Summer Tips

Are you enjoying your summer? Are you enjoying the longer days and are you finding some time for yourself? I have to be honest, I am trying! It doesn’t come naturally for me to “relax” but I am really working hard to be mindful of taking time to stop, breathe, and recharge. I do believe that summer can be the perfect time to improve your health in a way that is so seasonally laid back- hopefully, you'll barely notice the effort. Here are 5 tips for a super healthy summer lifestyle.

EAT WHAT'S IN SEASON- Summer is the perfect time for fresh fruits and vegetables! Berries are at it's peak! Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries are all loaded with antioxidants which may help prevent damage to tissues and reduce the risks of age-related illnesses. Peaches, cherries, and melon are the sweetest during the summer months. Sugar snap peas, tomatoes, corn and zucchini are great vegetables summer veggies. Maintaining a fresh diet boosts your mood and energy!

STAY COOL AND HYDRATED- There is no better drink than water. Start drinking when you rise in the morning and carry a water bottle throughout the day to ensure hydration.

EXERCISE- Summer is a great time to begin a new exercise routine and why not start it outdoors. There are so many activities to enjoy that you won't even feel like you are making an effort to exercise!

GET YOUR VITAMIN D-Vitamin D is a vitamin and a hormone that your body can make from the sun. While the sun is an excellent form of Vitamin D, you want to be sure to protect yourself from overexposure of the sun's harmful rays by wearing a hat and using protective sunscreen. You can also get your share of D in some of the foods you eat, particularly fatty fish and fish liver oil (think salmon) and some fortified dairy (think greek yogurt).

RELAX AND BREATHE- Stress is inevitable but also treatable! We are so busy running about our day that we forget to take some time to STOP and BREATHE. This is the time for you to find ways to relax and find peace. One great way to do this is to read a book! I’ve been reading alot this summer! There are so many great books and it’s a great way to have some peaceful quiet time for yourself!

For more information as you try to work towards a healthier you, contact me at