I have a friend and every morning she drinks a hot cup of water with sliced lemon. She believes this is her magic ellixer. Is this the answer to a longer more youthful life I wonder? I started to do some research and this is what I found out.
This “cleansing” beverage is said to help digestion, boost immunity, and clear skin. Some even say lemon water acts as a buffer in the body, balancing pH levels that could lead to disease if left out of whack.
You all know that I believe in hydration (I start every morning with 500 mL of water). Hydration is critical for a wide number of your body functions). And just like good old H2O, lemon water is hydrating and free from the added sugars and unfamiliar ingredients you might find in other pre-flavored beverages. But do you need to drink lemon water in order to start your day? Well, the citric flavonoids in lemon aid digestion and reduce fatigue, so drinking lemon water in the morning could help you start your day strong.
I have also been asked if drinking lemon water has an alkalizing effect on one’s body. It is true that a small amount of lemon juice can become alkaline when combined with water, but it won’t make much of a difference when it comes to your health. There is no water or food that can substantially change the pH of your blood.
Should your water be hot or cold? Typically, warm water has a vasodilating effect, meaning it can stimulate blood flow and aid in digestion. It also helps to emulsify the fats we consume in meals so they are digested more easily. Chilled water has been shown to keep core body temperature lower, which may help prevent fatigue during vigorous exercise sessions. The bottom line: both options deliver benefits. Sip on whichever one you prefer. But drink up!
For more information, contact me at rachel@livehealthynyc.com