Spending Time

Structure and routine in my day has always left me feeling with a sense of stability. Many of us are “creatures of habit” as we begin our days and end our nights. Thinking about having to ever give up my routine was not in my wheelhouse and the thought of it left me thinking not so happy thoughts. For someone like me, routine organized my thoughts and behavior. I didn’t think I was being rigid, but rather that “my way” suited me. But you know what? To my surprise, I have discovered that everything happens for a reason.. and really learning how to be adaptable and emotionally flexible has been the best thing for me!

I am a believer that emotional flexibility is the key to wellbeing. Learning to adapt to uncertainty and discomfort in a complex and ever changing world is vital to both mental and physical health. Have you ever realized that we are bombarded with messages that tell us to be positive all the time and that we should always see the bright side. We have been taught to force ourselves to feel happy, and avoid all the negativity in life. I have always been a realistically optimistic person however I believe that “living well” is not about feeling good all the time. It’s about being able to sit with and be comfortable with a variety of feelings in life and to move towards what matters to you the most, despite the discomfort. It is important to be able to shift perspectives into action without being overwhelmed. We are constantly learning and growing. It’s just as ok to feel vulnurable as it is ok to feel strong!

Your struggles are real! Connecting to your emotions without being defensive but by allowing yourself to be emotionally open and accepting of your experiences will help you to achieve the behavior you ultimatly want.

Want to learn how to achieve emotional flexibility? As a therapist trained to help you approach your life and relationships in a more open and flexible way, come work with me. Email me at rachel@livehealthynyc.com