The definition of a HABIT (according to Webster’s dictionary) is “a settled tendency or usual manner of behavior” (for example, the taking of a morning walk) or “an acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary” (for example, she gets up early from force of habit).
The other day I was at lunch with my daughter and her friend. Her friend asked if I ordered grilled salmon and salad because I thought I “should”. My daughter looked at me and said to her friend, “she eats this way as she genuinely likes it and would probably never order differently”. I guess one would say that eating healthy is a habit for me.
How do we establish healthy habits?
CREATE A ROUTINE. An eating or activity schedule can create a better sense of control. Make sure your schedule is one that truly works for your life and not one you can follow only for the short term. That’s why it’s important to set realistic goals — the more successful you are, the easier it will be to stay motivated.
BUILD CONFIDENCE- Focus on strategies that play to your strengths and your skills. Consider how you have succeeded in the past, and build your plan from there. Past experiences are learning opportunities and should be seen as a useful tool in tackling new goals with optimism. Think and repeat to yourself “What did I do that felt good today”.
FOCUS ON WHAT YOU ARE ADDING TO YOUR LIFE. Try not to fixate on what you’re giving up. Breathe. Focus on things like the delicious, healthy meals you are eating and how energized you feel after a workout. Celebrate success as you notice even the smallest positive changes in how you look and feel. I believe that this focus will give you the momentum you need to keep going.
FOCUS ON YOU. We all do things differently. What is working for you is just as important as what is not working for you in your daily life. Be positive.
Enjoying a healthy lifestyle is supposed to be pleasurable and sustainable. Keep practicing. One day at a time.
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