Proactive Snacking

I woke up early today and felt good! I greeted myself in the bathroom mirror with a morning smile, grateful for this blessing. I moved through my morning routine with ease and after enjoying my coffee and a satisfying breakfast of yogurt, cereal, and banana, I settled into my day.

By mid-morning, I decided to go to the gym. Though it was too early for lunch and I wasn't particularly hungry, I faced a familiar dilemma: without proper fuel, my workout would suffer. That's when I remembered my trusted strategy – proactive snacking.

Proactive snacking is the unsung hero of balanced eating. It’s my way of avoiding getting “hangry”. Proactive snacking is all about thinking ahead. It’s not eating just because something looks good (though, let’s be honest, that’s valid sometimes). Instead, it's about thoughtful preparation, recognizing that while I might not feel hunger now, my future self certainly will. By offering my future self a well-timed snack-sized lifeline, I can prevent that spiral into low energy and poor food choices.

Skipping a proactive snack before my workout would’ve meant one of two things: either struggling through an ineffective workout feeling weak and depleted, or finishing my exercise ravenous and devouring whatever food I could find as quickly as possible. Neither option seemed ideal!

So I chose wisely – grabbing a small, balanced combination of carbs for immediate energy and protein for sustained satisfaction. It was the perfect amount – not too heavy to weigh me down, not too light to leave me wanting. And it worked beautifully! My energy remained consistent throughout my workout, and I avoided that post-exercise "I need ALL the food right now" urgency that often leads to choosing convenience over nutrition.

This approach to snacking isn't random – it's strategic. Think of these small, intentional meals as bridges between larger ones, tools for maintaining stable energy, and a brilliant way to prevent the kind of intense hunger that leads to regrettable choices (like demolishing an entire bag of pretzels, chips, or nuts because lunch "slipped your mind").

The principle behind proactive snacking is beautifully simple: don't wait until overwhelming hunger drives your decisions. Instead, treat snacks as helpful pit stops that keep you fueled and prevent a breakdown along your daily journey. Plan thoughtfully, listen to your body's signals, and snack with clear purpose.

Ask yourself, "What would my future self appreciate?" If the answer is "a little something to maintain momentum," then you're on the right track! Trust me – your future self will be genuinely thankful that you embraced the wisdom of proactive snacking!

As a licensed Clinical Behavioral Therapist and Intuitive Eating Counselor, I’m here to help you integrate these practices into your life. If you're interested in working with me, feel free to reach out at