processed meats are high in saturated fat, which raises LDL (bad) cholesterol and increases risk of coronary heart disease. Research has linked those who ate mostly red and processed meats were found to have the highest risk of breast cancer. In addition, meat consumption is linked to colon, prostate, pancreatic, and gastric cancers.
This should compel you to at the very least eat less meat and more fish and vegetarian dishes. A vegetarian diet is inherently healthful because it is about consuming more fiber and more antioxidant-rich produce. This type of diet is associated with a higher consumption of fiber, folic acid, vitamins C and E, magnesium, unsaturated fat, and countless phytochemicals.
So, for dinner tonite I am making an eggplant lasagna. Click here for the recipe. I will make a tossed arugula salad on the side. It’s so good, you might never want to eat a meat filled lasagna again!


What Kind of Salmon Should You Buy?

I have a few foods that I can never get tired of and salmon is one of them. That is good news. The new US Dietary Guidelines recommends eating at least 2 servings of fish a week. But when I go to the fish market to buy my salmon I am so confused. There are several different types of salmon and I wonder whether I should buy farmed, organic or wild. You may have these same questions and so here are some answers.
FARMED or WILD? You should opt for wild salmon. Why? Environmental groups such as Seafood Watch and the Environmental Defense Fund, have put farmed salmon on their “avoid” list. The reason: many farms use crowded pens where salmon are easily infected with lice, may be treated with antibiotics and can spread disease to wild fish.
What about buying ORGANIC? There is no USDA organic standard for salmon. So if you are buying organic, it’s likely farmed.
While buying WILD salmon is pricey, it is loaded with heart healthy brain boosting omega-3 fats. And the quality of the foods you eat is so important to your health, so why would you want to skimp on that?
There are so many ways to prepare salmon. Here is one of my favorites- it’s a simple sweet glazed salmon dish. Serve with roasted vegetables and a side of healthy quinoa. Click here for the recipe.


Cinco de Mayo 2017

Tomorrow is Cinco de Mayo (and you don’t have to be Mexican to celebrate)! As I thought about what to make for dinner to celebrate (we will have our feast this evening as tomorrow is Friday and I am sure we will be out on the weekend), I was reminded of how often I get asked if guacamole is good for you? The answer is YES! It should be considered a “superfood”! It has raw garlic, avocados, lime juice, cilantro, onions, and some salt and pepper. Some people add tomatoes as well. When I don’t want to go to all the effort of chopping, I just scoop out the avocado and mix it with fresh salsa for my guac.
Instead of eating chips (that are usually heavily fried) with your guac there are alternatives. Try raw veggies: carrots, jicama, colored peppers, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes are just a few. Or you can use it as condiment with grilled chicken, fish or steak. And that’s just for starters. The possibilities are endless of ways to use guac!
What are the health benefits of my favorite fruit? It provides a substantial amount of healthy monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA).  They are a naturally nutrient-dense food and contain nearly 20 vitamins and minerals. Many people think that they should stay away from avocados if they want to lose weight. But, this is not true. Avocados are filling and provide heart-healthy fats, about half your day’s fiber, folate, vitamin A, potassium and more. Avocados are packed full of essential nutrients, and they provide health benefits such as improved heart health, hormone balance, better digestive health and so much more.
So, what’s for dinner tonite in my house? I have crock pot and have never used it! I am going to try this recipe that I found. Looks easy and good! I will let you know! Click here to find the recipe.


A Spring Detox

I can’t believe it’s May! Yeah! Spring is finally here! The trees are budding and the flowers are blooming and I can smell the cut of fresh grass (my seasonal allergies are killing me, but it’s a small price to pay for the beauty of this time of year!). It’s the perfect time to do a healthy detox.

What, not another “no food” or a “liquid diet”? NO- let’s take a good look at habits and set health goals!

With Spring in bloom, don’t you feel like you are filled with inspiration and have more energy to achieve your healthy goals? I know I do! I feel that overall we are more active and more creative (I recently attempted to paint a pair of old jeans, not my best job but it was a lot of fun throwing paint all over my jeans!). In addition, with the nicer weather and longer days, it is easier this season to stick to healthy routines.

So, when I say “detox” I mean a diet- a way of living- that incorporates whole foods and daily activities that support your body.  You will feel increased bouts of energy, eliminate your cravings, lose weight, reduce bloating and get rid of belly fat. Your mind will be clear and focused, your mood will improve and your skin will glow!

Eat whole, real foods: Eliminate processed foods. By this I mean foods with added sugar, dairy, alcohol, caffeine, gluten, soy, and animal protein that come in a bag or box.Stick to organic fruits and veggies for your cleanse. Lots of vegetables, fruits, greens, grains, legumes, and beans.
Go green: Spring time foods consist of dandelion greens, spinach, parsley, watercress, asparagus, peas, fennel, and mustard greens. You can also add in additional dark leafy greens such as kale, swiss chard, and collards. The chlorophyll from the leaves feed the blood, and help your body achieve balance. Therefore, ridding your body of toxins becomes easier. You feel cleaner.
Set your clock: 7-10 days is a perfect time period to feel and see changes in your body. It’s just enough time to really get the full effects of a detox. It takes time to make changes, and your body needs time to adjust to eating differently, getting rid of toxins, and establishing habits.

And don’t forget about sleep and exercise! Getting the proper rest and enough exercise is also fuel for your body during a cleanse.

I can promise you that with this “spring detox”, by flushing out all of the toxins (physical, emotional and dietary) that are left over from the long winter months, you will feel renewed and invigorated to begin the new season. Spring ahead to a new and bright you!



Fiber helps you to feel full and maintain a healthy weight. But do you have to drink a glass of metamucil or a big bowl of fiber 1 cereal to get your fill? No, there are plenty of foods that are high in fiber. Here are just a few that I think you will like:
    1.    PEARS- a great fruit that is loaded with fiber. You can eat on it’s on, blend into a smoothie or have with almond butter on a sandwich (using whole grain bread of course!).
    2.    RASPBERRIES- It’s the little seeds that dot the  raspberries that are responsible for raspberries’ high fiber content. Enjoy with yogurt for breakfast, snack or dessert.
    3.    OATMEAL- Oats are a great way to get soluble fiber, the kind that can help to lower your cholesterol. I love to eat a cup of cooked oatmeal with a sliced banana (did you know that you can also add the banana while you’re cooking the oatmeal — it will add to oatmeal’s creaminess) or mixed berries.
    4.    GREEN PEAS- I love peas and they are high in fiber and an easy way to get fiber into your meals.
    5.    ALMONDS- High in fiber and an easy snack. Pair a few with an apple or pear for a morning snack and you’ll be almost halfway to your daily dose of fiber.
There are so many more foods that contain fiber and I am happy to tell you more!



Growing up we are always told the importance of eating our veggies. I was a quirky kid- I remember eating salad without dressing, loving peas (only the baby ones out of the can, never frozen or fresh), liking only the stem part of broccoli, would never try cauliflower and the thought of spinach made my stomach turn but I couldn’t get enough of sweet okra gumbo made with stewed tomatoes and corn. At some point as I “grew up”, my tastes changed and I started to like many vegetables (with the exception of collard greens- while my mother is from the south, I couldn’t seem to acquire the taste for this southern style vegetable). The fact is, I can eat vegetables at every meal and eating vegetables for my meal simply makes me happy.
So, are veggies really as important as we were led to believe? Do you have to eat veggies in order to be healthy. Yes, you have to eat vegetables in order to be healthy. They are loaded with important vitamins and minerals that you can’t get by just taking supplements. Vegetables are nutrient dense and can fill you up (not out). But what about the person who really doesn’t like vegetables. Well, let’s look at this another way- maybe you haven’t found a vegetable that you really enjoy. Ok, let’s not be a 5 yr old. Let’s be a mature adult. Let’s try  to find a vegetable that you like and then prepare it in a way that is pleasing. My kids never liked avocado until I started to make it as guacamole and served it with tacos. Voila, got the veggie in! Now, they eat avocado in their salads or on their sandwiches. And red yellow and green peppers taste better in a stir fry (made with chicken, beef or shrimp). I don’t like raw asparagus, but served roasted with melted truffle cheese=heaven! And what about spinach sauteed with mushrooms and tomato in an omelette! There are so many ways to enjoy vegetables, it doesn’t have to be in just a salad (although I love that too!).
Just to show you how to incorporate veggies into your meals, here are 3 of my favorites made with simply veggies:
    2.    CRISPY GLAZED TOFU WITH BOK CHOY (I will add some broccoli and snow peas to the dish as well)
Do you have a favorite vegetable to eat? A healthy recipe you want to share? Or simply want to learn some more ways to eat your veggies and get healthy? Contact me at and I would love to hear from you!


Drinking Water

I am a big proponent of drinking a lot of water. As soon as my feet hit the floor in the morning I drink about 2 cups of water. Drinking water powers my workouts, increases my metabolism, helps to stave off hunger, and it boosts my energy. Why wouldn’t you want to drink water?I have heard people say that they don’t like how plain water tastes, they often forget to drink water and that if they do drink alot of water they will have to pee every 5 minutes. Does this ring true for you? I would like to think that drinking water is a matter of developing a good habit. And a good habit means developing a routine and practicing it. Here are 3 ways to start the habit of drinking water:
    1.    Flavor your water- citrus flavors enhance plain water. I like to peel the fruit before adding it to the water as it tastes less bitter. Also, if you “muddle” the fruit with a wooden spoon it helps to unlock the flavor. Also, you can try adding berries to flavor your water. Get creative!
    2.    Use your water bottle like a timer. Mark lines on your water bottle so that you know exactly how much you should have sipped by different points throughout the day.
    3.    Turn transitions into triggers. Make certain times of your day as markers. For example, if you take your kids to school, drink a water after drop off. Make a point to drink a glass of water before you go to lunch and when you get back. Drink before meals.
Do yourself a favor and start drinking water. You will look and feel better and your body will thank you!


A Healthy Passover

I can’t stop thinking about the best trip that I have ever had- a friends and family vacation to Israel! Our hosts were awesome and planned the most amazing trip consisting of sightseeing, adventure and culinary treats!

As I am now back home in NYC and Passover starts at sundown this evening I can still feel the heat of the desert as we hiked Masada and the energy that surrounded the Western Wall in Jerusalem.

I have hope that one day I can be in Israel for this special holiday. In the meantime, this evening we will read from the Haggadah and tell the story of the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt, and their transition from slavery to freedom. We will have a seder and eat the traditional foods of this holiday.

What do I eat for this holiday? Let me share with you how I enjoy the holiday and still eat healthy.

I love matzah! To start, I can’t get enough of eating haroset - the yummy nuts and fruit mixture that my sister-in-law and I fight over! We also enjoy hummus as a dip for the fresh veggies and to spread on the matzah.

I can make a mean matzah ball soup. It’s loaded with hearty vegetables and I can make this my meal (but on this holiday we usually serve it as a first course).

For the main course my mother makes an incredible carrot soufle. It’s not low fat but it’s made with real ingredients and is worth every bite. Of course we will have a few meat and fish dishes and plenty of green vegetables. I have recently discovered that you are “allowed” to eat quinoa on this holiday and so I will make a quinoa pilaf with lots of fresh herbs and veggies.

What about dessert? My kids love chocolate covered matzah. I can't say that I won't indulge (well maybe just a little!) but I will also have a fresh fruit salad.

Wishing you a Chag Sameach - a Happy Pesach!

Sweet Potatoes


I am obsessed with sweet potatoes. This happens to me- I get into a particular food and can eat it day in and day out. I prefer this to happen with only with healthy foods and not the peanut m&m’s that I am sure we can all rationalize as healthy!
Sweet potatoes are a carb- yes, I know that freaks some of you out. But let me tell you, they are a healthy carb. So, let me explain...Sweet potatoes are a good source of fiber and vitamins, and they have a low glycemic index. When mixed in with high protein foods, such as eggs, chicken or fish, the sweet potato makes an excellent “friend”. I often add a baked sweet potato to my meals, whether I am eating a delicious salad bowl that I made at home with poached eggs, quinoa, greens, beans, and avocado or as a side dish with roasted cauliflower and grilled salmon or chicken.  Click here for a healthy recipe that you can make ahead and have for breakfast, lunch or dinner. When I came across the recipe I thought, “Omg! This is what I have been waiting for”! It’s a vegetable quiche using sweet potato as the crust! Getting rid of the “heart-attack-waiting-to-happen” buttery crust by using sweet potato is simply brilliant! So, now that you know some more information about this wonderful vegetable, how do you like to eat sweet potatoes?


Foods that Heal

There are certain “truths” that are passed down from generation to generation without much scientific backing. Whenever someone gets a cold, I immediately make a large pot of chicken matzah ball soup from my grandmother’s recipe box. And it works every time.
There are many other foods that heal. Here are a few to tell you about.
#1) Bananas- relieve stress and an upset stomach. With only 105 calories and 14 g of sugar, a medium banana fills you up, provides a mild blood sugar boost, and has 30% of the day’s vitamin B6, which helps the brain produce mellowing serotonin, getting you through a crisis peacefully.
#2) Yogurt- cures constipation and gas. One and a half cups of live-culture yogurt (high in gut-friendly bacteria) pushes food more efficiently through the gastrointestinal tract. The beneficial bacteria also improve your gut’s ability to digest beans and dairy lactose, which can cause gas.
#3) Raisins- Helps lower blood pressure. About a generous handful of raisins contain 1 g of fiber and 212 mg of potassium. Studies show that polyphenols in grape-derived foods such as raisins, wine, and juice are effective in maintaining cardiovascular health, including bringing down blood pressure.
#4) Tuna- lifts your mood. A 3-ounce serving of canned white tuna has about 800 mg of omega-3s, which research suggests may treat the kind of blues that leave you feeling low or anxious. The fatty acids in fish have been endorsed by the American Psychiatric Association as an effective part of depression treatment.
#5) Ginger tea- makes your upset stomach feel better. Studies reveal that a cup of ginger tea can ease nausea from motion sickness and pregnancy.
These are just a few of the foods that we eat that help to heal us. What are some foods that you eat that make you feel better? I would love to hear from you.


Cooking Class is Fun!

I actually like to cook - mostly dinner. I find it relaxing and therapeutic. I have learned that it doesn’t have to be a complicated recipe to taste good. Good food starts with good ingredients and good ingredients hardly need seasoning.  
Cooking simply fresh is easy if you always have your pantry and fridge stocked with some basics. Here’s an idea of what’s in my kitchen: italian tuna in olive oil, fresh fruits and veggies, greek yogurt, fresh herbs, a good olive oil, a tasty balsamic vinegar, kosher salt, fresh butter and parmigiana cheese, quinoa, pasta, eggs and chicken and salmon in the freezer.
With a stocked home, the preparation is easy and doable, the food is tasty, and a fresh, and a homemade meal is made without fuss or stress.
Maybe you are not someone who knows much about cooking(for me it’s trial and error -when I screw up, there’s always eggs or pb&j!). Have you ever considered taking an intro cooking class? I recently went to a class with some girlfriends. It was taught by Renee Cohen at Cuisine Arts. What fun we had! We cooked healthy food with simple ingredients and in no time at all we were having a feast! I was so excited by what I had learned that when I got home I recreated some of the dishes we had made earlier. While it never comes out the same as when a professional is helping you, it was good and new for my family!
Cooking can be as simple or as complex as you want. You can make meals for the hungry meat eaters, the vegetarians and the pescatarians. When you cook fresh even the picky eater will be happy. There is something for everyone!
Cooking simply is healthy and good for everyone! What do you like to cook that is healthy? I would love to hear from you!


St Patrick's Day

Tomorrow is St Paddy’s Day and while I am not Irish I am going to celebrate with a healthy green smoothie. I found this recipe and while I am not much of a green juice gal I have to say I was excited by what I found. Remember the Girl Scout thin mint cookies? Well, this is what it is supposed to taste like. What sold me on this drink was that it is full of my favorite things- avocado, spinach, banana and chocolate. This skinny mint smoothie is full of healthy fat, fiber, leafy greens, fruit and chocolate!
Here’s how to make it:
2 cups of unsweetened almond milk (or your milk of choice)
1 ½ cups of fresh spinach
½ cup fresh mint leaves
2 bananas
½ avocado
4 medjool dates pitted
2 tbsp cacao powder
(If you want this cold use frozen fruit to make)
Blend spinach, mint, milk until smooth. Then add remaining ingredients and blend until smooth.
Ok, full disclosure: as excited as I was to make it, and I really was, I was totally bummed out. I did not like the way it tasted. Maybe I added too much spinach, not enough dates and the chocolate wasn’t sweet. I couldn’t even try to stomach it. Try as I do, I would rather eat my greens than drink them.
Try it for yourself, you may like it. I know this is not a great endorsement but I am being fully honest. I am sure I can find something green to honor St. Patrick’s Day with. Avocado toast (that counts right?)!


Good Skin

I believe that your skin is the window to your entire body. When you are tired, your skin looks tired. When you are happy and rested your skin glows. Choosing a healthy diet is reflected in your skin. Why does my skin look so clear? In part I can attribute it to good genetics. And also because I eat well. Salmon and avocado are part of my diet, both very high in vitamins and minerals and omega-3 fatty acids. I also live for blueberries which help to fight the signs of aging skin. Drinking lots of water also fights aging. If you are dehydrated your skin will not be as plump. Ever feel sluggish after a late nite out with your friends? Chances are you had more than water to drink.
But, I also love chocolate. Does this do damage to my skin? According to many dermatologists, chocolate per se will not make you break out. There is little evidence that chocolate or any specific fatty foods will cause acne. However, we do know that a high-sugar/high-fat diet can trigger hormonal changes, which in turn may cause inflammation, and which can lead to breakouts. Dark chocolate has a high cocoa content which also means high amounts of two flavonoids, catechin and procyanidin, which are chemicals that act as antioxidants within the body. Antioxidants protect the body’s cells against free radicals. Dark chocolate contains higher concentrations of antioxidant flavonoids.
In addition to getting proper rest, exercise and a healthy diet, we can’t forget about using good products on our skin.  My friend Cayli (who owns Knockout Beauty in NYC) has a fantastic store with only the best products. She also provides facials using Light Stim Technology which is the only FDA approved LED light. This treatment  enhances your sense of well being and provides a dopamine release which encourages the body to produce nitric oxide. This treatment only takes 20 min and you leave with glowing skin that makes you feel like the beauty you are!
Overall, eating a healthy well balanced diet, getting a good amount of rest, exercising on a regular basis and a good skin care regime will ultimately help your skin look great!