How to Stop Eating Sugar


I have never been a sugar addict (my addictions are more in the name of cowboy boots and jeans). But I know a lot of people who are sugar fiends. It’s not exactly breaking news or shocking that sugar is bad for you. It damages your teeth, it destroys your skin (leads to breakouts and wrinkles) and it can lead to health problems.
The good news is there are ways to cut sugar out of your diet once and for all. There are foods that we can replace for sugary drinks and foods- I call them food swaps and they offer healthy benefits.
    •    Binge on berries- Blueberries and raspberries contain little sugar and offer antioxidant benefits.
    •    Dairy- Choosing plain yogurt instead of ice cream, for example, gives you the benefit of probiotics, which help maintain proper digestive health. In fact, imbalanced gut bacteria and candida overgrowth have been linked to more intense sugar cravings, and probiotics can help rebalance the gut bacteria. Enjoy your yogurt with some fresh berries and low-sugar granola for a satisfying fiber- and protein-rich snack that will keep your blood sugar from spiking.
    •    Eat real food- A diet rich in vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, whole grains, eggs, poultry and wild fish are not high in sugar. It’s what you put on them that causes trouble. Simply put, fresh food tastes fine!
    •    Smart swaps- curbing your sweet tooth just takes some thought. Instead of sugar candy gummies, have a fresh mango. Grilled fruit brings out the natural sugar that you are seeking. Mashed sweet potatoes are also a great source of sweetness without the sugar.
The more you eat real unprocessed foods the less you will crave sugar. Trust me, you will feel better without artificial sugar and by eating real food.