Good morning Monday! I hope this week starts out well for you all! With the past few weeks having gone cuckoo (coronoa virus, the upcoming presidential elections, tornado in Tennessee and stock market decline), we could all benefit from some positive news and good healthy energy.
Staying positive can be tough. Positivity can start to wain when you are bombarded with a succession of negativity, failures, disappointment and heartbreak. Positive thinking is a mental and emotional state of mind that focuses on the good and expects positive outcomes. If you want to stay positive when facing challenges and negative situations, here are some things you can do to help revive your positive energy (note- there is not any order to this list):
Perform random acts of kindness- Finding ways to put a smile on the face of others affects you just as much as it affects them. It takes the focus off of you and your problems, and allows you to be a positive force in the lives of others. Do something good for others and it will make you feel good. I can guarantee that it will lift your mood, improve your self esteem and your self-worth. It will also serve as a small distraction from your current challenges.
Find nature- Research shows that revelling in the great outdoors promotes human health. I can’t say that I think living in NYC is the definition of nature but if you can get outside to a local park or even a car ride where there are trees and land, spending time in serene natural environments has been proven to lower stress levels, improve working memory and provide a sense of rejuvenation.
Laugh- Laughter truly is the best medicine for most of what ails us. Did you know that laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress. So I encourage you to find a way to laugh–often (go to a comedy club, watch a funny movie, get together with your friends and make it a game nite!)
Exercise- Getting sweaty is not just good for your heart–it’s good for your head too! Research on anxiety, depression and exercise shows that the psychological and physical benefits of exercise helps reduce anxiety and elevates your mood. When you engage in vigorous physical activity, the “feel good” brain chemicals (neurotransmitters, endorphins and endocannabinoids) are released that ease feelings of negativity. It distracts you from your issues, and it physically relaxes you.
Celebrate- I love a good celebration! Celebrating small victories is one of the quickest ways to give negativity the boot. Getting out of bed this morning is a win! Celebrate it. If you stayed in bed today and got a little extra rest–that too is a win! Instead of focusing on pending doom or sulking over losses–actively seek out and celebrate the things you do well and all the things you did get right today.