Social Media

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I like social media. Let me qualify this statement. I like parts of social media. I like how it connects me to others, and I like how I can get ideas for what to make for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It allows me to stay on top of the news with easy access. What I don’t like about it is that it can make me feel ugly, not fit or envious. Scrolling through facebook or instagram, I wonder why everyone always looks so “perfect”. 

The way social media affects both men and women is significant. Sadly, social media can negatively affect body image because viewers are typically exposed to thin, fit, and "idealized" body types and will often compare themselves to peers and celebrities. Did you know that the more time you spend on social media, the more likely you are to feel worse about yourself and your body. A negative body image can cause unrealistic expectations of how your body should look and could lead to unhealthy behaviors, like disordered eating. Because social media is filled with people presenting themselves in their best light, it can be difficult to avoid images and messages that might make you feel negatively about yourself. 

However, social media can also help your body image if you use it wisely- social media can promote body positivity. Body positive content seeks to show appreciation and acceptance for all types of bodies and this is true especially as we look at the younger generation.

So, how can you counteract the negative effects that social media may have on you? 

  1. Take a break from your accounts. If you find you feel worse after scrolling, take a step back and see how you feel after disengaging. If you feel better, there's no shame in putting your phone down for a while, whether that be a few hours, days, or weeks. 

  2. Un-follow accounts that don't make you feel good. Pay attention to which accounts, people, and images lift you up. Replace content that leaves you feeling worse with content that makes you feel better. 

  3. Find a community. Follow body positive accounts and join supportive groups that can help shift your mindset about "ideal" body types. 

  4. You are human. Everybody has a different body! There is no one size fits all! 

For help and support, contact me at