I am a big proponent of eating the right foods, staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water, daily exercise and making sure your body is well rested in order to perform at its best. All good ingredients for healthy living. I am also an advocate of taking supplements in case your diet does not provide you with all that your body needs. And I try my best to live this way. It has been during these past weeks that one of the most important vitamins that should not be overlooked is Vitamin F, for FRIENDSHIP.
There are a number of studies that highlight the importance of friends and good relationships to your health. And now, during this time that we are all staying home due to COVID-19, good friends are good for our health. Close friendships help to strengthen our immunity, keep our stress levels low, improve our self-confidence, increase our happiness and boost our overall health.
We have noticed that the way we spend time with our friends has changed over the past few months. We are not able to get together the way we once did- I can’t have lunch with my friends or stop by and sit in my friends kitchen and have a chat. My kids can’t go out to dinner with their friends or go out to a house party or a club (ok, I don’t miss waiting up for them to come home at nite!). While I can manage my own mani/pedi and I can pull my hair back in a pony tail, what I can’t give up are my friendships. I simply can’t do without my friends! And so we are finding ways to feel connected through technology (“zoom parties” are happening from book clubs to cooking clubs to cocktail hour and more) and “trunk parties” where we can drive to a friends house and talk through opening the car windows and “hanging out” for sure at greater than 6 feet to keep socially distant. While it’s a bit socially awkward when greeting my friends not to give a hug or a kiss, the true joy of seeing my friends (whether in person or by facetime) is just the nutrient that I need. I have needed more than ever during these weeks to laugh, cry, bitch about the laundry buildup, moan about the amount of meals I make daily, and exchange ideas for getting through these times. I am so thankful for the friends in my life! So take care of yourself during these unprecedented times by reaching out to your friends and making sure you are available for them to reach out to you!
PS- Check out my instagram (@livehealthynyc) page for some healthy recipes that friends send to me!