Stay Cool

It's the middle of the summer and baby it's hot! All across the country we are having a heat wave! Long days of bright sun, heat and humidity are all in line with the season. Whether you are in a city, the country or the beach there is little relief. Rather than letting the heat put you into overload and throw you off balance, here are a few tips that you can use to let you enjoy the rest of the summer as it pertains to your food and lifestyle so you can usher in a more cooling nature.


EAT COOL FOODS: During the summer, our bodies like to eat what I call "cool foods. Summer is the perfect time to try out a raw food diet as not only will it help flush out toxins, but it's cooling for the body. Opt for ripe, sweet and juicy fruits and leafy greens (these should make up about 80% of your daily food), and cut down on oily things. Sipping cool (not ice cold) water infused with mint or citrus throughout the day will also keep you cool. As much as I like spicy foods, it’s not a bad idea to limit onions, garlic and hot peppers that add extra heat to your body. Instead, indulge in cold soups or let a warm meal cool to room temperature. I found a great pea and mint soup recipe that you can have either hot or cold. Click here for the recipe. 

MOVE WITH EASE AND PURPOSE: It can be quite tempting to have fun in the sun, but it's best to avoid exercising during the hottest part of the day. If you like biking or running, try doing it early in the morning or later at dusk when the temperature is slightly cooler.. And don't forget to hydrate with plenty of water!


ENJOY A MOON BATH: Never heard of it? Though sunbathing is the conventional "bath" of choice during the summer, allowing yourself to bask in the light of the moon can do wonders for your mind and body. Not only can the moon's cooling light help you to find balance, but if you're lucky enough to get outside under a full moon, you can truly harness the benefits of that special time each month when the moon's energy is full of love, abundance, creativity and positive energy.


TRY NEEM OL: You’ve heard of aloe vera oil and coconut oil and other essential oils, but “neem” oil comes from the bark, leaves and oil of the neem tree and have been used in India for several thousand years, and are still used today. About 75% of Ayurvedic remedies contain some form of neem. Indians call the sacred neem tree "the village pharmacy", and have limitless faith in its abilities. People value neem as a natural insect repellent and pesticide as they use it for skin care. Applying neem oil topically can soothe the skin and cool parts inflamed by the sun and heat. It even works as an anti-itch remedy for bug bites.


PRACTICE COOL BREATHING: When you feel a buildup of heat in your body, practicing deliberate control of the breath can be incredibly helpful. Don't get overwhelmed by the heat or what you have on your to-do list. Take a moment to breathe!  

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