Carrots and Cake

I can’t wait for the weather to turn warm. I mean for spring to really come. I was supposed to be on a plane today but travel plans got derailed due to bad storms across the country! Here in NYC we have had this crazy weather where one day it’s tee shirt jean jacket and loafers weather and the next day it’s down jacket hat and gloves and fur boots! CRAZY! And all I want to eat are seasonal spring foods (Sorry to say but I am getting kinda tired of winter soups!).
What’s my go-to? Carrots! Carrots remind me of spring! Most of the benefits of carrots can be attributed to their beta-carotene and fiber content. This root vegetable is also a good source of antioxidant agents. Needless to say, carrots are rich in many vitamins. I have been eating crunchy sweet carrots (in anticipation of spring!). They can be eaten raw as a snack, roasted as a side dish, eaten as a salad, blended into soup or made into a sweet juice.
Here are 3 of my favorite recipes for carrots. Fair warning- the carrot cake is not low calorie! But, oh so good! And made with all real ingredients, except for the food coloring which I omit- nothing from a box! Can you eat it? Yes, just make sure to share it with others!
    2.    CARROT SALAD
    3.    CARROT JUICE
Aren’t you ready for spring? What’s your favorite spring time fruit or vegetable? I would love to hear from you! Email me at


Healthy Junk Food

I believe that everyone, no matter what your age, likes some form of junk food. I will admit that I love mini reese's peanut butter cups- nothing gets better than that! We all have our demons in the closet. No matter. I will feed you some healthy alternatives. You might be thinking, “well, what would be the harm if every once in awhile, I gave in and had some junk?”. Here’s the simple answer- because if you are like most, you can’t stop at just one cookie or one piece of candy or even one teaspoon of ice cream. Let’s be honest, you end up binging and then feeling some major guilt (and you don’t have to be Jewish to experience this!).
So be smart and swap out your craving of crappy junk food for some healthy alternatives.
Do you love salty potato chips? Yes, you could have baked chips but I would suggest you try kale or veggie chips. They are super easy to make and so much better for you.
Do you go crazy for french fries? What about making your own? Click here for a great easy recipe. Do you like pizza? I do! I am selective about the pizza I eat! If you are ever in Miami- go visit my friend Jason at Paulie Gee’s- Miami for the best pizza EVER! He has your traditional and not so traditional pies and he even makes a vegan one! Who still loves mac n cheese? It’s hard to resist the creamy cheesy comfort food. Instead of eating 1000’s of calories, try using butternut squash. Click here for a good healthy version. Are you candy-obsessed? To be honest, I love fruit so I can substitute fruit for a piece of candy. Have you ever tried frozen grapes or a frozen banana? If that’s not cutting it for you, try making my favorite energy bites. They combine the richness of cocoa and creamy blend of peanut butter in a frozen bite size treat. Click here for the recipe. Ok you ice cream lovers, instead of devouring a pint of Ben and Jerry’s, try making your own version at home. Click here for a vegan easy no churn recipe. As a kid I loved to eat the raw cookie dough before I put the cookies into the oven. I didn’t think twice about getting sick from the raw egg. Recently my daughter had me on the hunt for cookie do. But it was so sweet and we prefer our own version that you can eat raw or baked. Click here for the recipes.
So try for yourself and let me know what you think! My hope is that you will feel better about eating real good food and junk food will be a thing of the past!


My Happy Place

Everyone has a place that makes them feel fully happy and content. We all have them. A place where we have likely been to before, where all the drama, the deadlines, the noise, the demands of life just seem to melt away. It’s a place that you can sit and just be content where you are in that moment and not want to leave for many moments to come. Where you look around and go, ‘Wow, this is lovely. I’m  really lucky”.

But how do you create your “happy place”? I believe that having a “happy place” or even several happy places to go to can boost your mood. For me a “happy place” isn’t always a destination, but rather an experience. My “happy place” is when I am trying to get better at something- it’s my love for skiing and trying to master downhill skiing thru powder. It’s a challenge that is both mental and physical that brings me to feeling amazing about myself and what I can accomplish.

So, how does finding owns “happy place” come to be?
    •    Set a goal for yourself. Decide something specific you would like to have, work toward, realize or create.
    •    Create a clear idea or mental picture or feeling – This should be in present tense. Think of the situation already existing and immerse yourself in feeling of it.
    •    Focus on it frequently – Bring the idea to mind often in quiet meditation or casually throughout your day. Make it part of your reality in a light, relaxed way.
    •    Give it positive energy – Think about your goal in a positive, encouraging way. See yourself receiving it or achieving it. Feel the feeling.

With the right perspective, your happy place will be easy to find and get to. It’s a place where you go to be fully present with yourself, and you can savor the experience.
So, have you found your happy place? What does it look like for you? Think about it and get there!



This morning as I was having my breakfast of oatmeal (steel cut oats) with fruit, I wondered what’s the difference between “steel cut” oats and “rolled” oats. Here’s the difference- steel cut oats are not rolled into flat flakes. Instead the whole toasted oat grain that is used to produce rolled oats is cut into thirds to yield steel cut oats.
Steel cut oats could be considered a "power food" because they are an excellent source of protein, soluble and insoluble fiber and select vitamins and minerals. The benefits of steel cut oats exceed the benefits of rolled oats because of the way they are processed. Steel-cut oats are never cooked and start from the whole grain that is then passed through slender blades that cut the oat kernel into thin slices. Rolled or quick oats, prepared the old-fashioned way, are steamed and then rolled. Rolling the oat helps it to cook faster. So, if you are a purist, the steel cut are the way to go. But, if you are in a hurry, go for the rolled or quick oats. Either way, you can’t go wrong! Eating oatmeal for breakfast is a great way to start your day and make a healthy addition to your regular diet.
What do you like to eat with your oatmeal? I love to add fruit. Some love a bit of chocolate and nuts. Or even some coconut flakes. The add-on’s are endless! Want to share your best oatmeal recipe. I would love to hear from you! Email me at



I love cinnamon in my morning coffee, sprinkled on my oatmeal and to add to more flavor to my applesauce!

Cinnamon is excellent for you! Cinnamon has more antioxidants than 25 other superfood spices. Additionally, this common spice helps prevent diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers and perhaps even Alzheimer’s. And finally, to get the greatest health benefits, buy Ceylon cinnamon in stick form and grind it yourself.
Now, I am not talking about eating piping hot cinnabons or cinnamon cereal bites! I am referring to the natural spice’s cinnamaldehyde. This compound has an antioxidant quotient that beats even garlic, oregano and parsley. It helps reduce inflammation; reduces LDL or bad cholesterol while increasing HDL or good cholesterol; it’s anti-diabetic compound mimics insulin, thus reducing blood sugar levels and mood and energy swings; and it’s even been studied in Alzheimer’s trials for its ability to stop the build-up of tau protein in the brain.
So how much should we be using to get the health benefits? Just two teaspoons a day—or four sticks ground in a coffee grinder—will provide all of these benefits, whether added to roasts, soups, stews, or tagines, baked into muffins, or sprinkled on oatmeal or lattes. Want a great recipe using cinnamon? Click on this link!


Love Yourself

Dear Rachel,
I am surrounded by pink and red cards and overpriced flowers and candy boxes that say “Be Mine” and “Happy Valentines Day”. With the commercialization of this holiday, I wonder what is this holiday really about.

I know, it seems like Valentine’s Day is all about boxes of chocolate, cute teddy bears and heart shape jewelry but really that’s the last thing of what this holiday is about. I can’t pretend that I don’t like gifts, of course I do! But I do believe that Valentine’s Day should be more than just that, it is a day to reflect on those in your life, the relationships you have with them and of course, the relationship you have with yourself.
We all have super busy lives running around with a long to-do list. Some of us go to school and have exams to study for; have kids to care for; jobs outside of the home that require long hours; elderly parents to look after; pets to take care of- the list goes on and on. My gosh, when do we have time to fully take care of our own needs? Giving to ourselves rarely makes it to that list! But, practicing self-love takes practice! Here are a few ways you can be good to yourself:
    1.    Do something for yourself every day. This is solely for you. It might be going for a walk, getting a massage, enjoying a sweet without guilt, going for a pedicure, or sitting on your couch reading a magazine. Whatever it is, let go of the guilt and shame you may have around rewarding yourself and embrace what feels good. A few months ago, when the days started to get shorter (thanks to daylight savings time) I started to practice this. I would sit my ass down on the couch, unwind by watching the evening news. My kids looked at me like I was nuts. Why was I sitting down they wanted to know. Did I not feel well? Surely I had “things to do” (for them, they assumed!). I told them that I was taking some time to just sit and be. They got it! And 30 min of rest was lovely!
    2.    Practice saying “NO”. Learning to say NO is one of the best things you can do for yourself. When you say NO you create the space to say YES to yourself.
    3.    Put yourself out there! In order to grow and develop it is necessary to get uncomfortable. Always taking the easy road leaves you stuck in habitual patterns that don’t allow you to reach your true potential. What does this look like for you? It’s different for all of us. But, each of us knows that place that I am talking about. Breathe in love and breathe out fear. Keep practicing this because you can!
    4.    Keep striving towards your best self. Only then can you be as good as you are towards others in your life.

Live healthy= nutrition, wellness, balance.

A Sweet Weekend

I love the weekends! I can sleep later, exercise more, leisurely read the news paper and hang out with my hubby! I just realized that this weekend is also a few days before Valentine’s Day. My inbox is flooded with healthy Valentine’s Day recipes and in honor of this holiday I may even try a few of these out this weekend.
So, what sounds good? I love smoothies- they are quick and easy to make and I always have something in my freezer that I can throw into the blender. A great breakfast drink, a snack or a after workout boost. Chocolate on Valentine’s Day seems appropriate. So how about a chocolate banana smoothie! Click here for the recipe. For a snack that will solve my sweet tooth dilemma and is made with real unprocessed foods I love the sound of  raw chocolate cashew bars. Click here for the recipe. And lastly I will try dark chocolate cherry energy bites. These seem like a great pre-work out snack or just a taste of a healthy sweet.  They are gluten free, vegan and paleo. Click here for the recipe.
Enjoy your weekend - make it sweet!


Which Milk?

As a child I drank a glass of milk with every meal. And I always had a big glass of milk with cookies or cake. It just went well together! And my children were raised to do the same and milk is still part of their daily diet.
It has been within the past years that the choices are endless. There is cow’s milk, almond milk, soy milk, coconut milk, and cashew milk. And can’t forget lactaid, plain, chocolate, and vanilla flavored. I don’t know about you, but it’s confusing. What’s healthier for you? I came across a great article published recently in The NY Times and I wanted to share it with you. It’s a bit long but really informative. I think it helps to clarify. So click on the link to read. And, as always, feel free to contact me for more information at


Suberbowl Game Day

Would you believe that this Superbowl Sunday is the second biggest day of gluttony after Thanksgiving! The average American will inflate their waistline several inches by gobbling up at least 2,400 calories while they watch the four to five hour football game! So, because we don’t want to undo all the good we have been doing as we work towards our healthy selves, let me suggest a healthy dish (and if you are going to a Superbowl party, why not offer to bring this along!).
My family loves nachos and so I am going to try using sweet potatoes instead of chips as the base. Ok, I will probably have a side basket of baked chips to appease my kids, but that’s healthyish!
I found a great recipe so click here for it! Enjoy the game knowing you will be eating healthy without the guilt!
Want some more great healthy game day ideas? Contact me at


Beauty Detox


Dear Rachel,
My daughter is 15yrs old and is obsessed with beauty products. I tell her that her skin is clear and beautiful and she doesn’t need to mess it up with “product”. She has the young glow of youth! How can I help her to see that she will have years ahead of her to waste her money searching for the magic mascara and to many years to buy an array of marketing products and to wear makeup.
Frustrated Mom

Dear Frustrated Mom,
Stop fighting it! Did you listen to your mom when she told you that you were wasting your money? I didn’t listen either! Your daughter, like mine, is caught up streaming Youtube videos of girls promoting cosmetic brands and ways to use them. Teenage girls think that they have reached “nirvana” when they walk into Sephora or the cosmetic aisle of CVS. And, can you blame them? All of the companies do a kick ass job of promoting the best mascara or the cream that will make your skin glow. I am three times my daughter’s age and I fall for the same marketing scam! I have an obsession with drugstore lipgloss. I am in contact search of the perfect gloss that will give me kissable lips that aren’t sticky! I don’t think it exists and yet I continue to search!
So, why don’t you engage your daughter in a day or weekend of “beauty detox”. Here are some thoughts that I have:
As with other detoxes—food, clutter—the new year is ideal for taking a beauty breather. Even if you are using the highest quality products, give your skin a chance to rest. Often people don’t realize how much their hair, nails, and skin are overtaxed with products (even if all natural).
The longer you detox, the greater the payoff will be. You may notice that your hair, nails and skin all look healthier.
A fun thing to do is to use what you have in the fridge for a do-it-yourself beauty treatment. For example, use overripe avocado for a face mask. Coconut oil works great as a body oil. And a mix of olive oil, lemon juice and brown sugar is a great body scrub.
I am not saying not to go back to using your beauty products, but having taken a break, you will notice that they are that much more effective when you go back to using them.
Eat whole foods- what you put into your body is every bit as important as what you put onto your face and hair and nails. The more you eat organic fruits and vegetables and whole grain products the better you will feel overall.
Hope this helps! For more information, contact me at


I Don't Like Eggs

Dear Rachel,
There is all this buzz about eating egg whites for a healthy start to the day and as a way to lose holiday weight gain. But, I don’t like eggs!  What else can I eat for breakfast that is healthy?
Hungry in the Morning

Dear Hungry in the Morning,
So glad you asked this question! There are so many options for you! Don’t despair! Eating breakfast is extremely important to start your day! You wouldn’t expect your car to go anywhere without gas in the tank. So, why would you expect to be able to start your day without the right fuel? Eat something. And I recommend a balanced meal with protein, carb and healthy fat. Here are 3 breakfast options:

    1.    Oatmeal with fruit is a great way to start your morning! Oatmeal contains a number of healthy nutrients, including protein, complex carbohydrates, and a little heart-healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. a great habit that’s easy to follow. Oatmeal  tastes great and the body digests oatmeal at a slower pace, keeping blood sugar levels steady, energy levels up, and reduces hunger cravings. Oatmeal allows you to feel more full all morning and you will be able to resist the temptation to snack. A good oatmeal breakfast is definitely part of a clean eating diet plan that will help you drop weight easily.
    2.    Almond butter (or peanut or cashew or sunflower) on whole grain toast. It’s a simple breakfast packed with lots of good nutrition. There is no right brand to use, it’s totally up to you. I would just make sure to look that the ingredients are pure and does not contain added sugar. I love to toast the bread and then spread the nut butter on (it melts nice and gooey) and then I like to add toppings (whatever I am in the mood for- sliced banana, strawberries, coconut flakes, dried cherries or apricots, or just a drizzle of honey.
    3.    Greek yogurt with fruit. Interestingly, four ounces each day will allow you to be sniffle-free in cold winter months. A study found that women eating this amount had much stronger and more active T cells, which battle colds and infections. Yogurt is full of healthy bacteria that fights off harmful bugs. Pressed for time in the morning? Make it the nite before! Fill pint-size mason jars with alternating layers of plain Greek yogurt and fruit. Cover and store in the fridge until breakfast and enjoy at home or at the office. Wishing you could go to the islands to get a break from the cold winter? I have a quick fix- try a tropical morning breakfast bowl. Top 1 cup plain Greek yogurt with 1 cut-up kiwi and 1/2 cut-up banana (freeze the other half for smoothies). Sprinkle with a handful of chopped unsalted roasted cashews or unsweetened coconut flakes.

There are so many more healthy breakfast options and I am happy to talk to you! Contact me at


Keeping Healthy

Dear Rachel,
It’s mid-January and I am really trying to be “good”. Like many people I want to be in better shape for the new year. I want to lose those annoying 7 lbs and get back into my skinny jeans. I have tried to go without the “extras” that got me here in the first place- the extra holiday party drinks, the handfuls of candy here and there and the rich holiday dinners. What else can I do to “speed” this process?

First off, you are not alone! Many people are still in the post holiday motivation euphoria- look how crowded the gyms are! I agree, it’s not easy to adopt a new routine when we have been eating sweets and drinking ourselves silly for the past few months. But, now, in the middle of the month, I can’t think of a better time to detox your body (and your mind too!).
    1.    Go food shopping- According to Barbara Reich, Professional Organizer and Author of Secrets of an Organized Mom, “An organized pantry is a healthy pantry. If you want to eat well, then start by ridding your kitchen of junk food and store nutritious foods in the most accessible areas in your pantry and refrigerator”. I never go to the store without a shopping list- make a list of healthy items to restock it with. That way you will not have any excuse as to why you reached for the bag of chips or the candy bar. Items that should be on your list include: organic oatmeal, whole grain fiber cereal, apples, bananas, oranges, berries, spinach, nonfat greek plain yogurt, low fat cottage cheese, lean turkey, salad fixings, sweet potatoes, whole wheat grain bread, quinoa, eggs, cheese, honey, green and herbal tea, lemon, chicken breasts, raw nuts, medjool dates, and organic dark chocolate
    2.    Walk - whenever you have the time, walk to where you want to go. This includes taking the stairs whenever possible (I have a rule, whenever it’s doable, I take the stairs). Put on some music while you walk or just listen to the beat or enjoy the silence of where you are going. Use this precious time to concentrate on who you are and what you want and where you want to go- a meditation of sorts.  At nite, after dinner, my husband and I will go for what I call a “digestion walk”. Not only does it allow us to burn off a bit of dinner, but it gives us some alone time!
    3.    Exercise- this is something that NEEDS to be factored into your everyday life. And it needs to become as routine as brushing your teeth. Find a time, make it part of your day. How many days a week? At least 5/7 days! This is a sure fire way to lose the weight you want to lose. You can do ANYTHING you want- cardio, weight-training, pilates, yoga, kickboxing- you name it as long as you do it! 45-60 minutes out of your day will make you a healthier you! Every town and city has a handful of gyms to join or classes to take. And some classes are even free to join. And, there’s always the option of running or hiking outdoors!
It’s that easy! With your New Year’s resolutions still keeping you motivated when you plan to eat healthier and exercise more, you will be surprised at how much better you feel without it feeling like a struggle.


My Skin Needs Some TLC!

I love the cold weather but my skin does not! It doesn’t seem to matter that I use face cream (day cream, night cream and under eye cream) and hydrating body lotions my skin, lips, hair and nails are dry! And the worse part is I am doing what I should be doing. I take vitamins to supplement as well as eating the right healthy foods. UGH!!!
I started to look into some natural sources of foods for better skin. And I am going to start to incorporate these foods into my diet. Here’s what I found:
Walnuts: Walnuts contain omega-3 essential fatty acids, which can improve skin's elasticity. They are loaded with copper, a mineral that boosts collagen production. Snack on a handful of walnuts each day to improve your complexion's texture. You can also grind walnuts to make an at home exfoliant (I like honey, coconut oil and Walnut face scrub- Take a spoon full of each honey and the coconut oil. Mix the honey and oil and put some walnut dust in it. Again, make sure the granules are of right size. Massage on skin and body for beautiful glowing and polished skin.
Oatmeal: Would you believe that eating oatmeal helps you to look younger? Steel-cut oatmeal is less processed than other varieties, so it retains more vitamins. In addition, it takes longer to break down in your body, which helps keep your blood sugar stable. So how does eating oatmeal help you to look younger? Eating foods that spike your blood sugar elevates your body's level of androgens, the hormones that can contribute to wrinkles.
Pomegranates: They're packed with polyphenol antioxidants which fight free radicals and regulate skin's blood flow, giving it rosiness. Eating this fruit or drinking it should do the trick.
Chocolate: Here’s some great news! Cocoa (in particular dark chocolate) hydrates your skin, making it firmer and more supple.A couple of squares a day should be enough to improve luminosity. Familiar with skin care products that have cocoa as an active ingredient? When applied topically, the caffeine in chocolate may temporarily reduce skin puffiness.
Sunflower seeds: Loaded with vitamin E, sunflower seeds keep your skin supple by protecting its top layers from the sun. You can eat a handful daily. A high essential-fatty-acid content makes sunflower seed oil a treat for parched body parts, such as lips and heels, when topically applied.
So, now let’s put these foods to the test and let me know what you think! Send me an email to cause I would love to hear from you!


Keeping Healthy Resolutions

Dear Rachel,
I can’t believe it’s 2017! The past year just flew by! There were so many things that I wanted to get a handle on and all I can think about is the love handle around my waist! I want more than ever to make this year count. How can I do this without giving up all of the things I love? It’s so hard to not be tempted by the pizza at my kids bday parties, the molten cake on every menu and those dangerous waffle fries when I go to the basketball games! Like everyone else this time of year, I am ready to make a commitment and get to the gym and eat better. But I want to be able to sustain this level of enthusiasm. Please share with me your words of wisdom!

Dear Pat,
Welcome aboard the train! It’s a journey but I know that you will be up for the ride (gosh, that sounds so terribly cliche!). You are already ahead of the game as you have your motivation. But, think about exactly what is motivating you to lose weight? Do you want to look better in your clothes, feel more energetic, or simply improve your health? I suggest you get clear about what you want, and then use that to inspire you throughout your journey and really stick to it this year. If you are like me, multitasking every minute, I suggest writing these thoughts down and then put them somewhere that you can see them on a daily basis. That way, you won’t forget what the finish line looks like! I am a big planner. If I am going out for the day, I think ahead of what I am doing, where I may be, and what will lay ahead of me before I get home. I bring some snacks for myself (a cut apple, some raw nuts, maybe even a non-fat greek yogurt). And if I know that I am not going to be home when the kids come home from school, I always think about what type of healthysnack they can arrive home to. In addition, I try to have a dinner plan (it may involve thinking about ordering in or having something at home ready to go in the oven). It’s important to have goals. Goals help measure progress. If you don't know where you want to end up, you won't really know how to get there. I believe that everyone should track what they eat. Looking closely at what you eat is often an eye-opening experience. You don't have to do it for the rest of your life, but it is a great habit to start. Tracking will help you tweak your diet so that you can still enjoy foods you love without sabotaging your weight loss or healthy eating efforts. I believe in the importance of eating breakfast every day. Eating a healthy breakfast (oatmeal with fruit, eggs with toast or yogurt with fruit and granola) will give you more energy, lead you to make healthier choices during the day, and keep you feeling full so you eat less later on. I couldn’t go a day without eating my greens. Vegetables are filled with nutrients, water, fiber, and very few calories. If you fill half of your plate with vegetables, you'll get fuller faster and cut down your calories without feeling deprived. Use herbs and spices to jazz up vegetables instead of using butter and/or salt to flavor them. In order to burn calories at a faster rate and build a healthy body, you'll need to incorporate exercise into your life. Making permanent changes take time to implement. Don’t rush it and be prepared to “fall off the wagon”. It’s ok and normal and no one is perfect. Don’t throw in the towel as every day is a new chance to start over, so return to your healthy lifestyle immediately.

“It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.” Leonardo da Vinci

I hope this helps! I am here for you!
Warmest and healthiest,


Happy Merry After

Dear Rachel,
Christmas Eve dinner was delicious. I ate and drank a bit more than I anticipated (the spiced eggnog was loaded with a bit too much brandy, but it tasted way too good to toss it!). But, I am ok with that- after all, it was a holiday, right? And Christmas day, well, we celebrated some more! And, so now, it’s Monday and I am ready to “start over”. What can I do to get healthier before we ring in the New Year 2017? I am certain you have some healthy tips!

Yes, I do! There is no need to suffer with the morning blues! I hate to say it but overindulgence and late nights are an inevitable part of the holiday season.
1) Eat breakfast! I actually believe that everything starts with breakfast! I start the day with a generous bowl of hot oatmeal, topped with a handful of berries and a sprinkle of cinnamon. Oatmeal stabilizes blood sugar levels, which helps control appetite later in the day. Sometimes instead of oats I will have greek nonfat yogurt, which helps boost immunity as well as combat some of the less beneficial effects of the party season, like too much alcohol and not enough sleep. I also love my eggs. An omelette packed with veggies including mushrooms for their energising B vitamins and tomatoes for vitamin C. I don’t love onions, but if you do, they are great because they have liver-friendly sulphur compounds. If I have spinach to hand I'll add a generous handful because it's a great source of folate which helps my body repair DNA. Eggs are so great because they provide choline, a nutrient that supports the liver. And, get this, add a sprinkle of cayenne pepper or a chopped chili to boost circulation and rev up your recovery.
2) Stay hydrated! On the day of a big night out, and the day after, I make a conscious effort to drink ALOT of water, as well as plenty of herbal teas.  Even mild dehydration can lead to a headache and combined with the diuretic effects of alcohol makes maintaining your fluid intake so important. Regular teas and coffee count towards your fluid intake, but caffeinated versions shouldn't make up your full quota. Also, I make sure to drink a bottle of water when I wake up, before I have my breakfast.
3) Plan your next healthy meals. Ground yourself with a healthy meal that fits right in with your life pre-holiday. Remember, skipping meals can put you back on a downward spiral. Even if you’re not hungry, simply planning your next meal is a powerful act of self-care that can remind you that food is not public enemy No. 1.
4) Plan your next visit to the gym. Get back to your normal fitness routine. You will definately feel better once you sweat it out!
5) Don’t beat yourself up. This moment of holiday indulgence is but a blip on the radar of life.
Wishing you a happy and healthy holiday!
Warmest and healthiest,


The Holidays Sparkle

I love the holidays! There is joy and sparkle in the air and there is nothing better than celebrating with family and friends. But, I want to enjoy this festive time without the guilt. Everyone gives an edible gift- a bottle of champagne, a box of chocolates and lets not forget the homemade cookie platters that are so hard to resist! And if anyone needs a reason to dine there are numerous holiday lunches and dinners that are crammed (oops, I mean planned) into this season.

Here are 5 ways to indulge in the season without feeling guilty:

#1) Never go to a party hungry. Don't save up your calories for a party. If you go to party hungry, I guarantee your judgment will be off and you will eat more food than if you ate some nuts before you left for the party.
#2) Exercise and move more. Just do something -- even if it's just for 30 minutes. Don't underestimate the power of movement. Walk more. Spend less time on the couch. Shop 'til you drop. Do some situps, squats and leg lifts during commercials. Drink water. You are probably eating more foods with salt and consuming more alcohol around the holidays, so it's even more important to keep your body hydrated.
#3) Practice portion control. You don't have to try everything. Take your favorites. If you can, try to make sure more than half of your plate has some veggies on it. It's okay to say, "No, thank you, maybe later."
#4) Edit your day. Deprivation can fuel desire. So instead of dwelling on all the holiday treats you shouldn't have, edit your choices. Eat one cookie instead of three. Plan a healthy lunch so you aren't tempted by treats in your office. Decide what to eat less of, more of or what to cut, but take it day by day so controlling what you eat is more manageable.
#5) Ask for a fitness-related gift for the holidays. There are so many cool fitness gifts available. And where the mind goes, the body follows. This way you can (girls: Rock that black dress and guys: Rock that new suit). Wherever you are on your fitness journey, love and appreciate your body for all that it can do. No body shaming allowed. Enjoy the holidays for what they are -- a time to celebrate the people in your life and all of life's blessings -- and that includes YOU.




Gift Ideas for a Healthy Holiday!

Dear Rachel,
Holiday season is in full swing and I have to admit I am getting a bit stressed. I have no idea what to get for some of my nearest and dearest. Any suggestions?

Well, given I am into healthy living, I love the idea of giving gifts that are health and fitness related and reasonably priced.

1) My daughter was obsessed with the Swell water bottle. Its great because by toting it around you can be sure to be hip and cool and also eco friendly!
2) I love kitchen gadgets. And the veggie spiralizer makes foods, especially zucchini fun to eat!
3) Ok, so I love jewelry (this should not come as a shock to those of you who know me) and I especially get a charge out of wearing pieces that have a mantra. It gives me an extra boost of energy to keep motivated. So, check out these cool braclets!
4) My husband and kids are notorious for losing their ear buds (or at times I have found them in the wash because they forgot to take them out of their sweaty pockets). Good quality earbuds are always in style for a great gift idea! And if you prefer wireless, try the beats (my son tells me they are the best and won’t get washed! He promises!)
5) Workout clothes are always a good idea and always feel inspirational! Some of my favorite shops are Lulu, Bandier, Athletica and Sweaty Betty.
6) I always ask my clients to keep a “food journal” and also to include daily exercise. It’s an important tool for remaining accountable and losing weight. I have found that some people like to keep an “old fashioned” journal. You know, an actual book, that requires a pen to paper. Not a keyboard and laptop. A great gift is a pretty journal. Check out the Believe I Am Collection.
7) Make your mornings or anytime that much easier and mess and clean-up free with the blend-n-go. It’s so easy for smoothies! You will love this!
8) I love giving and receiving cookbooks. Sure, you can quickly search the internet for meal ideas but what’s better than the real thing? Cookbooks are a great gift!
9) A spa vacation may be a bit out of budget, but what about gifts that are used in a spa for relaxation? When I want to relax at home, I live for my soothing eye pillow and heated neck roll, but sometimes it’s hard to find as they end up in my daughter’s room!
 10) Sweat much at the gym? I love these towels!

Need more ideas? I have them! Contact me at


What to Eat When I Travel

Dear Rachel,
The holidays are here and I will be traveling to visit friends and family. What can I eat in the airport and on the flights? Can I travel and still eat healthy? What’s your advice? PLMK! THKS!

The holiday travel season has begun. I agree, it can be challenging to know what to eat when you are traveling. I use to find it a tremendous challenge to figure out what to eat that was healthy while on the road. I would end up eating crappy junk food or nothing at all because I couldn’t find what I wanted. But, recently, I’ve been in airports and train stations with lots of options, and unfortunately, I have been in some terminals with surprisingly few choices. In efforts to overcome this challenge, I have scouted out and figured out what’s worth buying and what I need to pack ahead as a snack. I have a plan and it’s not that difficult to find healthy options.
You can plan ahead by using my tips to BYO and make smart “on-the-fly” buys.
1) Pack your own munchies.
By bringing a snack bag of healthy foods, you’ll be prepared and likely to save money. Good go-tos are fruit-and-nut bars or your own homemade energy bites. Also, fresh veggies and fruit are also easy to pack along. I also recommend bringing your own mix-ins like homemade granola or dried fruit and nuts or almond butter in the squeeze packs because chances are you will be able to get a hot oatmeal or a greek yogurt once past security. My carry-on bag is full of snack packs that I make at home pre-travel.
2) Buy a healthy breakfast, lunch or dinner before you board for travel.
    Omelets, sandwiches, wraps and oatmeal are good go-tos. Many terminals have Starbucks, which offers an oatmeal with little added-sugar — that is, if you skip the brown sugar packet that comes with it (the dried cranberries and cherries are already sweetened with a little sugar). Mix in the packet of nuts, then add a sprinkle of cinnamon. If you prefer fresh fruit, swap the dried fruit for a side of blueberries or a banana. Many terminals also have really good salads, soups, and healthy hot meals and even good sushi that you can get to-go. I have been known to bring along my own salads and pasta dinners for my family and they are always thankful that I remembered to do this.
3) Skip the salt and drink plenty of water!
    Airplanes tend to have lower humidity, which can lead to dehydration. Salty processed snacks like chips, as well as salted nuts, only make your fingers and ankles swell and leave you feeling thirsty.  Once I pass security I usually buy a large bottle of water for the plane. You can also consider carrying your own eco friendly empty water bottle in your travel bag and fill it up once you’ve passed through security. Don’t forget that tea hydrates too. I often bring a few of my own tea bags and I ask for hot water on board. I also love to bring fruits like pears, oranges and strawberries that are also hydrating (do yourself a favor and pack them in a hard container so they don’t mush).

Hope this helps you prepare for the holiday travel season. For more suggestions feel free to contact me at




When I hear the word FAT, I think of....

What comes to your mind when you hear the word “FAT”? Do you think of eating a gooey brownie sundae dripping with ice cream and whip cream or do you think of taking a handful of candy from the office jar? Or do you think of the french fries and cheeseburger that you ordered at the coffee shop? Or maybe it’s the three cheese and pepperoni pizza that you ate at your kids bday party? Or could it be how you felt when your jeans were too tight? Whatever it is, I “fat” means different things to everyone.
But, I want to tell you that FAT doesn’t have to be a BAD word. There are FATS that are actually GOOD for you! Here’s a secret- in order to lose the fat around your middle or on your backside, you actually have to EAT fat. I am talking about the GOOD fat. Monounsaturated fat, a staple in the Mediterranean diet, is the “good fat” that may actually help you lose weight, whittle your middle, keep blood sugar levels in check, lower harmful LDL-cholesterol and much more.
Here’s a short list of some GOOD FATS:
    1.    PINE NUTS- Most commonly associated with pesto, pine nuts are also delicious when added to meat, fish, salads, vegetable dishes, or baked into bread. They help to lower bad LDL cholesterol and prevent heart disease and strokes. They’re also rich in iron—great news for those following a vegetarian or vegan diet. Pine nuts contain pinolenic acid, a specific fatty acid that helps you to eat less by suppressing your appetite. Try toasting pine nuts and enjoying on top of your favorite salads.
    2.    OLIVE OIL- Due to its high monounsaturated content, olive oil is a terrific option for boosting heart health. To make the most out of your olive oil, use the extra-virgin kind for drizzling and homemade salad dressings.
    3.    PEANUT BUTTER- Sometimes I love nothing more than a PB&J sandwich. This classic is also good for your heart. Spread natural, unsalted peanut butter on crunchy apple slices or add it to a smoothie.
    4.    AVOCADO-My favorite (I think it should be a mandatory food group to itself!). Avocados have been shown to act as a nutrient-booster, so you can absorb more of the fat-soluble beneficial carotenoids in plant foods. In addition to your favorite guacamole, try fresh avocados on salads, sandwiches or toast, on top of your tomato or veggie soup.
    5.    FLAX SEED OIL- Flax seed oil may benefit individuals with heart disease and aid in cancer prevention. Use it to make salad dressings, add to soups and smoothies for an extra boost of nutrition, or stir into your favorite pasta sauce for an added dose of good-for-you fat.
What do you think of this list? Do you have a favorite “go-to” fat? Will you add any of these foods to your diet?

For more information, contact me at


Work Out in the Morning!

This morning I was working out at the gym with my friend and I turned to him and said “let’s lift heavier”. Just like that. It was unplanned but I had a sudden burst of energy and I felt like I could do more. He said “you don’t waste anytime, do you?”. I said “life is too short”. I believe that when you feel like you can do it, GO FOR IT!
But, what about those times when you don’t feel it? Then what? Do we challenge ourselves to rise above? Do we fake it til we make it? I am talking about seeking confidence in your abilities to rise to a tough new challenge. It’s not always easy. I have had days where I want to stay in bed, pull the covers over my head and go back to my dreaming. But, I know that’s not really going to make me feel good.
Exercising early in the morning offers numerous benefits, both to your health and to your daily schedule, that exercising at other times of the day just can’t provide. Yes, you will have be disciplined to wake up early. And yes, you have to be focused on achieving an effective workout.
Here are a few reasons to get up and move (even if you are not a morning person):

    1.    You will enhance your metabolism. Your body burns more calories after your workout, even when you’re sitting at a desk or driving in your car.
    2.    Consistency. If you exercise in the evening you run the risk of making excuses for not going to the gym. And there goes your workout. Or you may simply feel too tired to exercise by the end of a long day. But, in the morning there is nothing to distract you from getting down to business. Exercise will be your first priority and it will get done.
    3.    Improve your physical and mental energy. I drink coffee in the morning, more for the ritual of a hot cup of joe but really it’s the exercise that wakes up my body and my mind. Movement can be a tremendous source of energy, something many of us need when we start our day.
    4.    Reach your fitness goal. Committing to something (in this case morning exercise) that requires sacrifice (in this case sleeping in) creates a compelling argument in your mind that says, “it better be worth it!”. And by working harder at your exercise program you will see results (your clothes will feel less snug!).
    5.    Love your life! Exercise is a trigger that releases endorphins, our built-in happiness drug. And who doesn’t want to be happy!