I am a big proponent of drinking a lot of water. As soon as my feet hit the floor in the morning I drink about 2 cups of water. Drinking water powers my workouts, increases my metabolism, helps to stave off hunger, and it boosts my energy. Why wouldn’t you want to drink water?I have heard people say that they don’t like how plain water tastes, they often forget to drink water and that if they do drink alot of water they will have to pee every 5 minutes. Does this ring true for you? I would like to think that drinking water is a matter of developing a good habit. And a good habit means developing a routine and practicing it. Here are 3 ways to start the habit of drinking water:
1. Flavor your water- citrus flavors enhance plain water. I like to peel the fruit before adding it to the water as it tastes less bitter. Also, if you “muddle” the fruit with a wooden spoon it helps to unlock the flavor. Also, you can try adding berries to flavor your water. Get creative!
2. Use your water bottle like a timer. Mark lines on your water bottle so that you know exactly how much you should have sipped by different points throughout the day.
3. Turn transitions into triggers. Make certain times of your day as markers. For example, if you take your kids to school, drink a water after drop off. Make a point to drink a glass of water before you go to lunch and when you get back. Drink before meals.
Do yourself a favor and start drinking water. You will look and feel better and your body will thank you!