Aging Better Now


We can not turn back the clock when it comes to aging but we can take (healthy) steps towards helping us feel the best we can. Both men and women can relate to this feature as the only way to optimal well being is by taking care of ourselves through a healthy diet and exercise and lifestyle plan.
Here are some ways that you can feel better about yourself and change the way you look. And it’s not as difficult as you may think.

  1. Rethink the connection between diet and exercise. You can’t get away with thinking that you can eat all you want and go to the gym and just burn it off. Hate to be the voice of reality but your body is not the same as it once was when you were in your 30’s. While exercise is essential, it’s not going to undo the one drink that turned into 3 the other nite or the double cheeseburger or chicken parm and pasta. You need to drink and healthy as well as exercise to keep your body fit.
  2. Exercise by weight training. Many think the longer we stay on the bike or treadmill then the more calories we burn and the better we will look. Not necessarily true. Naturally as we age we lose muscle mass. Yes, cardio is great for your heart, increasing lung capacity and decreasing stress, but that doesn’t mean you should do it exclusively, ignoring the weight-loss benefits of strength training. Working out with weights a couple of times per week is enough to reverse the loss of muscle mass. And, believe it or not, strength training has also been shown to lower stress levels, while also improving cognitive abilities, protecting against bone loss, and reducing risks for Type 2 diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, and heart disease.
  3. Increase your fiber. This is essential for good health. And it is easy to do. Just eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, beans, nuts and whole grains. Foods with high fiber are more filling and keep you from noshing later on.
  4. Eat the right type of protein. Not all proteins are created equal. So, stick to lean sources like lean turkey, chicken, salmon, and plants.
  5. Rest. This is so important and often overlooked as we have so much to do in a given day. But, in order to do it all we need to be rested. We need sleep to refuel our minds and bodies so that we can be as productive and energized as we want to be and as we can be. Taking naps is not underrated! And neither is getting to bed at a reasonable time. Getting enough rest will help to keep your metabolism working effectively and help to keep the unwanted weight off.

Follow these tips and you will feel great and look even better than you did many years ago! Be your best self now! NUTRITION. WELLNESS. BALANCE.