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I have a love for water. Not the kind you swim in (too many shark sightings this summer!), but the kind you drink. I carry a bottle of water with me just about every where! And I tell all of my clients (and even random people who I meet) to drink up! Not drinking enough water can lead to fatigue, weight gain and even wrinkly skin!

But what about those who have a hard time downing a tall glass of h2o? Well, there are ways to get creative in this department. And especially around fruits and vegetables. Most fruits and vegetables have extremely high water content (some can be up to 96 percent water). However, there is a catch- you have to eat them raw for this benefit, because water is lost during cooking. But, luckily, there are alot of hydrating foods are best eaten raw.

Here is a quick list that you can rely on:

  • Cucumbers

  • Celery

  • Grapefruit

  • Cantaloupe

  • Watermelon

And, not only can you eat them raw, but you can make healthy ice pops, flavor your tap water, and make juices as well soups and enjoy the healthy benefits that these hydrating foods offer! If you want some great juicing combos click here for 15 different types of juicing ideas (one sounds better than the next to me!). And as always, for more information, contact me at rachel@livehealthynyc.com