Spring Eats

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Ever wonder why you crave warm hearty soups in the fall and winter and fresh mouth watering fruits in the spring and summer. Well, our environment, our culture, and our demographics impact what we eat. And on a basic level, we eat what is most available to us. People have always eaten regional foods- the foods that grow in the area. When in Italy, eat pasta! And when you come home from work starving, make sure you have some fresh veggies and fruit in your immediate reach (rather than a bag of chips and guac!). Years ago, in cold climates people  relied on preserved foods, potatoes, and root vegetables from the cellar to make simple, sustaining dishes. The hearty stew is a familiar vestige of years when, during the colder months, people needed a cheap and palatable way to eat preserved vegetables and frozen meat. However, now with transportation, fresh fruits and vegetables are available across the country and at any time of the year. 

We eat largely for pleasure. And one of the reasons I believe we eat seasonally is fruits and vegetable are at its peak during certain seasons. And it tastes so good!

So, what should you enjoy eating this spring? Here are a few of my favorites:

Asparagus, Apricot, Artichoke, Avocado, Mango, Morel, Pineapple, Peas. Click here for a delicious grilled appricot, arugula and goat cheese salad. And click here for an easy healthy asparagus soup recipe! 

Enjoy this season and have a great day!

Snacking Mindfully

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In the United States and abroad, the snack food industry is enormous (no pun intended)! Whether it’s bite size 100 calorie snack packs or bags of chips, cookies or candy, there is a huge business out there and marketers know exactly how to get us to snack. Ever think why you snack? As a young child, playgroups, nursery schools and pre-primary classes designate a “snack time”. So, perhaps one can say we have “learned” that there are certain times of day we snack. Pre-covid, I went to the movies and I rarely sat down to watch the show without a tub of popcorn and twizzlers. I don’t think I was ever actually “hungry” but I associated watching a movie with snacking too. Sound familiar? And what about all of the “diets” and food fads that “program” one to have a morning and afternoon and bedtime snack to keep your metabolism going. And that 4pm slump during the workday when you “need” a coffee break for something sweet to eat. Whether snacking is out of hunger, habit, boredom, social engagement, or emotional comfort  there are many reasons we snack. It’s not so much a question of if you should snack, but whether you are snacking for the right reasons – and making the right choices and have a healthy mind about snacking. 

Let’s become the expert of our body’s needs. Lets learn how to snack mindfully and create a healthy relationship with our food, mind and body. Easier said than done! 

Here are a few steps you can take towards achieving this (and you can call or email me for assistance!). 

  1. We need to accept our cravings and recognize when we’re experiencing them but also arm ourselves with snacks that are wise and nutritious. 

  2. Know thyself- what type of snacker are you? Are you a “distracted snacker”? Try to adopt some smart strategies to help you slow down and focus on what you’re eating (maybe try to use chopsticks or eat with your opposite hand). Are you an “emotional snacker”? Go for nutritious foods that boost your energy and make you feel good like a healthy handful of nuts, berries or avocado rather than a candy bar (which may feel good in the moment but think about how it leaves you feeling after). Whatever your snack personality, there are many clever techniques to adapt your snacking behavior that can help encourage mindful eating habits.

  3. Don’t change everything at once. If you’re thinking of changing certain snack habits or eating patterns, allow yourself time to change and don’t try a major lifestyle overhaul in one week. For example, if you feel your body is calling out for better nutrition, set one goal per week. Maybe start with a healthy breakfast and see how that makes you feel for the morning. 

Above all else, it’s important to accept that we are not perfect- and more importantly, we don’t need to be. You don’t need to suffer deprivation, guilt, fear of food or anxiety over treating yourself every now and then. Just be thoughtful. One step at a time, one day at a time.

Have a great Monday!


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Last March, my son and all of his friends who were studying abroad had to abruptly leave their foreign homes and return home to the states. We had been hearing about a virus that was highly contagious but we didn’t know what to expect. I can remember telling him to put on a mask when he got into the taxi and to head straight to his room without a hug. It was definitely not the homecoming that any of us imagined. I know that he felt like an outcast having to wear a mask. Now, if we walk down the street without a mask, we feel the harsh glances of those we pass. 

What a year this has been! 

Life is precious and our relationships with my “pod” is not something I take for granted. 

I don’t mean to sound corny but now as spring has sprung and the buds on the trees begin to bloom I am optimistic about the months ahead. And I can’t help but think about getting back into shape- both mentally and physically. It’s time! What have you been doing this past year (yes, a whole year has gone by!) that you are ready to change? Maybe you want to start exercising, or maybe you want to start a hobby, or maybe eating healthier. The time is now. Here are a few thoughts that I have on what you can do to feel better.

  • Wake up a little earlier- now that we have moved our clocks ahead by one hour you have a longer day. I like to wake up a bit earlier to have some “me” time. Why don’t you try it. You can make a healthy breakfast, get caught up on the news and even squeeze in a workout. By the time you’re ready to head out for the day, you’ve already accomplished a few tasks. That feeling alone can help set the stage for the rest of your day. 

  • Eat the colors of the rainbow- Bland, boring meals often come in bland, boring colors. Add spice back into your life this spring by eating more colorfully. By choosing ripe and bright foods, you can add excitement back into your meals and say goodbye to empty calories and unnecessary chemicals. Healthy, colorful food is the only way you should be eating. So, next time you’re at the grocery store, choose any fruits and veggies that pop out to you. Let the rainbow of healthy foods guide you along your journey to wellness.

  • Get outside- This has been some year and if you are feeling a little down and out you are not alone. But, getting outside can really help lift your spirits. By taking a short walk, you can boost your mood and your energy without turning to caffeine or unhealthy snacks. It’s a great way to either start your day, break up the day or even end the day with a walk and hit your internal refresh button.

  • Rethink your drink- WATER can replace sugary drinks and alcohol. Stay hydrated- it will improve every inch of you. If you don’t love plain water you can add fresh fruits or vegetables for instant flavor.

  • Love yourself! 

Make this season as bright as the colors of the spring flowers and take care of yourself - you deserve it! 

Spring Ahead

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I love springtime! There is a brightness to the sky, the flowers start to bloom (I deal with bad allergies for a few months), the temperatures warm up and we start to feel more energy around us. 

If you are like me, waking up this Monday morning wasn’t easy. This weekend we turned our clocks ahead by an hour and I was definitely a bit groggy when I woke up. I felt like I was robbed by an hour of sleep! It’s funny, it’s only one hour but it feels like more! I guess while we have to sacrifice one hour of sleep, the upside is we get more hours of daylight!  

DST (Daylight Savings Time) doesn’t make it easy for us to deal with this time change. But, for your health, here are some tips on how to best handle the time change. 

  • Go Slowly- If you can remember to go to bed a little earlier pre-time change and get up just a bit before your alarm goes off in the morning, you will have an easier time adjusting. But, if you were blindsided by the clock, just realize that as the days get longer and natural light exposure increases your body will adjust. 

  • Keep your schedule- Try to manage your schedule accordingly. Be consistent with eating, social, bed and exercise times. 

  • Have a nighttime ritual- Bedtime routines aren’t just for kids. You don’t need to do things in a certain order, but you should make a habit of slowing your body down. Dim your lights. Take a warm – not hot – shower. Put your phone, computer or tablet away. Electronics’ high-intensity light hinders melatonin, a hormone that triggers sleepiness. It stimulates your brain and makes sleep difficult the same way sunlight does.

Be good to yourself- get your zzz’s, eat healthy and exercise daily! 

Wishing you an easy time and lots of sunshine and happiness in the weeks ahead!

Food Cravings

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Health was always a word in my vocabulary. I exercised and ate right all through my teens and mostly during my college years (well, we will wipe the slate clean at the freshman 15 that I gained by eating bran muffins and peanut m&m’s and deep dish pizza). When I was in my 30’s  and pregnant I couldn’t wait to eat both french fries and ice cream for 9 months. But, once pregnant I didn’t want any of those foods. What I craved were foods that were tart. I wanted lemon tarts. Fearing that I would gain more than the recommended weight that my doctor monitored, I turned to fruit! I loved mouth watering not so sweet pineapple and tart crunchy green apples. I wanted plain foods like a bagel with melted muenster cheese or egg salad. I made this work by opting for whole wheat scooped out bagels with lite cheese and egg salad with low fat mayo. I tried to be smart. I preferred vanilla flavor over strawberry or mint chip ice cream and so I found low fat frozen yogurt that satisfied my craving. 

Cravings are curious to me. Why do we have them and what do they mean. The severity and frequency of your food cravings can be affected by a combination of lifestyle factors, such as being dehydrated, lack of sleep and an unbalanced diet. Also, making sure that you get enough healthy fat, protein and complex carbohydrates to satisfy you is important for keeping cravings at bay.

Here is a list of foods that will help satisfy your cravings in a healthy manner.

  1. If you crave SALT it could mean that you are dehydrated (poor sleep or too much alcohol) so I would suggest that you  have dried seaweed, tomato juice, salted almonds or broth. 

  2. If you crave FATTY foods it could mean that you may need more sleep. I would opt for healthy fats such as avocado, nuts and nut butter, seeds and fish over fried foods.

  3. If you crave SUGAR it might mean you need more balance in your diet. If you really want  a sweet (and may kill someone to have it!) allow yourself to have  a small portion of it- but only after having eaten a balanced meal first. And if you know you won't be able to stick with a small piece, opt for some fresh fruit or a square of dark chocolate.

The ability to resist cravings is not always about willpower. In fact, foods that are high in sugar and salt — namely, processed foods — have a powerful effect on our brains and keep us wanting more. Ever notice how it’s easy to finish a bag of chips but a bag of carrots is a different story! In order to stop craving foods that are high in sugar and salt, I recommend that you start with a diet of mostly unprocessed, whole foods, get good sleep and daily exercise and over time (remember there is no magic pill), your taste buds should adjust accordingly.

Juice Press Meal Plan

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Juice Press is a company that makes nutrient dense, plant based food to fuel your life. USDA Organic, kosher, and delicious, they never skimp on integrity or quality. A few weeks ago, I was asked to curate a 3-day meal plan for their online market. Of course since I love their products, and often will stop by to pick up my provitoic (it's a probiotic that is plant base) or grab a nutritious juice or a soup, I was happy to do this. 

If you click on this link, it will take you to the page and you can shop Juice Press . 25 Off One Purchase on JP's Online Market

• Code: RACHEL25

• Amount: $25 Off JP's Market 

• Max 1 Redemption

• Valid for 2 weeks from today.

Enjoy! And as always, feel free to contact me with any of your health questions! Happy Monday!

Healthy Living without Fad Diets

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I believe that there really are no magic pills for helping us to lose weight and get healthy. However, it’s easy to fall into the trap that there really is an easier way and we see it everyday when we hear about the latest fad diet that is followed by a celebrity or even your best friend. Do you remember the “No-Carb Diet”, the “Keto diet”, “the Cabage Soup diet”, “the Cookie diet” and even the “Carnivore diet”. Following these diets may seem like a good idea, and even may help you shed some pounds (I mean if I could eat cookies all day and not gain weight, how crazy would I be to not try it!). 

But, practically speaking, these fad diets are not sustainable. The honest to goodness truth is that losing weight and getting into shape and “being” healthy involves one’s willingness to practice eating healthy, the ability to self-monitor, the willingness to control food cravings and the ability to employ psychological coping strategies. Here are a few ways to make your achieve your healthier lifestyle:

  1. DON’T COUNT CALORIES- look at the portion size. If it looks too big, it probably is. Use a smaller plate, smaller bowl, smaller silverware- you get the idea.

  2. WATER- stay hydrated. This is key. I always keep a bottle of water by my side. 

  3. PROTEIN- this may in fact be a magic pill. Eating lean protein causes your body to burn more calories during the digestion and absorption process. And your body has to work harder to digest and absorb the nutrients in protein. Protein can also reduce your ghrelin levels. Ghrelin is known as the “hunger hormone” because it stimulates appetite, causing you to digest more food and store more fat. And finally, protein can boost your levels of peptide YY, a hormone that makes you feel full.

  4. WHOLE FOODS- whole foods are foods that are as close to their natural form as possible. Not only will eating whole foods keep the weight off, but doing so will keep you healthier.

  5. SUPPORT- surround yourself with people who will help you in your healthy journey. Enlist the help of your spouse, family, or close friends who will motivate you to stay on track, and support you when you get off track. And don’t forget to be supportive of yourself! 

Sugar Bye Bye

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Did you overdo it yesterday with the valentines day chocolates? Do you feel like you need a healthy clean eating sugar detox? I am going to give you a few easy steps to follow. I promise you will be in good company as you are not the only one kicking the sugar habit, especially this morning!

  1. Stop drinking soda or any other beverage that is pre-sweetened (I am even talking about diet soda!). DRINK WATER! Water is essential for so many reasons, but it is also very much tied to our detoxification system. You can make water more interesting by adding lemon slices, cucumber slices, or try sparkling mineral water. 

  2. Eat more PROTEIN. I am a breakfast eater- I believe it sets your day to go in the right direction. And not just a bowl of cornflakes or waffles. Make sure you’re eating enough protein at breakfast. Eating enough protein with your morning meal has been shown to help with weight loss and satiety.

  3. Increase HEALTHY FAT intake. Healthy fats include avocado, unsweetened coconut products, grass-fed butter or ghee (unless you have a dairy allergy), and nuts and seeds. Aim for 1-2 tablespoons of healthy fat with each meal.

  4. Eat more COMPLEX CARBS. There’s no need to completely lower or cut out carbohydrates even if you’re watching sweets. Avoid simple carbohydrates like pasta, bread, and sugar which can spike and crash your blood sugar.

  5. Eat FRUIT. If desserts are something you eat for a sweet after a meal, go for fruit instead. Fruit has natural sugars, but it also contains nutrients and fiber to help slow the absorption into your bloodstream. Fruit can be a healthy alternative to dessert, especially antioxidant-rich, low-sugar fruit like berries.

Also important to help you “cleanse” is the importance of daily exercise, plenty of sleep, and don’t skip meals. 

For more information and guidance, feel free to contact me at rachel@livehealthynyc.com


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I woke up this morning, stretched in bed, put my feet in my slippers and went to wash my face and brush my teeth. I then took my vitamins (with a 16.9 oz bottle of no-name water) and then proceeded to have my coffee (as I undid the dishes and listened to the morning news). This is how I start my day. It is the beginning of my morning routine that I am familiar with and it sets me on my path for the rest of my morning. 

Having a daily routine can be a stress- and sanity-saver especially during this last year! Not only can certain repetitive actions benefit your physical health but they can also improve your mental health by reducing your stress levels.

When it comes to diet, sleep and exercise, having good routines are linked to improved mental and physical health. And people with more daily routines have lower levels of distress when facing problems with their health or negative life events.

I am often asked how long will it take to get to where I want to be? It takes an average of 66 days for a behavior to become automatic (a habit), but for some people it can take as long as 8 1/2 months. It is important not to give up!

Here are some ways to start on your path:

  1. Create the routine that is right for you. We are all different. We all have different schedules that work for us. 

  2. Start small. “Go big or go home” isn’t the right mantra here. Pick one small thing each week to work on. Small changes add up.

  3. Add to your existing habits. You probably already have habits that you enjoy. So, add something to that. For example, I set aside just 10 minutes to read the news headlines in the morning. Sounds obvious, but it’s a habit that I had to incorporate into my day.

  4. Make swaps. If you find that every day you are doing something that isn’t healthy (like a cookie and coffee drink at 4pm) try having something like fruit and nuts or going for  a brisk walk instead.

  5. Plan ahead. Everyone has busy days, so plan for it. Making an exercise plan for the day and planning your meals will help set yourself up for success even when your life gets crazy busy.

We all know that life throws us curve balls and the more we have our feet on the ground the easier it can be to manage what comes our way. It is important to make time for ourselves and to enjoy what we do. It is so important to not beat yourself up if your routine doesn’t go exactly as planned. There are always more opportunities to get back on track. You don’t have to be perfect! 

Have a wonderful Monday!

Size Matters

Size does definitely matter. 

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Get your head out of the gutter, I am referring to the portion size of you breakfast, lunch and dinner plate. We all know that obesity in our country is a growing epidemic. And more people than ever are struggling to control their weight. There are a number of factors that contribute to how much we eat. Generally, what we put on our plate, we generally eat. I can still recall sitting at the table and hearing “do you want to be a member of the clean plate club” or “finnish what is on your plate, there are people who are starving in Africa”. Research shows that increased portion sizes are thought to contribute to overeating and unwanted weight gain.

So, how do we measure and control portion sizes?

Here are a few tips:

  1. Use smaller plates. Swapping your usual plate, bowl or serving spoon for a smaller alternative can reduce the helping of food and prevent overeating. Most people feel just as full having eaten from a smaller dish as from a large one.

  2. Use your plate as a portion guide. I like to divide my plate into sections based on different food groups. For example, 

    1. Vegetables or salad: Half a plate

    2. High-quality protein: Quarter
      of a plate — this includes meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, tofu, beans

    3. Complex carbs: Quarter of a plate — such
      as whole grains and starchy veggies

    4. High-fat foods: Half a tablespoon including cheese, oils and butter

  3. Use your hand as a guide. It is true that your hands usually correspond to your body size-  bigger people who require more food typically have bigger hands. 

    1. High-protein foods: A palm-sized serving for women and two
      palm-sized portions for men — such as meat, fish, poultry and beans

    2. Vegetables and salads: A fist-sized portion for women and two
      fist-sized portions for men

    3. High-carb foods: One cupped-hand portion for women and
      two for men — such as whole grains and starchy vegetables

    4. High-fat foods: One thumb-sized portion for women and
      two for men — such as butter, oils and nuts

  4. When you go out to eat, you can either share a meal or ask for an appetizer portion. This will help you prevent overeating.

  5. Eat slowly and eat sitting down. 

  6. Don’t eat straight from the container. 

  7. Be aware of the serving size. Read the label on the back of the package to determine what is the appropriate amount. Too often there are multiple servings in what you may think to be just one.

  8. Use a food diary. Writing down what you ate, when you ate it and how you felt about it will help you to be accountable to yourself.

At the end of the day (or at the end of the meal), how much you eat, can be helpful for you. For more helpful ways to eat healthy, feel free to reach out to me at rachel@livehealthynyc.com

Fruit as Sweet as Sugar

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When I want something sweet (this seems to be a theme for me this month!), I try my best to have fruit. But what’s the best fruit to have? Real fruit, dried fruit, freeze-dried fruit, stewed fruit, canned fruit, frozen fruit or pureed fruit. Who knew there were so many options! 

  1. Fresh fruit- As a kid, I was told to eat fruit. But is it possible to eat too much fruit? I've worked with clients who have totally shunned fruit because they were told that fruits are high in carbs and sugars. And other people I have worked with have loaded up on fruit because it's rich in nutrients. I believe that the reality is, the ideal amount lies somewhere in between these two extremes, and it varies from person to person. Generally, your fruit needs are based on your level of activity. As fruits are a major source of carbs, you want to make sure that you have time to burn what you take in. Always, having a bowl of berries or a plate of fruit is better for you than a plate of cookies and cake. So please, enjoy fruit as part of a balanced diet as fruits are loaded with nutrients. If you’re strategic about the timing and amount, you won’t have to worry about weight gain or preventing weight loss, and at the same time you'll better protect your health.

  2. Dried fruit can be a way to meet your fruit requirements for the day and also a healthy alternative when fresh fruit is not available. Dried fruit is packed with nutrients, since it contains all the nutrition of fresh fruit but in a compact form. For example,¼ cup of raisins, which are made from grapes dried in the sun, no sugar added, contain about 6 percent of your daily value of potassium, which is the same amount you'd get from one cup of fresh grapes. But, you should be aware, not all dried fruits are created equal. Some are loaded with sugar. Given that you know what you are eating, I think dried fruit can be a perfect pre-workout snack, goes great in a salad, and as long as you watch your portion size, it’s got many health benefits.

  3. Frozen fruit- I think frozen fruit is a great healthy option. You can get fruits that are hard to get when they are not in season (like mango and pineapple). I love using frozen fruits in my smoothies or thawing out for oatmeal. 

Here are some great websites to look at for fun healthy smoothies. 

Food Network



Have a great sweet day!

Sugar Cravings

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Every once in a while I crave something sweet, like a chocolate chip biscotti or a cookie from a nearby bakery. “BC” (before Covid), I would love to go with my husband to the movies just so I could indulge in an overpriced bag of twizzlers or share a bag of peanut m&m’s. And so, I confess here, that I am human. I do want to say too that I am selective. Mostly because the memory of what I want is not always as good as what it really tastes like to me. What I mean is, a hostess cupcake tasted really good when I was growing up, as did a reese's peanut butter cup. Now, not so much. Either my taste buds got more sophisticated or the quality control of the ingredients isn’t up to my standards. 

So, if you are like me and want to know what to have that isn’t a fruit (and if you know me, I am very likely to tell you to have a bowl of berries or a sliced apple to replace the sugar), here are some of the healthiest candy options. 

  1. Justin’s Nut Butter Cups These are sold in many stores, including Starbucks!

  2. UnReal Milk Chocolate Gems I am seeing these in every major store, not just Whole Foods! And they are really delicious!

  3. Endangered Species Chocolate I love the mission of this company! They give back and support humanity across the globe. I love the packaging as much as I like the taste!

  4. Peanut M&M’s While I do love the traditional m&m’s, my healthy conscience says while we are still at home during this pandemic, it’s fun to bake and when it’s a healthy treat, it’s even more enjoyable! So, try to make your own homemade! 

  5. Snickers Of, if this is your vice, I recommend the fun size as it’s smaller in size than the regular candy bar and will leave you feeling satisfied without the guilt.

Now, just so we are clear, I am not advocating eating like this every day (or night). But, once in a while, when you are needing something that just can’t be satisfied by a piece of fruit, these are my recommendations. 

Have a healthy and sweet day! 


Foods to Help you Feel Healthy

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Do you ever feel crummy and blame it on the food you ate? Well, it’s true, there are certain foods that don’t agree with us (too much sugar, too much caffeine, too much fried foods). 

Our bodies run off what we feed it. The best way to get the most energy from our food is to make sure we’re giving ourselves the best food possible. I believe that being mindful of what’s on our plates can be a healthy and effective way to keep our energy levels up. Here are some foods that we can eat that will help promote good health and well being. 

  1. Unprocessed foods- Processed foods, such as some packaged or canned foods, candy, boxed meals, and precooked meats are typically full of preservatives, additives, sodium, trans fat, and artificial ingredients that may slow you down.These foods should be off limits! Like saying no to cigarettes, so should we say no to fast foods!

  2. Fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables- The fresher your food is, the more nutrients it will contain.

  3. Non-caffeinated beverages- There have been studies that show that caffeine in limited doses is ok for us. But, if you're allowing yourself to run on coffee, tea and other caffeinated beverages rather than feeding your body with good nutrition and balanced meals and snacks, you’ll eventually feel run down.

  4. Lean proteins- Foods like chicken, turkey, and fish, and toful provide quality protein and can give your body the energy it needs.

  5. Whole grains, complex carbs and nuts and seeds- These are some great foods that help beat hunger and fatigue. 

  6. Water- Drinking water is essential for optimal functioning of the body. Although water doesn’t provide energy in the form of calories, it helps facilitate the energetic processes in the body, which is an energy boost in itself. Try drinking water throughout the day, and try to swap out sodas, coffee, and other drinks for a glass of water. This simple change can make a big difference, and you’ll feel better before you know it.

Here are a few of my go-to’s especially when I need a boost: 

Bananas- yes, this sweet fruit that is easy to eat (and digest) is packed with potassium, fiber, vitamins, and it has the perfect amount of carbohydrates that provide you with a big boost of natural energy! 

Oats- yes, a bowl of oats packs a punch of filling fiber and even a little protein. I choose the plain versions of instant packets of oatmeal, steel-cut oats, or old-fashioned oats as they aren’t filled with extra sugar. I can then control what I put in it ( I add oatmilk, a little honey, and some mixed berries). 

Chia seeds- I love tossing these nutty seeds into my morning smoothie for energy as they add healthy fat and filling fiber. 

I hope that this will help you to think more mindfully about what you eat and help you to feel good about what you are putting into your body. 

Stepping into 2021

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How are you going to step into 2021? Let’s remember the past (2020 was quite a year!) and let's learn from it, and use what we have learned, in all of our glory to create this new year so that we can make it meaningful.

Typically, the morning after New Year's Eve, the gyms are packed with everyone who has made their resolution to get into shape. Well, as we all know life isn’t as it once was. But, it is promising as I see people walking and running outside and some outside classes (where the weather permits) and inside classes are taken online (thanks to technology). We have not given up on our health! What’s on your New Year's Resolution for this year?

Here’s my list:

  1. Consistent sleep- getting enough rest is important. Ways to get your zz’s: block out your thoughts by using meditation to help relax, noise machines to create a peaceful room, warm bath before bed, soothing warm tea)

  2. Balanced diet- eat a sustainable diet. It’s ok to have a splurge every once in a while but if you have chocolate cake every Sunday, that’s a habit. 

  3. Exercise- try to get some form of exercise every day.

  4. Me time- even a few minutes of escaping for your own space (it could be sitting down to read a book, taking a walk to breathe in fresh air, make a home spa with a face mask, mani/pedi)

Aim for sustainability- small goals are easier to make our resolutions stick.

Need a hand- I am here for you! 

2020 is Almost Over

What a year this has been. 

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We all know that we are ready for 2021 to be a better year than the one we are leaving behind. Upon reflecting on the year past, I have learned alot about myself which I may have missed had this year not been what it was. 

I have learned to slow down.

I have learned to be more present.

I have learned to appreciate the small blessings in life.

I have learned that we can make smiles out of bitter limes.

I have learned that I do not need half as much as I may want to have.

I have learned that my family can rise to the occasion when presented with challenges.

I have learned I can adapt. 

I have learned to be more flexible.

I have learned to tolerate the discomfort as I step out of my comfort zone.

I have learned to say what I mean and mean what I say.

I have learned to tell my friends and family how much I love them everyday.

I am sure this list can go on. 

I hope that my reflections have inspired you to take count of the blessings you have. It wasn’t a complete waste of a year. 

Wishing you a healthy bright 2021!



Healthy Winter Veggies

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Winter is here! Brrr! 

Living in NYC, we just experienced our first winter storm! It was beautiful to watch the snow come down! I can’t tell you how many people I saw playing in the fresh powdery snow. I kept thinking that everyone (even wearing their masks) were trying to dance the pandemic away!

Did you know that during the winter months, the body needs more vitamins and minerals to withstand the cold. And vegetables are rich in vitamin C and other useful minerals that the body needs to fight off illnesses and maintain good health. (For those of you reading this who may have escaped the cold weather, it is still important, even in a warm climate to make certain you load your plate with fruits and vegetables). 

So, what are some of the healthiest vegetables to eat now? 

  1. Cabbage- growing up I only ever ate cabbage as stuffed with meat and rice! Well, there are a variety of ways to enjoy this hearty vegetable from raw in a salad to cooked in a soup or stew. It is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals and can reduce inflammation. For a great recipe click here.

  2. Winter squash- This vegetable protects the body from heart disease, cancers and diabetes. I love roasting this vegetable and adding it to salads or boiling it for a hearty soup. For a healthy salad recipe click here. 

  3. Brussel sprouts- a small but mighty vegetable that is rich in nutrients especially in vitamin K which is critical for bone health.

  4. Carrots- a vegetable that is great for your eyes and packed with vitamin A and has powerful antioxidants that protect against certain cancers.

  5. Swiss Chard- a dark green leafy vegetable that has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body and contains antioxidants that may help reduce the risk of heart disease. 

It is so important to eat healthy and stay healthy! For more information and support, contact me at rachel@livehealthynyc.com

Healthy Chanukah Latkes

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I have always loved celebrating Chanukah! Even during this pandemic, our festive lights glow bright and my home sparkles with holiday spirit. And let’s not forget about the food! Traditionally the food isn’t so healthy- lots of chocolate and jelly donuts and fried food. Over the years, I have learned how to create a healthy Chanukah meal! And potato latkes take center stage.

But, traditionally latkes are fried in oil and since I like to keep healthy, I bake my latkes. And whether you use white potatoes or sweet potatoes both are healthy for you. Click here for a healthy latke recipe made with yukon gold potatoes.  And click here for a healthy sweet potato latke. Don’t forget to serve the latkes with  applesauce (no sugar) or sourcream (low fat)!


Good Food Good Mood


There are certain types of foods that help to improve your mood and can help to keep you balanced and free of too much stress!

Fatty Fish (think salmon and albacore tuna) for omega 3 fatty acid. Eating this type of food can help lower risk of depression.

Dark Chocolate- rich in many mood-boosting compounds and high in health-promoting flavonoids, which have been shown to increase blood flow to your brain, reduce inflammation, and boost brain health, all of which may support mood regulation. Opt for dark chocolate which is higher in flavonoids and lower in added sugar. You should still stick to 1–2 small squares (of 70% or more cocoa solids) at a time since it’s a high calorie food.

Fermented Food- kimchi, yogurt, kefir, kombucha, and sauerkraut, may improve gut health and mood. The fermentation process allows live bacteria to thrive in foods that are then able to convert sugars into alcohol and acids. During this process, probiotics are created. These live microorganisms support the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut and may increase serotonin level.

Bananas- Bananas are a great source of natural sugar, vitamin B6, and prebiotic fiber, which work together to keep your blood sugar levels and mood stable.

Oats- Oats provide fiber that can stabilize your blood sugar levels and boost your mood. They’re also high in iron, which may improve mood symptoms in those with iron deficiency anemia.

Berries- Berries are rich in disease-fighting anthocyanins, which may lower your risk of depression.

Nuts and Seeds- Eating nuts may support brain function and lower your risk of depression.

Coffee- Coffee provides numerous compounds that may boost your mood.

Beans and Lentils- rich sources of mood-boosting nutrients, particularly B vitamins help improve mood.

I believe that you should aim for wholesome foods that have been shown to not only boost your mood but also your overall health. Try out some of the foods above to kick-start your positivity routine.

Here is a healthy smoothie that I made that I love. It is full of good wholesome ingredients and can be had for a meal or a snack. And don’t be afraid to experiment with different fruits and veggie combinations!

Green Machine Smoothie:

1/4- 1/2 ripe or frozen banana

1 tablespoon flax seed

1 tablespoon hemp seeds

1 heeping handful of raw spinach

1/2 cup oat milk (or any milk you choose)

Can incorporate protein powder or yogurt for protein

Can include raw oats for carbs

Can include raw nuts or nut butter or avocado for fat and protein source

De-Stress Over the Holidays

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Keeping your Mind and Body in Shape: How to De-Stress this Holiday Season !

Thanksgiving was our kick off to the start of the season and now we are full into the hustle and bustle and decorations galore. 

Holidays are most often associated with connecting with family, friends, and co-workers. Usually during this season, many holiday parties are scheduled and destinations are sought for a holiday vacation.


However, this year looks and feels quite different. Covid, quarantines, and shutdowns are now familiar words to describe this time in our lives. It is no mystery that many of us feel a little “off” and possibly “down” and find it hard to motivate!


Ellen and I had such success with our last zoom workshop that we decided to offer it again throughout the holiday season. During our upcoming virtual workshop, we invite you to a reprieve from the stress of the upcoming holiday season. Our workshop will offer some useful tips and strategies to deal with stress, create new routines, and help you to take control of your mental and physical well being.

This week on Friday December 4th at 11am, we will explore mindfulness, meditation, exercise and activities that will lift your spirits. And we will identify foods that can boost your mood, and also give you tips on how to manage your eating habits.

We will provide some practical strategies to help you find the best path to a happier, calmer, and healthier you!

To sign up for this week, send us an email to either me or Ellen (rachel@livehealthynyc.com) or (EKWestrich@aol.com) . The cost of this week’s session is $25. We look forward to “seeing” you on Zoom and a link will be provided upon sign up. 


Stay Fit and Healthy this Thanksgiving


Everyone knows that Thanksgiving 2020 is different from any other Thanksgiving holiday we have had. Personally, I like to look for silver linings. Be thankful for what you have and you will end up having more.

Whether you are enjoying a meal with your “pod” or on your own, and while eating plays a large part during the fall and winter holidays, this season doesn’t have to be a time to give up on healthy habits entirely. Here are a couple of quick tips to stay fit and healthy over Thanksgiving while still eating some of the foods that you love.

  1. Get outside- This holiday is also a great time to get outside and go for a walk or a run with another family member or friend.

  2. Eat in the morning- People often skip breakfast on Thanksgiving Day in order to ‘save their appetite’ for dinner. This isn’t the best idea for your health. Avoiding food until the afternoon often leads to hunger and excess eating during the Thanksgiving meal.

  3. Drink water- Staying hydrated is important and generally people do not do enough of it – particularly when the weather turns cooler.  Try drinking several full glasses of water during the day so that your body does not mistake thirst for hunger.

  4. Use a smaller plate- Did you know that eating off of a smaller plate helps you to eat 22% fewer calories compared to using a larger plate.

  5. Slow down- Chew slowly. Did you know that fast eaters consumed 3 ounces of food per minute, while slow eaters only ate about 2 ounces per minute.

  6. Be aware of “danger” foods- Be careful of foods that may seem healthy, but actually aren’t. These can include green bean casserole, gratins, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce. That does not mean to stay away from them entirely, but just to eat everything in moderation.

  7. Don’t deny desserts- Don’t feel that you have to restrict yourself entirely from certain foods. Simply try to enjoy the sweeter items in moderation.

This year, I know I will try my best to be more present, more grateful and very thankful for the blessings I have. I wish you and your loved one a happy healthy holiday.