Do you ever wake up and say “today is the day I am going to stop eating crap”. Here’s how your day shapes up: you have your healthy breakfast (I love overnite oats made with plant milk and non-fat greek yogurt, click here for a recipe) and then you sign up for your spin, yoga, boxing or pilates class. Your day is going strong, lunch too is great (maybe you have a sandwich or a salad, click here for a recipe) and then oops you forgot that you have dinner plans. Ok, you are still on track, you know you will have a healthy dinner. But what about having a drink or dessert (cause you know your friends will want to share a few desserts). Having the willpower or time to make sweeping lifestyle changes is not always easy as we all know. But the good news is that when it comes to losing weight, people who succeed the most often when they make small changes.
Here’s some helpful ideas for you to start healthy living:
Incorporate gradual tweaks to your lifestyle so that it will make it easier to maintain.
Focus on making one to two small changes at a time. These small changes will become a habit which will become sustainable!
Eat lean meats. Just because you're trying to stay healthy and shed a few pounds, doesn't mean you have to cut meat from your diet entirely. Try adding a leaner cut to your meal plan. For example, chicken without the skin, turkey, fish, low-fat dairy, eggs and soy products. And lean cuts of red meat, like sirloin, flank and round steak, are healthier alternatives to fattier cuts such as ribeye. And don’t forget about plant protein such as tofu, lentils and quinoa.
Eat good for you carbs! Not all carbs deserve the bad reputation they get. Complex carbs and carbs found in foods rich in fiber — such as vegetables and fruits, and whole-grain breads and pastas — are great for fueling your body and giving you the energy you need to get through the day. Eating high-fiber carbohydrates with protein can help stabilize blood sugar, which helps to minimize and/or prevent blood sugar highs and lows that often cause people to crave sugary foods.
Snack thoughtfully. It’s totally normal to need a snack (whether in the middle of the day or in the evening). Measure out portions using snack size bags so that they are easy to grab and you don’t end up eating a whole bag of popcorn or nuts!
I have so many more ideas to help you get healthy, but let’s not overload you all at once. When you are ready for more contact me at