I was recently at a breakfast buffet and overheard a group of people (both men and women) dismiss the gorgeous fruit tray. I can understand “poo-pooing” the pastry tray for all the sweet icing and heavy calories, but the fresh strawberries, mixed berries, pineapple and oranges and bananas? Really? As a result of so many fad diets there's a long list of foods that many believe are off limits. For example, there are certain fruits and veggies that many believe are high in calories and should not be eaten. But, happily, you don't have to stop eating these delicious and healthy options that have gotten a bit of a bad reputation. They can be nutritious, decrease your risk of chronic diseases, and boost your overall satisfaction.
Here are some of the foods that are on my approved list:
Bananas- Unfortunately, bananas have a bad reputation for being a carb-rich fruit. But that's actually one reason they're so great. Research shows that eating bananas can be just as good as drinking a sports drink in fueling exercise performance. Outside of exercise, they're a good source of potassium, one of the nutrients people tend to fall short on, which is essential to help regulate blood pressure. Plus, bananas (especially the greener ones) contain resistant starch, a type of carbohydrate that may improve your gut microbiome and help keep you slim.
Fruit- In addition to bananas, people have been skeptical of eating berries, melons, apples or any fruit because of the sugar they contain. The truth- people who eat fresh fruit every day have lower blood pressure and blood glucose levels. "Nature's candy" offers ticker-protective potassium, fiber, folate and antioxidants. Plus, the sugar in fruit is natural and packaged together with fiber to help slow the absorption of sugar into your blood (read: less spikes and dips in blood sugar). Now's the perfect time to whip up a smoothie at home.
Dark chocolate- Eating chocolate can actually make you happier. I am not talking about a kit kit or a snickers bar. But, real dark chocolate. Compounds in chocolate (including cocoa flavanols) boosted brain function. Following a chocolate fix many are actually in a happier moo. The darker the chocolate, the more good-for-you flavanols it contains. Don’t overdo it. One small chocolate square is ALL you need!
Pasta- I have always believed when in Rome, eat pasta. But, we live in cities where the culinary expertise is so rich that it would be a shame not to experience a fine dish of pasta. Studies have found found that those who ate small dishes of pasta were better able to stick to a healthy style of eating. Just be sure to order appetizer portions and stick to vegetable-based sauces, like marinara, rather than cream-heavy ones, like Alfredo. And serve your pasta alongside veggies and protein for a more balanced plate.
Caffeine- Have you thought about cutting back because of the caffeine? A daily cup or two of coffee (or more) could actually help keep you sharp. Caffeine may offer neuroprotective properties that affect anxiety, memory and cognitive performance. I wouldn’t suggest drinking creamy frappuccinos but a traditional coffee with dairy milk or nut milk or straight up black is perfectly healthy!
For more information feel free to contact me at rachel@livehealthynyc.com