Shoppers Tips

I have something to share with you that I hope you will find useful!

When I am at the grocery store, I  always sneak a taste of a blueberry before I buy them-especially if they are charging $12 a box! Well, after reading CNN’s Health report, which puts blueberries on the dirty dozen list of non-organic produce with the most pesticides I will think before I taste from the crate! 

Farmers use pesticides to control insects and fungal diseases that threaten the healthfulness and safety of fruits and vegetables. There is some misinformation about pesticides and various growing methods. This undoubtedly breeds hesitancy and confusion, resulting in many consumers opting to skip fresh produce altogether. 

Truthfully, many fruits and veggies with higher levels of pesticides are critical to a balanced diet, so don’t give them up. You can avoid most pesticides by choosing to eat organic versions of the most contaminated crops. But, if organic varieties are not available or are too expensive (like the $12 box of blueberries that I came across!), you should peel and wash thoroughly with water which is your best cleaner (no need for those expensive products that are sold in the stores).

If you want more information, you can click on here for the list put out by the EWG (Environmental Working Group) that shares the list of the dirty dozen and the clean 15. And as always, you can reach me at