Keeping Healthy

Dear Rachel,
It’s mid-January and I am really trying to be “good”. Like many people I want to be in better shape for the new year. I want to lose those annoying 7 lbs and get back into my skinny jeans. I have tried to go without the “extras” that got me here in the first place- the extra holiday party drinks, the handfuls of candy here and there and the rich holiday dinners. What else can I do to “speed” this process?

First off, you are not alone! Many people are still in the post holiday motivation euphoria- look how crowded the gyms are! I agree, it’s not easy to adopt a new routine when we have been eating sweets and drinking ourselves silly for the past few months. But, now, in the middle of the month, I can’t think of a better time to detox your body (and your mind too!).
    1.    Go food shopping- According to Barbara Reich, Professional Organizer and Author of Secrets of an Organized Mom, “An organized pantry is a healthy pantry. If you want to eat well, then start by ridding your kitchen of junk food and store nutritious foods in the most accessible areas in your pantry and refrigerator”. I never go to the store without a shopping list- make a list of healthy items to restock it with. That way you will not have any excuse as to why you reached for the bag of chips or the candy bar. Items that should be on your list include: organic oatmeal, whole grain fiber cereal, apples, bananas, oranges, berries, spinach, nonfat greek plain yogurt, low fat cottage cheese, lean turkey, salad fixings, sweet potatoes, whole wheat grain bread, quinoa, eggs, cheese, honey, green and herbal tea, lemon, chicken breasts, raw nuts, medjool dates, and organic dark chocolate
    2.    Walk - whenever you have the time, walk to where you want to go. This includes taking the stairs whenever possible (I have a rule, whenever it’s doable, I take the stairs). Put on some music while you walk or just listen to the beat or enjoy the silence of where you are going. Use this precious time to concentrate on who you are and what you want and where you want to go- a meditation of sorts.  At nite, after dinner, my husband and I will go for what I call a “digestion walk”. Not only does it allow us to burn off a bit of dinner, but it gives us some alone time!
    3.    Exercise- this is something that NEEDS to be factored into your everyday life. And it needs to become as routine as brushing your teeth. Find a time, make it part of your day. How many days a week? At least 5/7 days! This is a sure fire way to lose the weight you want to lose. You can do ANYTHING you want- cardio, weight-training, pilates, yoga, kickboxing- you name it as long as you do it! 45-60 minutes out of your day will make you a healthier you! Every town and city has a handful of gyms to join or classes to take. And some classes are even free to join. And, there’s always the option of running or hiking outdoors!
It’s that easy! With your New Year’s resolutions still keeping you motivated when you plan to eat healthier and exercise more, you will be surprised at how much better you feel without it feeling like a struggle.