Lemon Detox Diet


Have you ever heard of the “Master Cleanse” aka: the “lemonade diet”? It’s been in all over the news channels and magazine covers. It’s a way to lose 20lbs in 10 days and rid your body of toxins. Say goodbye to solid food. For at least 10 days! Your days consist of: 4 cups of salt water each morning, a cup of herbal laxative tea at night and six to 12 glasses throughout the day of the "lemonade" – a concoction you make from fresh lemon or lime juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water. There are several variations of the diet but all eliminate solid foods. Crave something more substantial? Too bad. Straying from the 650-calorie per day regimen is not allowed. When on this cleanse, you may have food cravings, experience extreme fatigue, become irritable, have aches and pains, feel nausea, perhaps some vomiting and possibly a burning sensation during bowel movements. Proponents of this cleanse claim these symptoms are signs of the body's detoxification, but there's no scientific evidence that Master Cleanse or other detox diets actually rid the body of toxins. In fact, the liver is perfectly capable of purging the body's impurities naturally without a so-called cleanse.

I can understand why some people may be attracted to the idea of jump starting a weight loss plan with something that sounds as chic as a “detox.” But, “whoa” I say! Really, does this sound healthy? Not to me! Diets such as this (or other detox cleanses) serve no real purpose other than to starve your body of necessary nutrients. Lemon-water fasting does not allow you to get the proper nutrients and calories that your body needs.

In order to remove toxins through the body’s gastrointestinal tract you need fiber. Lemon water doesn’t contain the fiber necessary in order for the body to “self-cleanse.”

Drinking water is really good for you! It hydrates your body! If infusing water with lemon helps you to drink more water than I say “go for it!”. Water is one of the very best ways to keep the insides of your body healthy! If you feel tired or lethargic, I suggest that you think about how much water you’ve consumed that day. If you feel fatigued, it’s likely that your body is short on fluids.

Here’s what I am telling you: if you want to give your body a “cleanse,” don’t waste your time on an unproven fad, such as a lemon-water detox. Take a balanced approach- drink more water, consume more fiber by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and exercise regularly! That’s the perfect way to cleanse!