Are you a snacker? Many of us are and it's not because we are hungry. Ever take a moment to wonder why you snack? Sometimes people snack as a result of stress, sadness, anger, boredom or a to give themselves comfort. And sometimes people snack as a way to celebrate. Ok, I have to come clean andadmit that YES, I can be CAUGHTon occasion with my hand in the COOKIE JAR! So, if you are a snacker, how can you make healthier choices so that you don't derail your weight loss goals? And yes, often I practice what I preach so here are some suggestions:
• If you snack because you are stressed, avoid stimulants like caffeine or refined sugar, which can cause a brief spike in energy followed soon after by an extended crash. Try foods rich in B vitamins, such as bananas, beans and lentils, which have been known to combat stress.
• If you snack because you are sad, eat healthy carbs (like whole wheat bread or pasta. NOT pints of ice cream or bags of cookies! Whole grain carbs (and whole wheat or gluten free cookies aren't what I am talking about!) will elevate your mood and increases calmness and happiness. Remember, the only problem food solves is that of real hunger.
• What about the person who snacks as a way of celebrating a milestone, a promotion or a festive occasion? This is me! While I love a piece of rich chocolate cake I think twice because if you know me, I truly believe that it's better to treat myself to a fabulous pair of shoes! These types of celebratory indulgences can bring satisfaction without sacrificing your waistline. But really it's something sweet that you want? Go ahead and grab a piece of fruit. It will satisfy your sweet tooth and plus you get your fiber and vitamins!
• For those individuals who have a tendency to put things off until the very last minute, food is an easily accessible diversion. How many times have you wanted to clean up the mess on your desk or go through old pictures and put them in an album? This is a hard one that I myself struggle with. Those mundane chores that have to get done. It is more satisfying to get a handful of nuts or a bowl of grapes or cherries (but even the healthiest of foods can add up in calories). My suggestion is to eat healthy meals that are regular. Frequent well-rounded meals will stave off hunger pangs and sluggishness-inducing dips in blood sugar, and will remove food from the list of tempting distractions. I suggest lean protein such as fish, poultry or low-fat dairy.
• Do you snack out of boredom? I never like to hear anyone say they are bored. There is always so much to see and do- whether you live on a farm or in a city. There are sights to see and places to explore. Go for a walk around the neighborhood or go for a hike, visit a museum, or pay a visit to a friend you haven't seen in awhile. Just get moving! It will help fight cravings as you will be distracted. Replace your sugary or salty go-to's with healthier options such as fruit and nuts, veggies and hummus or low-fat cheese.
How will you satisfy your snacking urges? The best advice I can give you is what I say to myself: really THINK (and think twice) before you dive into the cookie jar!