During this time of year (the holiday season) I always have a lot on my mind (I bet you do too!). I have learned to make lists of what needs to get done, and I really try to hold onto my seat and not to stress over the length of the list. I then calmly and methodically check off as I complete the tasks - hopefully without having expended too much stress!
Getting enough rest, exercise and eating well are three components that are important to me and are always on my check list. If I can somehow manage each of these, I will be in pretty good shape. If you know me, you know that I believe that a healthy diet is one of the key ingredients for your overall wellness- eating the correct foods can boost your immune system and lower your risk for a myriad of diseases, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even certain cancers. And there is a direct connection between our “brain health” and the foods we eat. It actually makes a lot of sense- our brain needs fuel to function at its highest capacity. So, if you are driving an expensive car, you fill it with premium fuel, not regular gas, since it won't perform as well. And aren’t we all worth it! So, if you want to stay sharp and focused as best you can, one of the best things you can do is eat a varied, nutrient-rich diet.
Here are a few foods that you can eat to help keep you going strong:
Leafy green vegetables - think spinach, kale, arugula, parsley and romaine lettuce. Shouldn’t be a problem to incorporate this into your diet- eat a salad, drink a smootie or have it steamed or sauteed on the side.
Fatty fish- salmon, tuna, and cod. All great fishes that are easy to buy or order at a restaurant.
Walnuts- all nuts are good for you but these are rich in an omega-3 fatty compound called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) which help to lower your blood pressure and keep your brain sharp. You can snack on them raw or add them to your salad or even blend it with your pesto.
Coffee- yes, if you love having a cup of coffee (or a few) every morning, you can feel confident that you're giving your brain something it needs. Research has found that increased caffeine consumption resulted in higher mental functioning. But, like everything, all in moderation.
Dark berries- blueberries and blackberries are rich in flavonoids which help to support memory retention.
Dark chocolate- Yipee! Yes, that's right—chocolate is good for your brain! Dark chocolate (like berries) is also rich in flavonoids. Cacao flavonoids may stimulate blood flow and encourage blood vessel growth in parts of the brain involved in memory and learning. Unfortunately, I am not suggesting an entire bar of dark chocolate, but a square of dark chocolate a day is a great serving recommendation to attain the treat's brain-boosting benefits. But, make sure it is really dark. The healthiest dark chocolate contains a cocoa percentage of 70% or higher, which provides more antioxidants and health benefits.
So, if after reading this today you walk away remembering what I said, you are steps ahead! For more information and guidance, I am here for you. Email me at rachel@livehealthynyc.com