
Water- the ideal fountain of youth! Water provides so many health benefits to our bodies and as the warm weather is here this summer we need to pay attention to staying hydrated. And drinking water is the best way to stay fully hydrated. Interestingly, I am often asked if drinking water can help you lose weight? Here are some quick bullet points:

  • Tap or filtered water does not have any calories. Aren’t you better off if you drink water over a sugary beverage! 

  • Drinking water before meals can help to lessen your appetite. Not dismissing your hunger but drinking water before you start your meal allows you to take time to “pause” before you reach for the bread basket. 

  • So, how much water should you drink daily? I have always thought that we need to drink at least 8, 8oz glasses of water a day. But, the truth is, that is completely random! How much water you drink depends on the individual! For example, those who exercise and sweat a lot may need more water than someone who doesn't. 

  • Keep in mind that you also get water from some foods such as fruits and vegetables that have a high water content (grapes, watermelon, cucumbers), tea and coffee, fish and milk. 

  • Are there rules? The rule that I like to follow is drink when you wake up in the morning and after a nap and as well drink when you feel thirsty. And drink enough to quench your thirst! 

  • If you feel headachy or in a foul mood, you may need to hydrate. But, be careful not to drink too much as excessive drinking water can cause water toxicity (too much of a good thing is not a good thing!).

So, while drinking water can help in weight loss, keep in mind that water alone will not help you get the beach body you want. It’s about proper nutrition and exercise too! For more information, feel free to contact me at rachel@livehealthynyc.com