Anti-Aging Foods

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The other morning I was getting dressed and listening to a news show about sun and skin care and I asked myself why I didn't listen to my mother more when she told me to wear sunscreen. As a teenager in the 80’s I made a sun reflector out of an old record album (you remember how we did this by using tin foil to cover) and slathered myself in Johnson’s baby oil and as I sat outside and baked in the summer heat. Thinking back I can not believe my mother did not just lock me in my bedroom where I could whine to my girlfriends talking on my pink princess phone. But then again, would I have listened? Eventually we all learn. As I watch my children I think they are so much smarter than I was at their age. They use sunscreen! So, as I was listening to the reporter talk about what products are best to use to prevent fine lines and sagging skin, I started to think that it isn't just about skin care products that we use but it's also the foods we eat.

Yes, genetics and climate play a large role in how our skin ages but so does the foods we choose to eat. When we pack our diet with vibrant foods loaded with antioxidants, healthy fats, water, and essential nutrients, our skin radiates. While I am a big fan of face and body moisturizers (I religiously use face cream day and night as well as a body moisturizer), we have to eat right to look our best. Want to learn what are the best foods to eat to prevent aging, read on!

  1. Watercress- A hydrating leafy green, that may boost immunity and aid in digestion.

  2. Red bell peppers-They are high in vitamin C which is good for collagen production and they also contain powerful antioxidants called carotenoids. These are plant pigments responsible for the bright red, yellow, and orange colors that you see in many fruits and vegetables and they have a variety of anti-inflammatory properties that may help protect skin from sun damage and pollution, and environmental toxins. I like to slice them for a snack and dip them into hummus.

  3. Papaya- This fruit is rich in a variety of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that may help to improve skin elasticity and minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. I love to squeeze a lime over a big plate of papaya for a snack during the day. 

  4. Blueberries- Who doesn’t love this fruit in their breakfast bowl or smoothie? This fruit may help protect skin from damage due to the sun, stress, and pollution by moderating the inflammatory response and preventing collagen loss.

  5. Avocado- This fruit is high in inflammation-fighting fatty acids that promote smooth, supple skin. Avocados also contain a variety of essential nutrients that may prevent the negative effects of aging.

These are only some of the foods we can eat to help our skin look great. There are a lot more! And you don't just have to eat them raw. There are plenty of creative ways to cook with these foods and have healthy colorful meals. And while drinking from the “fountain of youth” would be a great cocktail, the reality is you can look as good as the healthy foods that you eat! Want to learn more, contact me at