Summer is in full swing! Many of you have either been on vacation, are going on vacation, or are dreaming of the day you can take one. Whenever I return from a vacation, it always feels like a distant memory the next day. As soon as I unlock my door, I can’t help but unpack my suitcase and start doing laundry. Then, I go through the mail. It’s like a marathon to see how fast I can get everything back in order. By the next morning, I am EXHAUSTED!
Coming home from vacation often means transitioning back to the daily grind, which can feel overwhelming and stressful. So how do we bring vacation vibes into everyday life when we come home, or even if we don’t leave our home?
I’ll be honest, it’s a bit of a challenge. But I’m trying, I really am! On my last vacation, I waited until the next day to unpack and do the laundry. “Yeah!” to me for listening to my own advice! With a few mindful strategies, you can maintain the relaxed vibes from your holiday and ease back into your routine smoothly. Here are a few of my strategies to keep yourself energized when back from vacation:
Plan Your Return with Buffer Time
I like to return a day or two before I need to resume work or other responsibilities. This buffer time allows me to unpack, do laundry, and mentally prepare for the week ahead without rushing.
Ease into Your Routine
Try not to dive back into your usual routine at full speed. Start with the most critical tasks and gradually reintroduce others. Prioritize your to-do list to manage your workload efficiently.
Reflect and Set Intentions
Take some time to reflect on your vacation experiences and set positive intentions for the coming weeks. I like to journal about my travel experiences. Vacations often inspire new perspectives, and I try my hardest to embrace any positive changes or realizations I had during my trip, integrating them into my daily life to keep the vacation spirit alive.
Practice Self-Care
Give yourself extra care and attention post-vacation. Continue practices that promote relaxation and light exercise. Yoga, meditation, reading a good book, and taking a walk in the park are all great habits to help maintain your serene mindset.
With these strategies, you can keep the relaxed vibes from your vacation and smoothly transition back to your routine. As a licensed Clinical Behavioral Thereapist and Intuitive Eating Counselor, if I can help you to integrate these practices into your life, and if you are interested in working with me, contact me