I love the cold weather but my skin does not! It doesn’t seem to matter that I use face cream (day cream, night cream and under eye cream) and hydrating body lotions my skin, lips, hair and nails are dry! And the worse part is I am doing what I should be doing. I take vitamins to supplement as well as eating the right healthy foods. UGH!!!
I started to look into some natural sources of foods for better skin. And I am going to start to incorporate these foods into my diet. Here’s what I found:
Walnuts: Walnuts contain omega-3 essential fatty acids, which can improve skin's elasticity. They are loaded with copper, a mineral that boosts collagen production. Snack on a handful of walnuts each day to improve your complexion's texture. You can also grind walnuts to make an at home exfoliant (I like honey, coconut oil and Walnut face scrub- Take a spoon full of each honey and the coconut oil. Mix the honey and oil and put some walnut dust in it. Again, make sure the granules are of right size. Massage on skin and body for beautiful glowing and polished skin.
Oatmeal: Would you believe that eating oatmeal helps you to look younger? Steel-cut oatmeal is less processed than other varieties, so it retains more vitamins. In addition, it takes longer to break down in your body, which helps keep your blood sugar stable. So how does eating oatmeal help you to look younger? Eating foods that spike your blood sugar elevates your body's level of androgens, the hormones that can contribute to wrinkles.
Pomegranates: They're packed with polyphenol antioxidants which fight free radicals and regulate skin's blood flow, giving it rosiness. Eating this fruit or drinking it should do the trick.
Chocolate: Here’s some great news! Cocoa (in particular dark chocolate) hydrates your skin, making it firmer and more supple.A couple of squares a day should be enough to improve luminosity. Familiar with skin care products that have cocoa as an active ingredient? When applied topically, the caffeine in chocolate may temporarily reduce skin puffiness.
Sunflower seeds: Loaded with vitamin E, sunflower seeds keep your skin supple by protecting its top layers from the sun. You can eat a handful daily. A high essential-fatty-acid content makes sunflower seed oil a treat for parched body parts, such as lips and heels, when topically applied.
So, now let’s put these foods to the test and let me know what you think! Send me an email to rachel@livehealthynyc.com cause I would love to hear from you!