This morning I was working out at the gym with my friend and I turned to him and said “let’s lift heavier”. Just like that. It was unplanned but I had a sudden burst of energy and I felt like I could do more. He said “you don’t waste anytime, do you?”. I said “life is too short”. I believe that when you feel like you can do it, GO FOR IT!
But, what about those times when you don’t feel it? Then what? Do we challenge ourselves to rise above? Do we fake it til we make it? I am talking about seeking confidence in your abilities to rise to a tough new challenge. It’s not always easy. I have had days where I want to stay in bed, pull the covers over my head and go back to my dreaming. But, I know that’s not really going to make me feel good.
Exercising early in the morning offers numerous benefits, both to your health and to your daily schedule, that exercising at other times of the day just can’t provide. Yes, you will have be disciplined to wake up early. And yes, you have to be focused on achieving an effective workout.
Here are a few reasons to get up and move (even if you are not a morning person):
1. You will enhance your metabolism. Your body burns more calories after your workout, even when you’re sitting at a desk or driving in your car.
2. Consistency. If you exercise in the evening you run the risk of making excuses for not going to the gym. And there goes your workout. Or you may simply feel too tired to exercise by the end of a long day. But, in the morning there is nothing to distract you from getting down to business. Exercise will be your first priority and it will get done.
3. Improve your physical and mental energy. I drink coffee in the morning, more for the ritual of a hot cup of joe but really it’s the exercise that wakes up my body and my mind. Movement can be a tremendous source of energy, something many of us need when we start our day.
4. Reach your fitness goal. Committing to something (in this case morning exercise) that requires sacrifice (in this case sleeping in) creates a compelling argument in your mind that says, “it better be worth it!”. And by working harder at your exercise program you will see results (your clothes will feel less snug!).
5. Love your life! Exercise is a trigger that releases endorphins, our built-in happiness drug. And who doesn’t want to be happy!