Good Food Good Mood


There are certain types of foods that help to improve your mood and can help to keep you balanced and free of too much stress!

Fatty Fish (think salmon and albacore tuna) for omega 3 fatty acid. Eating this type of food can help lower risk of depression.

Dark Chocolate- rich in many mood-boosting compounds and high in health-promoting flavonoids, which have been shown to increase blood flow to your brain, reduce inflammation, and boost brain health, all of which may support mood regulation. Opt for dark chocolate which is higher in flavonoids and lower in added sugar. You should still stick to 1–2 small squares (of 70% or more cocoa solids) at a time since it’s a high calorie food.

Fermented Food- kimchi, yogurt, kefir, kombucha, and sauerkraut, may improve gut health and mood. The fermentation process allows live bacteria to thrive in foods that are then able to convert sugars into alcohol and acids. During this process, probiotics are created. These live microorganisms support the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut and may increase serotonin level.

Bananas- Bananas are a great source of natural sugar, vitamin B6, and prebiotic fiber, which work together to keep your blood sugar levels and mood stable.

Oats- Oats provide fiber that can stabilize your blood sugar levels and boost your mood. They’re also high in iron, which may improve mood symptoms in those with iron deficiency anemia.

Berries- Berries are rich in disease-fighting anthocyanins, which may lower your risk of depression.

Nuts and Seeds- Eating nuts may support brain function and lower your risk of depression.

Coffee- Coffee provides numerous compounds that may boost your mood.

Beans and Lentils- rich sources of mood-boosting nutrients, particularly B vitamins help improve mood.

I believe that you should aim for wholesome foods that have been shown to not only boost your mood but also your overall health. Try out some of the foods above to kick-start your positivity routine.

Here is a healthy smoothie that I made that I love. It is full of good wholesome ingredients and can be had for a meal or a snack. And don’t be afraid to experiment with different fruits and veggie combinations!

Green Machine Smoothie:

1/4- 1/2 ripe or frozen banana

1 tablespoon flax seed

1 tablespoon hemp seeds

1 heeping handful of raw spinach

1/2 cup oat milk (or any milk you choose)

Can incorporate protein powder or yogurt for protein

Can include raw oats for carbs

Can include raw nuts or nut butter or avocado for fat and protein source