This is one of those ironic twists of fate- I have been diligently taking care of myself, trying to nurture my body back to health, and a darn cold sneaks up on me! As if my efforts need more of a challenge!
I have seriously been doing everything "right" – getting enough rest, eating well, staying hydrated, and avoiding overexertion –and yet somehow, a not so right feeling in my throat turns into a full-blown cold.
Seriously! I am in disbelief. How could this happen? But then reality sets in, and I realize that even the most vigilant efforts can't always prevent illness. I am trying my best not to get frustrated. But, honestly, I had plans- goals to accomplish, tasks to tackle! But amidst the frustration, there's also a sense of acceptance. I remind myself that I am human and this is Feburary (cold and flu season) and yes, my body has been through alot recently.
So as I surrender to the cold, I allow myself to rest without guilt or judgment. I sip on warm homemade ginger and lemon and honey tea, steam in my shower and wrap myself in layers of cozy clothes and blankets that were given to me by friends. My doctor prescribed over the counter medicine and a diet rich in nutrients (of course I am feeding myself foods that are healing), and plenty of liquids and rest.
I must let go of the pressure to be productive and instead focus on simply being – being present in the moment, being gentle with myself and being grateful for the opportunity to heal. This has been my mantra this year. Being present in the present is the best present I can give myself!
And slowly but surely, hopefully by the time you read this on Monday morning, I will be feeling better. It is my hope to emerge from my cocoon of blankets, stronger and more resilient than before!
Yes, getting a cold when you're doing everything "right" can feel like a setback, but it's also a reminder of your own resilience, your ability to bounce back from adversity. And perhaps, in the end, that's the most important lesson of all.