I used to think that stretching was a waste of valuable gym time. I wanted to maximize my time on the treadmill or bike and get my weights in too. But, since I have been on the mat I have realized that it’s not enough to build muscle and achieve aerobic fitness- you need to stretch! Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints.
Stretching your body once today won't magically give you perfect flexibility. I have recognized that you need to do it over time and remain committed to the process. After one or two sessions, you will not be perfectly flexible. You have to stay committed!
And just like the body can be flexible, so too can our minds. There is so much freedom in mental flexibility. Allowing yourself to be mindful and present can help you to focus on things that are essential for your self-development. I also strongly encourage you to train your mind with an attitude of gratitude. It is important to be grateful for both good and bad life experiences: they all teach us something extremely valuable. Discovering your own strengths and weaknesses and honing your passions can literally elevate your own physical and mental being- Trust me, it is never too late to learn new things!
If I can help you to be more flexible in mind and body, please reach out to me at rachel@livehealthynyc.com