What if we could all accept our bodies in whatever shape or size we are? Think about how much time we spend thinking about food or thinking about how our bodies should look. What if we literally tuned out the noise that diet culture plays so loudly in our lives? What if we focused on what's inside all of us.
These negative and harmful thoughts are not our fault. There’s constant messaging (magazine covers, instagram, tic tok etc) and it makes a lot of sense that we’re going to feel this pressure. I would be lying to you if I told you if I told you I never had some of these thoughts. I have not always liked the way I look in certain outfits. And I have compared my body to others. I have also tried some “fad diets”.
But as I have started to practice Intuitive Eating, the more I am aware of these negative and harmful messages, the happier I am with the way I look! The magic of intuitive eating (and I really do believe it is almost magical), needs to be shared widely because of its power to radically change how we interact with food.
IE allows us to listen to our bodies when it comes to food choices and frees us to fully enjoy our food without judgment.
The more we can accept our bodies, inside and out, the healthier we are likely to be.
As a Clinical Behavioral Therapist and as a Certified IE Coach, I am here to help you to listen to your inner voice and learn positive ways to accept yourself as you are. Feel free to reach out to me for a consultation at rachel@livehealthynyc.com