Good Skin

I believe that your skin is the window to your entire body. When you are tired, your skin looks tired. When you are happy and rested your skin glows. Choosing a healthy diet is reflected in your skin. Why does my skin look so clear? In part I can attribute it to good genetics. And also because I eat well. Salmon and avocado are part of my diet, both very high in vitamins and minerals and omega-3 fatty acids. I also live for blueberries which help to fight the signs of aging skin. Drinking lots of water also fights aging. If you are dehydrated your skin will not be as plump. Ever feel sluggish after a late nite out with your friends? Chances are you had more than water to drink.
But, I also love chocolate. Does this do damage to my skin? According to many dermatologists, chocolate per se will not make you break out. There is little evidence that chocolate or any specific fatty foods will cause acne. However, we do know that a high-sugar/high-fat diet can trigger hormonal changes, which in turn may cause inflammation, and which can lead to breakouts. Dark chocolate has a high cocoa content which also means high amounts of two flavonoids, catechin and procyanidin, which are chemicals that act as antioxidants within the body. Antioxidants protect the body’s cells against free radicals. Dark chocolate contains higher concentrations of antioxidant flavonoids.
In addition to getting proper rest, exercise and a healthy diet, we can’t forget about using good products on our skin.  My friend Cayli (who owns Knockout Beauty in NYC) has a fantastic store with only the best products. She also provides facials using Light Stim Technology which is the only FDA approved LED light. This treatment  enhances your sense of well being and provides a dopamine release which encourages the body to produce nitric oxide. This treatment only takes 20 min and you leave with glowing skin that makes you feel like the beauty you are!
Overall, eating a healthy well balanced diet, getting a good amount of rest, exercising on a regular basis and a good skin care regime will ultimately help your skin look great!