“Hi. How are you”? My grandmother, my gar-gar as I called her, in her deep southern accent would answer back “pull up a chair and have a seat for about an hour and I will happily tell you how I am feeling right now. But, if you’re just asking to be nice, well, I am fine, thank you” is what she would say. She taught me how important it is to really listen to others and to give a piece of yourself to others, because everyone has a story to share and everyone is important.
These past few months, post COVID-19 have changed our lives. No one person is the same as they once were pre-quarantine. We adapted to our new life because that’s what we had to do. And that’s not so bad. In the wake of the virus, and stock markets roller coastering and protests all over the country, there are some silver linings. People are coming together and change is happening right before our eyes. It’s truly amazing.
What have you been doing to change? Has it been healthy? I believe that eating right, drinking water, sleep, taking time for myself and exercise are key ingredients to a healthy outlook. I have realized that while I am a creature of habit I too can change. We have been afforded some time. In a strange and unprecedented way I believe it is an unexpected gift. Don’t waste it. Read a book if you want. Make a picture collage. Build something that you have been dreaming of building. Run your own half-marathon. Don’t text. Call out to an old friend because you have the time and listen to their story. Take this time of quarantine to make new beginnings toward finding a healthier you.