Super Bowl Foods Monday


While I know little about the game of football, I love the sport of watching a good game! Super Bowl Sunday is indeed a highlight in my house! And for many people who go to a Super Bowl party, the highlights are the commercials, the half-time show and the drinks and foods that are served. 

So, did you over do it at the party you were at last nite? Did you drink too much or eat foods that you wished you hadn’t? Well you are not alone, many people over did it too (Super Bowl Sunday is the second biggest day of eating after Thanksgiving!). Here’s how to detox today:

  1. Get rid of leftovers! 

  2. Drink up. Water to start the morning. Stay away from juice as the acid from the citrus could also irritate your stomach. 

  3. Eat a healthy breakfast. Eggs, which contain vitamin D, are a good source of protein. A whole grain carbohydrate like a whole grain bread or muffin, healthy source of fat like avocado or nuts, vegetables (maybe in an omelet) and fruit could all be part of your morning. 

  4. Have a soup for lunch. The fluid and sodium can help rehydrate and combat fatigue caused by dehydration.

  5. Incorporate vegetables throughout the day. I love the cruciferous family, including broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts and cabbage are great as they will support a natural detox. Antioxidants, like those found in strawberries, also help repair damage from overeating and over drinking.

Get your game on today to a healthy start of your week! For more ideas contact me at