
Diet Myths Debunked

Ever wonder what’s the real truth to losing weight? I find that every day there is a new story out there and with so much information at our fingertips it’s hard to keep it all straight. With the click of the tv channel or thumbing through magazines I am bombarded with ways of how to lose 10 lbs over nite. Truthfully, I love knowing about a new beauty product or something to eat that will make my skin glow or what’s the the latest in running shoes that will enable me to run faster. Is it crazy that  I want how to look and feel great? No, I don’t think so. I feel energized and happy knowing that I am treating my body right. But, it is crazy to think that all it takes is a magic little pill or a good fairy to wave a magic wand and sprinkle fairy dust and that I will be transformed in an instant. The truth is that it takes daily motivation, determination and hard work (with a little sweat too!).
But, I will let you in on a little secret- there are some weight loss tricks. Here they are:
    1.    Don’t cut out all carbs! Cutting out carbs, or any food groups for that matter is not a sustainable goal for your body and may not actually help you lose weight. When we cut out entire food groups we lack certain nutrients that allow our bodies to function at their best. In addition, by doing this we may be depriving ourselves and eventually may result in binging because we can’t sustain this type of diet. So, do you really crave a bagel but heard that it’s on the “bad” list? Why not have a whole grain bagel, scoop out the inside (it will save you somewhere between 75-100 calories, the equivalent to a slice of bread) and load it with high protein meat or egg and lettuce and avocado and tomato).
    2.    Don’t skip meals- I have met many people who think that skipping a meal or two will help them lose weight fast. However what many people are not aware of, is the effects that skipping meals has on your body other than potential weight loss. These include slowing down your metabolism and overeating, which may lead to weight gain. On top of this you will probably feel lethargic and cranky as your body has no source of energy to run on.
    3.    Exercise alone will not help you to lose weight. While exercise is definitely a crucial part of a sustainable way to lose weight, it is not the ONLY part. You can exercise all you like, but if you are eating a bad diet full of fat, sugar and processed foods - it will only take you so far. The key to weight loss is moderation and balance. Don’t get into the bad habit of eating anything you like thinking you can out exercise yourself.
The truth is weight loss isn’t a quick or easy process. I will say it again- it requires patience, effort and dedication. It may take a while, but if done correctly can be sustainable for your entire life. Don’t make yourselves miserable all for a quick fix - it really isn’t worth it! Want to know what I end up doing for a quick fix? I love to buy lipsticks from CVS or Target to brighten up my face and I also love to buy myself a pretty bunch of flowers to brighten up my day!

Want to know what to eat for a great healthy way to lose weight? Here's a link for avocado toast that I recommend!