As we have all been at home during this pandemic, we have a lot of time on our hands that may lead us to stray from our goals of healthy eating. Even for me, it’s easy to wander into the kitchen for an unexpected snack in order to relieve stress or boredom. Snacking- it can be the one downfall for those trying to lose weight. You may actually get hungry post lunch and want something crunchy. You're trying to be “good” so you grab a handful of popcorn but a short while later you realize you are still pretty hungry. That’s common as you need to snack with purpose and there are a few guidelines to the right type of snacks that will actually fuel you. Here is a formula that I have for building a healthy satisfying snack. It’s the 1:2:3 rule for building a perfect snack:
Healthy Carb
Healthy Fat
Lean Protein
If you have all 3 ingredients in your snack, you will have built a healthy snack that will keep you feeling satisfied.
Here are some examples of snacks you can have:
Carrots (celery or pepper) and hummus
Apple (or banana or berries or kiwi or mellon) and cheese or nuts
Granola and yogurt (or smoothie)
Edamame and hard boiled egg
Whole grain bread and avocado
Remember to portion out your snack as it’s just a snack and not a meal. As well, stay hydrated- often we think we are hungry when we are really thirsty and our body doesn’t recognize the difference at the time you start snacking. I always keep a bottle of water with me wherever I am. Equally as important as being prepared to snack mindfully at home, when you are out and about, plan for the need to snack. Throw something in your bag that has the 1:2:3 ratio (for example, some fruit and nuts are always a good and easy go-to).
For more information and ways to stay healthy I am here to help! You can reach me at