
Over the past few weeks, I have been writing about Intuitive Eating and how it is a framework that integrates instinct, emotion and rational thought. There are ten principles which can help guide us to become more in tune with the physical sensations of our bodies. One of the principles is “Respect Your Body”. As I was freely traveling a few weeks ago, exploring new sights, foods and cultures, something interesting and unexpected happened to me. And I would like to share this with you.

A few weeks ago a stranger let herself into my home. Not the stranger you are thinking of. A horrible back pain immersed herself into my body. Yes, it came from an ordinary experience of working out- something I do with a regularity that is part of my daily routine. Well, it stopped me in my tracks quite literally. I could move, but not with ease. I tried to ignore the pain and work out anyway but my body told me no. I was not a happy camper! I had always thought that my workouts were for peace of mind, but I am sure that along the way, I too had fallen into the rabbit hole of diet culture, and used both cardio workouts and weight training as a way to keep my body fit.

I know that this unwanted stranger was delivering a message that had other intentions and along with intense PT and self introspection, I have finally started to understand the meaning of this pain.

A wise woman said to me that pain is sometimes like a child who is in the middle of a temper tantrum. You can’t “show it who is the boss” but rather embrace the child and understand their difficulty.

I vigorously tried to rid my body of this unwanted pain but it just was on her own time table. Session after session I was told to “let go”. But I was still trying to control what I was doing. Which was the very reason I was in pain. No real surprise…I like to control- from what I eat, to how I exercise, to how I manage my life. Never really thinking it was too interfering with my daily lifestyle! Learning how to release these controls and rediscovering and finding freedom was the gift I sought. It wasn’t until I truly let go of some of the old ways and began to embrace new beginnings would the pain leave my home (aka: my body). It is a process and I am hopeful that I will be back to my “new normal”. The importance of rest and selfcare, finding the power of truly letting go, “doing nothing” is really “something”- these are the practices which I am tuning into.

If I can help you to find your peace, feel free to contact me at