Water is important

I am often surprised at how difficult it is for individuals to drink water and how little they drink (water that is!). The importance of drinking water and making it a part of your daily routine is necessary for good healthy living. Here are some easy tips to drinking water:

  1. Bring your bottle EVERYWHERE! It’s easy to remember to drink when there’s a glass or bottle of water nearby. Invest in a good quality water bottle

  2. Reward yourself. It’s hard to push yourself and create new habits. And, so when you set a goal treat yourself when you achieve what you’ve set out to do!

  3. Set reminders. You can set hourly reminders on your phone to take a sip, or there’s even apps that are specifically designed to help you drink more water: For example, Waterlogged for your iPhone.

  4. Eat foods that have high water content. Did you know that we can increase our hydration levels by eating foods that have a high water content? This includes fruits and veggies like cucumber, watermelon, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes are some good ones!

  5. Add flavor to your water. If you don’t like the taste of plain water, jazz it up by adding fruits/herbs/veggies. One of my favorites is cucumber and mint and I also love berries and citrus fruit slices!

  6. Have a glass before a meal. It’s important to drink a glass before a meal because sometimes our minds trick us into thinking we’re hungry when we’re actually thirsty.

I can’t say enough about how important it is to drink water! Want to hear more, contact me at rachel@livehealthynyc.com