There are certain food groups that I will never tire of. Specifically, nuts. I love all of the different varieties. Nuts are so good for us (if we are lucky enough not to be allergic) but we have to eat them wisely. Just the way a squirrel takes its time on the one nut he is eating, we too need to be mindful of how we eat nuts.
Nuts are a good source of key nutrients, healthy fats, and protein.The key is to consume nuts in a way that delivers health benefits without the weight gain. That means limiting portions and eating nuts instead of, not in addition to, certain other foods.
A good rule is a single serving of nuts is 1 ounce or 1/4 to 1/3 cup. For almonds, that's about 18 to 22 individual nuts, packing 168 calories. Nuts are low in saturated fat, so consuming them instead of animal protein sources can help to lower your LDL ("bad") cholesterol. They contribute fiber, potassium, and calcium to your diet. For almonds, that's about 18 to 22 individual nuts, packing 168 calories.
However, while nuts are a healthy protein, you can't simply substitute nuts for meat, ounce for ounce. If you did, your waistline would pay a steep price.
Where should you put nuts into your diet? I do not love nuts as a standalone snack in a bowl. You will automatically eat more calories than you set out to do. It's true that a small handful of nuts can kill hunger pangs between meals, but round out the nutritional mix of your meals. Breakfast is a good time to go nuts. Throw some in your cereal or yogurt with fruit. At lunch, toss a handful into a meatless salad. At dinner, nuts are a nutritious addition to grain-based side dishes like wild or brown rice and mushrooms.
If you want to learn healthy ways to eat nuts (and other foods that are good for you!), let me know and we can set up time for teaching, education and making healthy choices.