Body Acceptance

I was reading about body acceptance and thinking about how people (and not limited to one's age), think of their worth in how attractive they are to others. And when you are able to break free of this way of thinking and being, you realize how horrible this is for your health. And when you are brave enough to know your whole body then you start to become a human being who is complete.

As I have reached my mid-50’s, feeling my best is about my health rather than how my body looks. Sure I love a good beauty product, I haven’t found a friend who doesn’t! Trying on a new blush or body lotion gives me a “fun” factor. I don’t have an unrealistic view of what it can do for me. I like to think of body positivity as an equation. Feeling good allows me to feel like I look good, no matter what I really look like. If I have the energy I want, I can have a positive outlook on my being.

I was thinking how do I accomplish this? It’s not always so easy. But nothing good worth achieving is easy, right?

First, I dress in a way that is comfortable to me! And if you know me personally, you know that my style is all my own (me and my cowboy boots!).

Second, I make a mental list of all that my body can do. As we age, our bodies change- our bodies may not do the things we used to do, but it isn’t broken- it is just broken in! I am grateful for what my body can do!

Third, I surround myself with good friends and family. And I take time for myself to breathe.

For help in finding your own acceptance of your whole person, feel free to contact me at