I love to go pumpkin picking in the early fall! The best part is picking the right ones that we can carve into halloween jack-o-lanterns and then use the seeds and flesh to roast. Pumpkins are super nutritious as they are loaded with antioxidants and disease-fighting vitamins.
Here are some interesting pumpkin facts:
Pumpkin is loaded with beta-carotene which is a provitamin that is converted to vitamin A in the body. Known for its immune-boosting powers, beta-carotene is essential for eye health and has also been linked to preventing coronary heart disease.
You don’t have to use fresh pumpkin to reap the benefits. I use canned pumpkin (less work!) which is equally as good!
The seeds are packed with protein, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. Studies suggest pumpkin seeds provide a number of health benefits— such as blocking the enlargement of the prostate gland, lowering the risk of bladder stones, and helping to prevent depression.
But, be careful. You don’t want to overdo a good thing. Eating too much beta-carotene isn’t toxic, but excessive consumption can cause a yellowish discoloration of the skin called carotenemia. Don’t worry, though—turning into a pumpkin after midnight is still only for the fairy tales—the skin discoloration is harmless and can be easily reversed.
There are so many ways to incorporate pumpkin and the seeds into your meal that doesn't just involve the traditional pie. I love to add it to my morning oatmeal for a different flavor or in greek yogurt. I found a great easy recipe for pumpkin muffins so click here
to make it for yourself! Happy Autumn!