The Case for Peanut Butter


I love my peanut butter. I am sorry for those with a peanut allergy. Truly I am. Peanut allergies are severe and everyone should be aware they exist. But, for those of you who can eat peanuts, this one is for you. Research has found that a diet that includes foods with high levels of monounsaturated fats like peanut butter can help people lose weight and prevent heart disease. It is fats found in foods such as olives, nuts, avocados and peanut butter that are good for you. So, the take-away is that peanut butter is a healthy food, packed with protein, fiber and monounsaturated fats, plus plenty of fat-burning folate. However, be aware, most commercial peanut butters are packed with sugar and fillers, and have more sugar than they do fiber. This is not a healthy way to eat. So, look for brands that are made with just peanuts (and maybe just a bit of salt). The best pb that I have found is : Smuckers Natural PB Creamy and also the Crunchy one too! This brand is easy to find in many local supermarkets so it very accessible. What’s the best way to eat pb? Well, not out of the jar! That’s dangerous! Best to take a small smear (it goes along way) and have it on your favorite grain bread (love it toasted) or with an apple! I also love to add it to a smoothie (but be careful you don’t add too much) or as my daughter loves for breakfast when she blends it into oatmeal with a side of sliced banana. Want more ideas how to enjoy this creamy good for you food? Feel free to email me at