I got into my elevator all dressed in my exercise clothes and sneakers to head to the gym (this is my normal start to my day). My doorman said in a robust early morning voice, “go get em Mrs. G”! I looked at him with half-opened eyes and thought about how comfy my big bed was (my husband was out of town so I could sleep in any which way I chose across the bed), my kids were old enough not to need me to get them up for school, the morning sky was just beginning to get bright and why on earth did I need to get up and go so early to workout? Why couldn’t I have hidden under the covers or lounged around having coffee and watching the morning news and chat shows and leisurely reading the morning papers? But, something inside me quickly pushed these thoughts aside and I tried my best to bring myself to smile at his wittiness and said “I am going to try!”.
The way you feel in any given moment is dependent upon and evoked by what you are thinking or saying out loud in any given moment. Your thoughts create the way you feel. If you believe it you can become it. You have the power to succeed and only you can drive your energy towards your ultimate goals. Being alert and aware of how you feel at any given moment allows you to make healthier changes that will last a lifetime -but not without constant attention and work as this will allow for ultimate success! So get moving towards a healthier fresher you!