September always signals “back to school” vibes. While I don’t go shopping for school supplies (my kids are older now), I do mentally stock up on creating new healthy structures and healthy routines. I do this by SETTING ATTAINABLE GOALS. Some ideas are:
EAT A HEALTHY BREAKFAST- Eat something high in fiber that includes protein to keep you full and energized. If you start the day out right, you tend to eat better overall and will avoid brain fog. And breakfast options are endless. Click here for a berry almond smoothie bowl.
INCLUDE GREENS IN YOUR MEALS- Dark greens (such as spinach and kale) have nutrients and fiber which are important in your daily diet. Whether you eat raw or steamed or sauteed there are many ways to enjoy greens in your diet. Click here for a spinach and egg recipe.
FIND CREATIVE SUBSTITUTIONS FOR UNHEALTHY FOODS- Work to eliminate foods and snacks that you buy regularly that are high in calories but low on their health benefit. Eat them less often as an occasional treat. Try using low-fat dairy, whole grains, healthy oils like avocado and olive oil and natural sweeteners like fruit instead of high fat or sugar alternatives.
INCORPORATE BALANCE EXERCISES- Sadly, as we age, our ability to balance decreases (I am 53yrs old and the thought of getting on a balance beam like I did while a young camper is horrifying!). But, there are easy ways to increase our strength and flexibility. For example, you can balance on one leg at a time (count to 10) and then switch to the other leg. You can take yoga classes, strength training and simple walking exercises to help improve balance.
DRINK WATER- It’s nothing new that there are health benefits to drinking more water. It helps keep your temperature normal, it’s good for your joints, protects your spinal cord and other sensitive tissues and gets rid of wastes through urination, sweat and bowel movements. If plain water isn’t your thing, try flavoring it with citrus, berries or herbs.
EXERCISE AND STAND UP STRAIGHT- As a little girl, my parents would always tell me to hold my shoulders back and stand straight. As an adult, posture is more important than ever (ever notice how we shrink as we age?). Weight training, cardio exercise and holding good posture are goals to keep.
TURN OFF ELECTRONICS AND GO TO BED EARLY. We all lead busy lives and it’s hard to turn off from the day. It’s so important to wind down (I love reading a book before bed) as sleep provides more energy, helps with better food choices and provides overall clarity.
It takes time to make healthy habits part of your daily life. Be patient with yourself and remember that YOU CAN DO WHAT YOU SET YOUR MIND TO!
For more information, encouragement and a person to talk to, feel free to reach out to me at